Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 389: Twenty years, Kyushu is safe, machinery soars

After entering the Lihun Sect, everyone celebrated for several days as if they were holding a birthday party for Li Shou and Li Shuixian.

A few days later, everyone sent away most of the monks from Yulin Sect.

Of course, the elixirs and magic weapons promised by Li Shou before leaving also came true.

Li Shou and others got a lot of storage rings when they were in the secret realm.

Some belong to time travellers, and some belong to high-level monks from Taiwu Kingdom.

But no matter who they are, most of them are very wealthy - at least much richer than the lower-level monks of Yulin Sect.

Most people have a full collection of storage rings, and some people even wear more than one storage ring.

But now that most of us have reached the Mahayana stage, most of the inventory of those masters are useless except for props that can be sold for money and sporadic secret realm items.

After all, no matter the indigenous masters or ordinary time travellers, their strength at that time was at most around the combined stage.

These remaining things are of no use to Li Shou and others, but they are very useful during the Qi training and foundation building stages.

After receiving such great benefits, everyone came to the celebration banquet and came home with smiles on their faces.

The excitement was followed by a long period of calm.

There is no time to practice in the mountains.

Time flies and another twenty years...

Over the past twenty years, students have come to the tribulation period one after another and began to transcend the tribulation.

With the experience and lessons learned from Li Shou and Li Shuixian, everyone has become more proficient in using the magic weapon to overcome tribulations, and the danger of tribulations has been greatly reduced.

And the most important thing is that the people in Li Shou's team have always followed the path of balance and treated people and things equally and fairly, which made it much easier for them to enter the Tao.

The only difficulty in entering the Tao was Ma Nanzheng, who was so scheming that he almost died on the spot.

However, because Li Shou's team always followed fairness, he was able to enter the country after narrowly escaping death.

But overcoming a tribulation is, after all, overcoming a tribulation.

Three members of Narcissus Team still died.

Because her team didn't have a cheat like Li Shou, and Narcissus was too young in the first two missions, she actually struggled in the first few missions.

At that time, I didn’t care about “balance or imbalance”. I just wanted to survive first.

In addition, the benefits of the balance factor are not as good as those of Li Shou's team, which is also the intuitive source of the way of balance, so overcoming the tribulation is even more dangerous.

Even if they acted fairly and justly in the later period, and even if there were all kinds of magic weapons to help them overcome the disaster, some people would still fail.

The deaths caused by these failures caused Narcissus to become more deeply silent and less talkative for a while.

At this point, Li Shou also understood the reason why Narcissus changed from a lively, cute and even talkative little girl to a woman as calm as a puddle of water - she was too kind and easy to empathize.

This may not be the first time someone in her team has died. Every time a teammate dies, she becomes even more silent.

When Narcissus was at her most silent, Li Shou, Vanilla and her other teammates were always chatting with her and trying to enlighten her.

But the smarter the person, the harder it is to enlighten them. Fortunately, she is smart enough, and she is slowly getting out of the haze.

During these twenty years, Li Shou has not been idle.

He first spent more than a year learning many practical little spells - such as Advanced Sword Controlling Technique, Space Dividing Technique, Photography from the Sky, Pure Heart Curse and so on.

These small spells are actually very practical. Although Li Shou can fly without the Space Separation Technique, with it, air resistance can be eliminated, allowing him to reach a normal speed of over Mach 500.

In the same way, he can use his immortal power to capture objects from the air even without magic. But with the magic, he can master the method and means, and the range of capture from the air is wider. When the immortal power is released, he can move mountains and rivers with just one thought.

In addition, after discussing with his teammates, Li Shou obtained the ownership of the Pangu Ax and began to refine this item.

This process took more than a year.

After the sacrifice, the Pangu ax was connected with Li Shou's mind and spirit. When used, it was as powerful as an arm and a finger, and it was also difficult to take it away with bare hands.

In the following ten years, Li Shou did three things.

One is to rely on the elixir to continuously stabilize and improve the realm.

Although he has reached his ceiling in this world, he can still slowly improve with the elixir of prehistoric times.

The second thing was that Li Shou had absorbed the elixir power of Sunflower Water Yinfeng and Soul-Condensing Ice and perfected the elixir. Now that he is a real immortal, he can naturally do things that he could not do before.

Third, Li Shou rummaged through the jade slips obtained from the Zhenxian Mansion and the jade slips exchanged by Bai Rong, and based on his own situation, he added two powerful spells.

He has been practicing these two spells for a long time, and they are both immortal-level spells.

One is called Silent Moon, which is a spell that increases the output of a single target. It can be enchanted on the weapon to greatly increase the ability to slash. This spell is a spell that comes with Li Shou's practice Silent Sky, so it naturally matches him very well.

The second one is called Liuding Yinshen Technique, which is a summoning spell.

Li Shou himself has summoning spells. This can be added to the original summoning spell, which greatly improves his ability to protect his teammates in team battles and his ability to kill in random battles.

It's been another twenty years. That day, Li Shou was sitting on the edge of the cliff of the mountain, looking at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance and counting the time with his fingers. It must have been sixty or seventy years since I came to this mission. No. I know how Senior Sister is doing.

Yan Ling'er was transformed by Vanilla using alchemy, and she would not die of old age in decades.

Then the world should be fine.

Li Shou looked at his wrist.

He had stored up several hundred years of lifespan before he came, just in case the mission took too long and would be exhausted.

But now, instead of being consumed, his lifespan is still increasing slowly and steadily, which makes him feel relieved - this means that the Kyushu world has not been invaded, or the invasion has not been successful, and the world is still under Vanilla's computing power. Running in balance.

Before Vanilla left, a small amount of computing power was left there, as well as weapons and equipment. Now that it has developed, even people who have completed about four missions can't handle it.

And adventurers generally look down upon this small world.

But things have been fine for a few decades, but things will change as time goes by.

In addition, Li Shou had offended someone now, and he was a little anxious to go back.

But he didn't urge it because Vanilla was about to go through a tribulation in the next few days.

Huh? While Li Shou was thinking a lot, something suddenly happened at the bottom of the mountain. When he looked closely, it turned out that Vanilla began to rise mechanically.

Unlike the human Tribulation, the Vanilla Tribulation did not leave too far from Lihun Peak, because at the foot of the mountain was its regular energy collider - she could only do the Tribulation here.

Li Shou flew down and saw particles bursting out from the collider. The high-energy energy from the root world in the void gathered into the air and was connected with the energy generated by the collider.

Narcissus also arrived at this time. She used a magic circle to protect the mountain peak while looking at Vanilla.

This is the second time.

Yes, the first tribulation took a long time for it to recover.

Hopefully this time it works.

Vanilla overcame a tribulation more than ten years ago, but failed.

At this time, it plunged into the energy group again. The mechanical body could not withstand such an impact and instantly disappeared into ashes, and the data spilled into the air. But at the same time, a puppet flew out, took over the data flow and began to absorb energy.

At the same time, the rules simulator on the other side that fired various thin wires also sensed something, started running wildly, and then exploded with a boom.

After Li Shou entered Taoism, he naturally understood the rules better. He felt that the rules on the scene were chaotic, and the scattered data of Vanilla was like a headless fly scurrying around in the world of rules.

Are you going to fail again? Mechanical ascension is so much more difficult than physical ascension!

Li Shou has always known Vanilla's abilities.

Li Shou also knew how traumatized Vanilla was when it failed to cross the tribulation last time. A lot of its data spilled into the rules world and would never be recovered. If it failed again this time, something big might happen.

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