Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 426: Twisting all the ways, three people fighting with Baimei

Li Shou naturally felt very unhappy when he saw Yang Shoukang taking care of everything in the air.

His current realm is only the realm of immortals.

Although there are various super-level bonuses - whether it is the blood of the current Buddha or the Unfair Warfare, they are far more indicative of strength than his own realm.

But cross-level combat can never be too exaggerated.

Above the heavenly immortals are the mysterious immortals...

He had fought in the realm of Xuanxian. Wu Sheng, the girl in red, was in the realm of Xuanxian, and she was an adventurer who had been in the realm of Xuanxian for a long time.

Before Li Shou learned Unfair Warfare, it was very easy to beat her.

But Wu Sheng also said, The level span of the immortal realm is wider than that of cultivating immortals. It is a higher realm and there is a huge difference.

Above the Xuanxian is the True Immortal, and Li Shou, the True Immortal, has the confidence to fight.

But now he is the Taiyi Golden Immortal who is above the True Immortal. He still wants to overcome the gap between the three realms. The span of realms is a bit too exaggerated.

Li Shou was unwilling immediately.

General Governor Yang, is there a big gap in strength between him and me? If we are going to fight, we should be of the same level to fight against each other. How can it be my turn?

You must do whatever I ask you to do. This is an order!

Strict hierarchy.

The law must be followed.

Superiors have the power to kill subordinates.

One of the three great gods of humanity is the Dalu Lingsi, who is also the ultimate holder of the Fang Ant camp and the rules of order.

How can it be your turn to talk about the decision above? Besides, I think the combat power you showed that day is still very strong. After the betting battle is over, I will give you a promotion!

After Yang Shoukang finished speaking, he returned directly to the formation.

At the same time, Narcissus' message from thousands of miles away was also secretly transmitted.

The Human Emperor attaches great importance to the incorporation, because the Human Emperor is a person who distorts the Tao, not the way of destruction. The Human Emperor once made a great wish to unify the heaven, earth, and all the ways of mankind and return them to the way of humanity. He wants to distort all the ways of Tao. Twist all the rules and become the human emperor for hundreds of millions of epochs. Therefore, as long as there is such a bet of surrender, the army here will definitely accept it.

You don't need to persuade me, it's useless.

We are just figuring out what to do now.

Is it a fight?

Or run?

After hearing what Narcissus said, Li Shou hesitated. If he ran away, all his previous efforts would be in vain.

If it was a fight, he was really not sure.

Moreover, he still has concerns about fighting. His own strength is not as good as others. If he uses the Pangu Ax, he is afraid that what he did in the Humane City before will be exposed.

After all, many people saw Pangu Ax at that time.

‘Are you escaping from the battlefield, returning to the main world, and starting over? Or take the risk and give it a try? ’

Li Shou hesitated again and again, but finally decided to give it a try.

Bai Mei, we can fight, but we can't fight one against the other. Your realm is much higher than mine, so you can naturally see that I am an immortal. I need to find two companions to fight against you. What do you think?

Companion? What companion? Bai Mei glanced at Zhen Yuanzi fearfully, and then saw Li Shou bringing two people who were far inferior to him in realm.

The two are naturally Vanilla and Narcissus.

Both of them.

Hahaha...why not? Baimei laughed and agreed.

As for Li Shou, Narcissus and Vanilla immediately distanced themselves without him having to say anything.

Li Shou thought for a while and did not take out the Pangu Ax for the time being, but he was ready to fight.

On the Shushan Sword Sect side, the mountain protection formation has also been activated.

At the same time, Zhen Yuanzi waved his hand, and Fa Tian Xiang Di appeared and put the entire Wuzhuang Temple into his sleeves.

Everyone is ready and the battle of wits has officially begun.

The first one to take action was Bai Mei.

He is in the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal. According to rumors, the biggest difference between Golden Immortal and ordinary immortals is that immortals are those who have entered the Tao, while Golden Immortal is part of the Tao.

He is the Word, and the Word is Him.

As soon as Bai Mei made a move, the momentum of swordsmanship came fiercely, and the indomitable sharpness seemed to directly pass through Li Shou regardless of time and distance.

Li Shou only felt pain on his body, and his chest was cut open directly.



Li Shou and Bai Mei were amazed at this moment.

Bai Mei was surprised that his one move didn't split the opponent's little immortal into two.

Li Shou was surprised that the opponent broke through the defense with just one move. The next battle was more difficult than imagined.

Difficulties are difficulties. If you choose, you have to fight.

After one move, Li Shou fought back directly.

When it came to the life and death battle, he could no longer retain it completely. Buddha's hands appeared on his body, and huge golden palms flew out from his chest and swelled in the wind.

It soon became as big as covering the sky and the sun, covering the ground for thousands of miles in radius, like a dome pressing down on the top of the sky.

The golden Buddha light represents the strongest power.

Only the strongest force can grasp the present.

Well, is there something weird about this Buddha's hand? Baimei was as uncomfortable as Wu Sheng was under the Buddha's hand.

It's just that he was much stronger than Wu Sheng and quickly got rid of the heavy pressure. He held the sword secret in his hand and stretched out his finger. The billions of flying swords behind him were wrapped with the true meaning of the sword, and they stabbed directly into the palm of the sky.

At first, Buddha's Hand had the upper hand.

After all, there are too many Taos in this world.

Some Taos are the great ways that govern the laws of heaven and earth, and some are the ways of humanity that are determined by man to conquer heaven, and are currently more tyrannical.

But some Taos are just Tao that belongs to the rules of heaven and earth, or to certain humane emotions.

Kendo is the path.

The now Buddha grasps the power of the present and the natural way.

The great road has crushed me, and now the realm of Buddha is much higher than that of Baimei.

At first, the billions of flying swords stuck in the Buddha's hand like burrs.

But not long after, the Buddha's hand could no longer hold on.

Bai Mei is far inferior to the current Buddha, but his strength is much stronger than Li Shou.

After gaining the upper hand and overpowering others with overwhelming force, Li Shou's magical power could no longer hold up. There was an emptiness in the Buddha's palm, and he could no longer hold it for a long time.

First, the dome-like Buddha's hand split into a golden gap, and then billions of flying swords merged into one, Bai Meiyu used the huge heavenly sword that was hundreds of kilometers long, and pierced the Buddha's hand with one sword - piercing a hole in the sky. .

Humph, it's just an appearance! Before Bai Mei could finish his words, he used his sword to kill Li Shou again.

Facing these billions of flying swords, coupled with the magic power of the White Eyebrow Realm, Li Shou felt that if he really resisted this sword, not only his body would be destroyed, but he would also have to turn into countless tiny pieces. piece.

Fortunately, this battle is not a one-on-one battle.

In the past ten years, Narcissus' strength has also made great progress.

With the help of Nuwa Yuan Lingshui, not only did his realm rise like a rocket to Xuanxian Dzogchen, but his understanding of The Chess Game of Heaven and Earth increased day by day.

In the first round of the contest between Li Shou and Bai Mei, she still set up the formation first, covering the entire battlefield within the chessboard composed of her own formation stones.

At this time, the chess pieces on the board were about to be moved, and she, as a chess player, was naturally unwilling to do so.

Every time comes, heaven and earth all work together, and the heroes are not free...

A loud sound was heard within the chessboard.

At the same moment, Bai Mei made his move, and suddenly felt like everything in the world is against him.

In the wilderness, countless thin threads of rules were bound to him.

His luck was stagnant, and the power of his moves was greatly reduced. When the Heavenly Sword struck Li Shou, he lost seven points of his strength before he could accomplish anything.

This month is the final stage of work. The game I made is about to be launched online. I have to work overtime seriously. The second update will be at 1 o'clock.

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