Vanilla, stop it, he has already lost.

Li Shouchong used the Thousand Miles Sound Transmission Technique in the air. After the rays of the sun paused for a moment, the light curtain in the sky changed its angle and the rays naturally dissipated.

But until now, Bai Mei's soul has not recovered.

Still immersed in the move just now.

What... did you use? After a moment, he looked at Li Shou with concentration.

There's no need to tell you this. I just want to ask, does the bet still count?

There was a long silence.

Finally, Bai Mei nodded, I have an upright swordsmanship, and I will certainly keep what I have said.

As he finished speaking, Li Shou saw that the Shushan Mountain Protective Formation had dissipated on its own.

After listening to Bai Mei's words, some elders immediately lost the power of swordsmanship and returned to humanity.

And at this moment, Li Shou saw the whereabouts of these swordsman masters and their realms.

Just like the broken-winged bird, the broken-edge blade no longer has any lethality.

Of course, not everyone is willing to surrender according to Bai Mei's wishes.

Some people in the middle tried to resist, but were quickly killed by the people brought by the warlord.

Warlord Yang can sit in the position of Humanity Warlord, and his level of strength is naturally not weak.

He is a ninth-level sergeant, equivalent to the real immortal realm.

And because of the prosperity of humanity, humanity will crush everything else at the same level.

Those disciples who resisted were naturally no match.

But similarly, within the Shushan Sword Sect, at the moment of surrender, many twisters suddenly appeared.

Li Shou's profound Taoism naturally made him feel this. He found that some disciples of the Shushan Sword Sect clearly had a convert mentality after abandoning the Tao of Swordsmanship.

And it seems that the more upright and upright a person is, the deeper they fall into it after being distorted.

Hahaha, it's true! Governor Yang saw this and took out a decree from his arms. The decree issued a strange twisted meaning, and then flew into the formation, killing all the disciples who had twisted meaning after the corruption of swordsmanship All were captured in mid-air, and then guidance began.

Following the guidance of the decree, those people's inner demons finally broke out.

Haha, swordsmanship is a small path after all, and your achievements will not be too great in the end.

Yes, Patriarch Baimei can lose to a humane vanguard in the realm of immortals. What kind of swordsmanship should we practice?

It's boring. You'd rather break than bend. If you lose, there are only two ways to go. Either die or surrender.

In the end, strength has the final say in this prehistoric world.

If I had known this, I should have become humane long ago.

Practice the path every day for what purpose?

Hahaha, we are human beings. The Human Emperor brings prosperity to humanity and grants everyone eternal life. Why should we go against him?

Yes, it doesn't matter if you are against me. Anyone who is against the Human Emperor will die...

The will of those in the sky was gradually distorted, and the final decree sent out strange fluctuations, which actually led them into the twisted rules of humanity.

Can Tao Xing be changed? Li Shou was stunned when he saw this scene.

It's not changed, it's twisted. They still entered the sword, but now it's the sword of humanity. Narcissus's voice came from Li Shou's ears, and she had already flown here.

And Li Shou looked at it carefully, using Taoism to comprehend it carefully, and sure enough, he felt something different.

Once you have entered the Tao, you cannot change it.

But after the swordsmanship was twisted, it turned into something completely different.

The straight sword was twisted into a soft sword - no longer sharp, but as dangerous as a poisonous snake.

Hahaha, welcome everyone to join the torrent of humanity! After Governor Yang and other instructions were completed, he seemed to be very optimistic about these distorted swordsmanship Shushan disciples, and immediately recruited these people into the army.

In the future, the sword realm will be ruled by young talents like you, which will be the true orthodoxy.

Thank you, Overseer, for helping us correct our evil ways! Return to humane orthodoxy! These people immediately knelt down and burst into tears of gratitude.

Half of them really think so after being distorted.

After the other half was distorted, they naturally had the intention of erasing themselves and trying to please their superiors.

Just as Li Shou was fascinated by this twisted drama, an extremely powerful force suddenly appeared in the sky and sucked him in directly.

This power was so powerful and so swift that he had no ability to resist.

Like a mortal caught by an immortal, Li Shou was directly sucked into the black hole.

It wasn't until Li Shou disappeared that others such as Narcissus and Vanilla reacted.

what happened?

So fast!

Master Lao Li has been captured!

Others didn't react in time, and Li Shou came to a place he had never seen before.

There are many golden-domed halls here.

All kinds of overwhelming sounds filled the sky.

What I smell in my nose is a girl's body fragrance.

What I tasted in my mouth was a sweet and greasy taste.

The surrounding wind seemed to be soothing Li Shou's skin.

What is this place?

While Li Shou was still confused, his body was captured again.

The next moment, he appeared in an extremely gorgeous hall, behind a young man wearing Nine Saint robes.

On the Nine Saint Robes there is a kneeling Immortal Emperor, a red-eyed Buddha, a suppressed stone monkey, a depressed Sanqing, and a surrendered demon...

I don't know what kind of sacred object the robe is, but the pattern in it is not only lifelike, but the aura in it is extremely strong.

Li Shou was not familiar with the others, but he had seen the stone monkey, and the aura in the robe was more shocking to him than the stone monkey itself.

There is only one possibility - the Nine Saints' Yuanling, the suppressed soul of Stone Monkey, is on this robe.

Descendant of the monkey, are you here?

When Li Shou arrived, the young man wearing the Nine Saints robe turned and looked at him.

Face like a crown jade, British nose and red lips...

Li Shou had seen many beautiful people in his life, and Narcissus was the most elegant among them, but compared with the young man in front of him, he was completely different.

Others are beautiful and beautiful.

The boy's beauty is the interpretation of beauty, and he is beauty itself.

But the slightly too soft face, paired with a pair of red eyes, looks extremely weird.

You are... Although I couldn't believe it, the identity of the person in front of me was already revealed.

I am the Red-Eyed Human Emperor, Qu Tun.

'over! ’ This was Li Shou’s first thought after confirming the identity of the person in front of him.

He felt as if he had just opened a new map and was still playing the first level when he suddenly saw the final BOSS.

How is it possible to beat this?

Then his second thought was to run.

He tried to contact the deception crystal, but although his spiritual mind had already contacted him, the surrounding space was tightly blocked, and even the deception crystal couldn't break through this time.

It's been a long time since I felt unyielding and unfair tactics. Although there is the cover of the future Buddha, fortunately, I also have the law to observe the general trend of the world.

Of all the ways in the world, the one that interests me the most is the way of balance.

Only when balance is lost can one be truly distorted.

I can't twist the Stone Monkey, but you seem to be a good candidate for training.

As the Human Emperor spoke, he reached out and grabbed Li Shou's soul, and then endless twisted thoughts were poured into it.

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