When the twisted meaning was instilled, Li Shou had almost no ability to resist.

The Human Emperor Qu Yun was probably the most powerful creature in the entire world, but Li Shou's state was inferior to that of an ant compared to him.

When Li Shou's Tao Xing was distorted, he was unable to resist and had only one thought in his heart.

‘The villain is completely different from the one on TV.

The final BOSS on TV will not appear in the early stage at all.

He wouldn't even pay attention to an ant of my level.

Even if one day I really grow up, I might let myself go.

Unexpectedly, Qu Yun wants to nip all possible threats in the cradle...'

After this thought came to mind, Li Shou felt that his thinking began to change.

He gradually felt that a world where everything was balanced and fair was a particularly boring world.

He began to feel that for people, it is only interesting to be superior to others, dominate the world, and make the world stratified.

Otherwise, if everyone is fair and equal, then asking for strength and power seems to be useless.

And he gradually felt that the greatest enjoyment in life was to command others.

What fun is there if you are not surrounded by beauties, have wives and concubines, and have no one to take care of you?

The distortion of Taoism is the most essential distortion for those who enter the Tao.

It is a distortion of the soul and cognition.

Similar to the DNA modification of the human body, people who are modified directly from the basic rules will be affected by this throughout their lives.

Facing an opponent of this level, it was absolutely impossible for Li Shou to resist.

But when his Tao Xing was close to being completely distorted, the deception crystal in his body began to react.

This thing has some special ability, but it managed to hide it from Qu Yun and even started to deceive him.

He even secretly pulled back a ray of Li Shou's spiritual thoughts to provide him with a second perspective.

When Li Shou's Way of Balance was completely distorted, the Rule of Fraud actually watched the whole process calmly.

'what happened? ’

In the second half of the period when his soul was distorted, Li Shou suddenly felt that his mind had jumped out of his mind, and he was looking at another distorted version of himself from a third perspective, as if he had a split personality.

Before he understood what was going on.

Qu Yun has finished this matter and returned Li Shou's spirit to his place.

Uh... After being twisted, one of Li Shou's eyes glowed red, while the other eye exuded justice and peace.

Very good. Qu Yu glanced at Li Shou. After checking, he nodded with satisfaction and said: The stone monkey's soul cannot be distorted even if it is suppressed for half an era. Its will is too strong, resulting in the way of balance being unable to Distortion. The rules of basic balance are still there, so the world cannot be completely distorted...

But you are different.

As long as you take over the path of balance, that avenue can be controlled.

This time you can go with confidence and I will wish you sanctification.

In the future, his status will not be inferior to that of Ksitigarbha!

Thank you, the Human Emperor, for the gift! Li Shou saw his body kneeling on one knee from the third perspective, with a pious expression on his face.

Okay, go ahead and fight to replace the monkey.

Qu Yun didn't say much to Li Shou. With a wave of the sleeve of the Nine Saints robe, Li Shou left the scene in a fog.

How did you come and how do you go back?

Li Shou's body didn't know how far it had traveled, and suddenly he felt a hole opening in the space below, and then he fell.

When his sight returned again, he was already back in front of the Shushan Formation.

His sudden departure and sudden appearance naturally attracted everyone's attention.

Shuixian Juehuang and others naturally gathered around and asked about the situation with concern.

On the other side, Governor Yang was just curious at first, but when he felt the strange aura on Li Shou, especially when he saw the red light emitting from one of his eyes, he immediately rushed over with panic and fear on his face, and knelt down in the air. In front of Li Shou.

Big...big lord!


The real Li Shou, who was hidden in the deceitful gem, saw himself from a third perspective and nodded arrogantly, then looked around, When you see the person blessed by the Human Emperor, do not look directly at him, do not straighten your body, and lower your head. , bend your knees, cross your hands, put them on your chest, in a posture of surrender...

When Li Shou spoke, a powerful aura emanated from within.

Everyone at the scene knelt down on the ground with lowered eyebrows - without exception.

The composition of the people at the scene is very complex.

There are Taoist warlords, Wuzhuang Temple disciples, time travelers, and Shushan disciples.

Among the Shushan disciples, they were divided into those who were distorted, those who were not distorted but whose sword skills were damaged, and the disciples who were not dead but whose sword skills were not damaged, etc.

But under the pressure given by Qu Yu, there was no resistance at all, no matter who he was, he surrendered immediately.

The only one who can resist is Zhen Yuanzi.

But he had the ability but didn't have the heart. He was the one who wanted to surrender. There was no need to hold on any longer at this time. After thinking about it, he immediately expressed his surrender.

And because of the blessing of identity, Li Shou later naturally took over the real management authority of Wuzhuang Temple from Governor Yang.

Then, driven by his twisted will, he began to continue his journey of conquest of the Sword Domain.

Because of the existence of the semi-saint Zhen Yuanzi, and because Zhen Yuanzi knew that Qu Yu was paying attention to this, he no longer dared to hold back.

With the help of this semi-saint-level Ancestor of the Earthly Immortal, there is no one enemy in the sword realm.

Even the strongest Evil Sword Immortal in the Sword Domain is only in the Daluo Golden Immortal realm and is no match for Zhen Yuanzi.

In the next few months, Wuzhuangguan quickly conquered the Sword Domain.

And Li Shou also relied on the eyes left by Qu Yun to begin to distort the swordsmanship and turn them into swords of humanity.

At the same time, Li Shou even promoted the method of balance in the Sword Domain.

The coexistence of distortion and balance makes this place both prosperous and inexplicably weird.

‘It should be no problem. ’

In the past few months, the real Li Shou has been hiding in the deception crystal to observe and study.

He didn't dare to directly seize control of his body.

One is that he has no experience and doesn’t know how to operate it, and the other is that he is afraid that even if he takes it, he will be discovered by the Human Emperor.

The Human Emperor is the strongest person in the world, and he is cunning and twisted by nature. If he finds out the clues, he will never be able to turn over again if he is captured again.

So he has been studying and trying...

After countless experiments, Li Shou finally made a decision today.

'The previous attempts at touching were fine. The Deception Crystal is stronger than imagined. At least in terms of its ability to deceive people and deceive others, no one in the world can match it. Even if Qu Yun is not as strong as it in this aspect, it will definitely work. ’

Li Shou encouraged himself in his heart, and finally this ray of spiritual thought flew out from the deception crystal and began to try to take over the body.

Originally, in Li Shou's opinion, there would be a competition process.

After the contest between Twisted Balance and Fraud Rules, whoever wins will take over the body.

But unexpectedly, after Li Shouzhenling appeared, he directly cheated another Tao Xing, making him feel that he was one of his own, and he took the initiative to integrate and give up his body.

Is this done? After Li Shou regained control of his body, he still felt a little unbelievable and had to sigh, Sure enough, the highest level of deception is to let others treat you as one of their own, and to help others after being deceived. money.

After sighing, Li Shou was ready to go to Narcissus and Vanilla to discuss their future.

During the few months when he was demented, most of his classmates left here and returned to the main world.

Only Vanilla, Narcissus and Ma Nanzheng are still here.

The reason why Vanilla and Narcissus stayed was probably because they felt that things might turn around.

The reason why Ma Nanzheng stayed was that he thought it would be good to become a human being. Only by following a big backer could he become successful.

Ma Nan almost died when he was entering the Tao by balancing the rules, because in fact, the Twisted Tao was the Tao method that best suited his true heart.

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