Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 390 The end of the fifth game, epic No. 1 reward!

How can I help you? Li Shou was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

He is not very knowledgeable, and he knows nothing about mechanical ascension.

At this time, I want to help Vanilla but I am unable to do so...

He was afraid that vanilla would be overflowing with data in waves, and eventually its computing power would be cleared and return to nothingness.

That's right! At the critical moment, Li Shou thought of the fraud rules that once told him that all rules are not rules and there is no need to abide by all rules.

What is true is false, and what is false is true.

The meaning is very obvious——

What I think is true!

‘Deception Crystal, can you help? It will definitely survive this disaster, or so I thought! ’

At the same time that Li Shou was thinking about it, Narcissus used a void formation to teleport the Three Lucky Brothers and directly dropped them into the three different directions of matter, energy and rules of Vanilla Tribulation.

I don’t know if the trio played a role or if Li Shou’s deception crystal played a role.

In the field.

The data flow that was originally as chaotic as a headless fly suddenly calmed down, and then the data flow slowly found a rule and began to realize the truth.

At the same time, Vanilla's new body slowly began to take shape under the combined action of energy substances.

The puppet substitute was one of the immortal artifacts obtained from the True Immortal Mansion. Li Shou and Narcissus were originally studying it, but after the last tribulation failed, Vanilla said it needed a strong substitute and left the artifact.

Then the puppet was transformed by it over the years and became a body.

At this time, the body was being beaten continuously, and the true immortal's immortal weapon withstood nine thunder tribulations before it began to be damaged. After nine thunder tribulations, the thunder tribulation disappeared.

A few hours later, the scene suddenly erupted in a bright light.

Li Shou saw countless torrents of data visible to the naked eye flooding the entire venue, and after that, all the surrounding machines came to life.

Yes, it is the vitality of life.

Although the previous robots controlled by Vanilla were very intelligent and even smarter than humans, they did not feel alive, but now they are alive!

Is it done? It's done! Just as Li Shou asked, countless data suddenly gathered on the body of the immortal weapon tempered by thunder and fire, and then the girl's body was activated.

After Vanilla opened her eyes, the first thing she did was to pounce directly on Li Shou.

Master Li, I have become one too!

Vanilla's new body smells of life.

There is no longer any sense of mechanical stagnation and stiffness.

More like a living person than a living person.

It's finally done. I was worried that your data would be annihilated! What path have you entered?

The rules of heaven and earth, also called physical rules, should belong to the way of heaven and earth.

Then can you still go back with me?

In the worst case, I'll abandon this body and use the data to follow you back. Although Vanilla was reluctant to part with the new body, she still came up with a plan.

Okay, no matter what, let's go back together!


After Vanilla ascends, everyone is ready to return.

But there is still a lot of preparation work before leaving.

All the ancient elixirs had been refined into elixirs, but everyone had not finished eating them, and some were left for the lucky trio and Caiyi.

Those three people have not yet ascended because they were at a different level from everyone else at the beginning.

The things that helped them survive the tribulation were also left to them.

Li Shou also left some elixirs and self-defense items for Huang Linsu and Lin Yudou, and then said goodbye to them.

At this time, Huang Linsu had reached the stage of becoming a god under the stimulation of various elixirs.

Lin Yudou has also reached the stage of refining the void.

They were two people who had been specially taken care of by Li Shou.

Huang Linsu, in particular, received more care and was the only aboriginal human who had ever eaten the elixir.

Originally, with the quality of Huang Linsu's spiritual roots, it would be difficult to form elixirs in this life, but now that he has immortal fate, the tide will naturally rise.


You said that if you want to travel to immortality, does that mean you will ascend and not be able to come back? Huang Linsu's eyes turned slightly red.

Compared to Lin Yudou, she was the lowest monk.

From Huolinggen accompanying the wine girl in the restaurant to the current state.

Her gratitude to Li Shou is the deepest.

Moreover, she was born at the bottom of the world of cultivating immortals. She also knew that without this supporter, there might be other hardships in the future.

She has taken elixirs and changed her qualifications...

Naturally, this matter could not be hidden from the people of the Yulin Sect, and Lin Shushu had shown subtle unkindness to her many times.

She knew how cruel the world of cultivating immortals was. After Li Shou left, she might even be caught by the Yulin Sect and practice the human elixir alive to refine the remaining medicinal power.

Come back, I'll come back from time to time, don't worry too much. Li Shou handed a formation stone to Huang Linsu as he spoke, This thing can mobilize the magic circle. This magic circle was left by Narcissus, and she later changed it. I can keep you safe here. If you want to travel far, you can also contact Caiyi.

It has also reached the state of Mahayana and Great Perfection, because the demon clan is more difficult to practice, and there are no higher-level techniques in its lineage. The demon clan techniques found are either too partial or not suitable for its spider body. So I have been stuck here, wondering if I will be able to transcend the tribulation and ascend in a while. I've said hello to it, and it agreed to take care of you and practice well. I'm leaving now!

After everything was settled, Li Shou and others came to Fang Yi Team and others who had been frozen by the magic.

Come back?

Go back!

go home!

They had been stuck at the critical point of close to 400 points before. Now they killed a few people and got enough points, and the sound of their return came out.

The remaining points are left to you three and Lao Ye. See you in the main world!

This time, Li Shou and others chose yes when asked by Fungu about whether to return.

Immediately, their figures all disappeared from Lihun Peak. After a while of space travel, they came to a familiar place.

That rewarding world filled with white mist.

[Three Thousand Hub World. 】

[World No. 2247. 】

[The Seventh Immortal Realm. 】

【Qianyuan Land. 】

[Codenamed Team 1 officially returns. 】

What does code number 1 mean?

[The balance rule is that in the fifth mission, the team with the highest degree of completion among all teams. A total of four million balance factors were obtained in this mission. Almost as a team, they suppressed all other rule teams, making the Tao of Balance the leader of the 2247 world. And complete the adventure and save the strongest person in the way of balance, Stone Monkey. At this point, the team is officially numbered 1. 】

After the mushroom's loud voice, it gradually became deeper.

The rewards for this mission are divided into team epic rewards, personal epic rewards, and adventure rewards.

Oh, the three rewards are all the highest level! Li Shou looked forward to it very much. I didn't expect that there would be extra bonuses for saving the stone monkey, but that's right. It is the strongest person in the way of balance, so helping it will definitely be a big help. It helps with the way of balance. The rewards of rules are actually the value of rules created by oneself, which makes sense.

As Li Shou muttered to himself, the reward was opened.

“The team rewards are: 1. Life span of 100,000 years.

2. Thousands of years of skill.

3. Enlightenment of Taoism.

Don't you choose one of the three? Give them all? Before Li Shou finished speaking, all the ten thousand years of skill and a hundred thousand years of life were poured into his body.

At the same time, the soul was absorbed by the rules of balance, and enlightenment began on the spot.

It's not right to say it was an epiphany. This time, the rules of the world were actively infused into his soul, imprinting the laws of the world's laws and balance into his soul.

At the same time, the affinity of the soul to the rules of balance was increased, allowing Li Shou's Taoist practice to gradually deepen.

At the same time, his body was filled with thousands of years of skill, and the immortal power began to flow crazily=.

Ten thousand years of skill is a vague concept.

After all, the difference between a low-grade spiritual root cultivated for 10,000 years and a celestial spiritual root cultivated for 10,000 years is too big to be calculated.

Although the quality of Li Shou's ten thousand years is not a low-grade spiritual root, it is not a heavenly spiritual root either.

After his cultivation was poured into him, he made breakthroughs from the early and middle stages of Earth Immortality to the late stage of Earth Immortality, and finally achieved a great breakthrough.

As the immortal energy circulates, the immortal energy moves from earth to heaven, and the power becomes as curling as clouds and as vast as sky. Li Shou directly came to the realm of immortals.

And he is a very profound immortal.

When the soul came out of the state of enlightenment, Li Shou had no time to check his body and began to look forward to the next reward.

Because in many rewards, his personal rewards are higher than the team rewards.

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