Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 427 The Stone Monkey and the Buddha are the best combination

Li Shou thought he couldn't withstand the all-out attack from the old Taoist Bai Mei.

If he can no longer withstand this three-point blow, his indestructible body will be in vain.

The Heavenly Sword was hundreds of kilometers away and slashed down with a force that cut through the sky and the earth. Li Shou's speed of dodging was far less fast than Baimei's attack speed, so he had no choice but to resist forcefully as he couldn't dodge.

He protected his head with both arms, and the next moment he was struck by the Heavenly Sword.

Yes, even though the Heavenly Sword is already so big, it still has a sharp edge when it is cut down, without any clumsy feeling of smashing it down.

When the Heavenly Sword struck Li Shou, billions of sword energy penetrated directly into his body.

In an instant, his body was filled with countless meat grinders, and every inch of his body was cut by countless sword energies.

Even though Li Shou's physical body was indestructible, it could only resist for a moment and a half, and finally fell apart and shattered into several pieces in the air.

Hmph. Bai Mei saw that Li Shou's body was destroyed and snorted coldly: The humane lackey deserves this end.

But before he finished speaking, on Li Shou's body, the material body produced nerves and blood that instantly adhered, and the energy body attracted each other to complete the aggregation.

It only took less than a second for the torn body to return to its original state.

The technique of rebirth by dripping blood? Isn't this technique lost?

Baimei didn't believe in evil and took action again.

This time he flew into the Tao, fit into the Heavenly Sword, and wielded the sword with his own body, doubling its power.

Even if Narcissus weakened him this time, Li Shou still suffered almost unbearable damage.

The newly healed body was invaded by more and stronger sword energy, and it split into pieces of flesh the size of a palm in an instant.

And this time when Bai Mei saw that Li Shou was healing, the Heavenly Sword scattered into billions of flying swords and began to strike devastating blows at Li Shou's body.

He has heard of the art of rebirth by dripping blood.

Rebirth by dripping blood only has strong recovery ability, not immortality.

You can kill Li Shou by first cutting his body into small pieces with your sword, then completely destroying him with the true meaning of the sword, and at the same time killing the soul.

Bai Mei thought so and did the same.

During this period, Narcissus used various formations to stop him, but after all, there was an absolute gap in strength between the two sides, and they did not completely block Baimei's actions.

Old man, you dare to hit me, Old Li! I'm tired of living! The cold voice of Vanilla in the air came from all directions.

Bai Mei raised his head but couldn't see anything.

But above the nine heavens, a huge transparent curtain, driven by the laws of physics, absorbed the power of the great sun in the form of refraction.

Countless invisible transparent robots spread their wings and connected together when Li Shou was fighting just now.

At this time, the light is refracted together and gathered to one point.

Gather the energy of hundreds of thousands of kilometers of ancient sun into one line.

The entire sky has turned into a huge convex lens, and the center of the final concentrated light shines directly on Bai Mei.

Oh? People from the Mechanical God's Court?

Facing this light-speed attack, Bai Mei couldn't dodge and could only use his body to resist.

He has become a part of the sword, so he naturally has the protection of the sword.

But even so, parts of his body were quickly burnt.

He used countless flying swords to resist, but when the flying swords encountered the energy condensed by the primordial scorching sun, they were instantly melted.

Bai Mei wanted to hide, but she couldn't hide from the light.

Moreover, after Bai Mei fell into a passive situation, Narcissus's formation became more effective.

The feeling of no force in heaven and earth is felt more profoundly when one is at a disadvantage.

Bai Mei wanted to fight back, but the light curtain in the sky was so huge that it would not be completely destroyed in a short while.

In desperation, Bai Mei could only temporarily focus on Narcissus: It seems that it is right to test the sword on you first!

In the chess game, Bai Mei could only play three points out of ten points, and among the three opponents, the other two were too difficult to kill, and Narcissus's weakness was immediately exposed.

Bai Mei did what she thought of, endured the pain of being burned in her immortal body, gathered her sword energy and fired out with her sword finger.

A piercing sword energy penetrated the air towards Narcissus.

Under normal circumstances, Narcissus cannot block the attack of Bai Mei, the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

After one move, the body will be dead and the spirit will disappear. After getting out of the trap, Bai Mei can use all his strength to command hundreds of millions of flying swords, slowly cutting through the sky and breaking the vanilla moves.

Fortunately, Narcissus has a magic weapon with him.

When the Qi Sword approached, the Donghuang Bell on Narcissus' body emitted a golden light and responded to the attack.

Seeing that Bai Mei couldn't take down a single move, he concentrated his sword body and combined his body with Dao again, facing the scorching sun, and slashed at Narcissus again.

Under Bai Mei's full force, the light curtain of Donghuang Bell was finally cut open, but just at the moment when he was about to kill Narcissus.

Suddenly, a Buddha's hand grabbed his sword body.

At the same time, a figure jumped on his Heavenly Sword - it was Li Shou who had already recovered.

Although he was cut into countless pieces, as long as he was not dead, he recovered quickly.

Boy, you can't stop me. Although your tricks are magical, your level is too low after all. Even the condensed rays of the scorching sun cannot kill me for a moment. But before that, you all have to die. In this gambling battle, you It’s the one who lost!”

Bai Mei is very determined.

From beginning to end, although he had disadvantages, he never suffered a defeat.

It is not easy for the weak to defeat the strong, not to mention the huge gap between the two sides. No matter how many mistakes he makes, his life will not be in danger, but as long as he seizes one opportunity, his side will quickly lose.

Really? As Li Shou spoke, he suddenly broke out with a shocking force and broke the flying sword with his bare hands, and also tore away Bai Mei's protective sword energy, and even the protective sword technique.

Now the Buddha's hand is on Li Shou, and now the Buddha's power is added to him, but he has exploded with power far beyond what he had just done.

It's Unfair Warfare!

Li Shou used Unfair Warfare in actual combat for the first time.

The unyielding will can even tear the heaven and the earth apart.

Use the power of Tathagata to defeat the monkeys.

Unfair Warfare and The Power of the Present Buddha were used together, and Li Shou caught them with both hands.

Just once——

He broke the Heavenly Sword directly and tore Bai Mei's body into pieces.

Ah? Bai Mei couldn't believe what he was seeing until his immortal body and dharma body were destroyed, and until the sword way protecting his body was broken.

He would never believe that a person in the immortal realm could kill him with one move.

Even after Li Shou finished doing this, he was a little confused.

He knew that Unfair Warfare was very powerful, and he also thought that Bai Mei would be hit hard this time.

But I never thought that the power of Unfair Warfare and Now Buddha would be so matched.

‘Is it possible that the strongest spirit and the strongest power are a perfect match? This is a bit ironic. After all, according to earth mythology, Wukong and Tathagata are worthy rivals! ’

When Li Shounian wanted to be born, Baimei's body had been completely broken, and his soul came out of his body and into the air.

Seeing this, Li Shou stopped taking action.

The Narcissus not far away also stopped and only used the magic circle to lock his soul.

But Vanilla is not that easy to get along with. The laser-like light of the ancient sun still burns Baimei's soul - as if it wants to destroy him physically and mentally in retaliation for his wounding Li Shou.

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