Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 388 Narcissus’ Taoism, mechanical ascension, and return to elementary school

Come again!

Li Shou used the Soul-Burning Technique to attack again without believing in evil. This time his speed soared to Mach 500, with light flowing in all directions while flying.

The next second, there was another violent explosion.

Narcissus' stable balance triangle finally loosened a little, but then more triangles surrounded it, forming a cube and trapping Li Shou in the air.

Li Shou rushed left and right and couldn't get out of this balanced cage. He was about to use other methods to attack, but the seed of the world suddenly appeared and entered the cage, and then began to exude the aura of disintegration and destruction.

Balance and chaos are one.

Narcissus' Taoism is profound, and the Tao of Balance is applied in reverse, which directly produces the effect of chaos and disintegration.

When Li Shou entered Taoism, he once realized that after a person's body balance is destroyed, he will die soon.

Even if he doesn't die, he will become extremely weak.

At this time, Narcissus used the formation to do the same thing to him.

On the outside, there is the triangular balance of the Way of Balance, but on the inside, it is destroying the balance of his body.

Being in the formation, Li Shou felt that the balance of his body was constantly disintegrating, and his body was being destroyed from the inside. The damage he received was much greater than being hit by Pangu's ax from the front.

It's really awesome!

Li Shou felt that if he wanted to break through, he had to use all his magic.

But the energy in his body is too strong now, and he doesn't dare to use it with all his strength.

After all, Narcissus is one of his closest companions, and his body is not as invincible as him.

If the power of the spell is not controlled and the spell wave breaks through the cage and injures or even kills Narcissus, it will be too late to regret.

I think……

Li Shou wanted to shout Admit defeat but as soon as the words came out, the surrounding formations disappeared.

Narcissus Bingxue is smart and will naturally not make Li Shou look bad. He also naturally sees that the competition has reached this point and has basically measured the combat effectiveness of both sides.

The improvements on both sides are huge.

In terms of absolute combat power, Li Shou is definitely stronger.

But Narcissus is more functional, and can even exert an effect no less than that of Li Shou when prepared.

The only disadvantage is that narcissus are more brittle and die easily.

Brother Li, I'll give you the axe. After Narcissus took back the formation, he handed the Pangu Ax to Li Shou, If you are so strong, with this equipment, I think even in the prehistoric root world, we will have A place for one.”

Then it's best for me to use this ax from now on. Li Shou nodded, After arriving at the Earth Immortal Realm, this thing should be able to be sacrificed, right? Find time to discuss it with your classmates when you go back, and then It was sacrificed and refined into my natural weapon.

His defense ability is already top-notch, but his offense is still not top-notch.

After worshiping and refining the Pangu ax, it will become even more powerful.

Where's the vanilla? Li Shou took the ax and looked around.

As he looked around, after a while, some parts flew over from a distance.

While flying, it gradually formed the shape of vanilla.

Oops, I'm so far away, but I'm still shattered. Damn it for the Immortal vs. Robot! It seems I have to speed up my progress in mechanical ascension, otherwise the gap with you will be too big.

How long will it take for you to ascend?

Almost in the past few years, my three mechanical corpse gods have been almost refined for a long time, but in this world there are no super physical colliders like those of the mechanical god kingdom to assist in ascension.

I was afraid that something would go wrong, so I never dared to ascend.

In a few years, I will polish all the energy bodies and material bodies to perfection, and after I understand how the physical and mechanical rules work, I can safely ascend.

Okay, I don't understand the matter of mechanical ascension, but you should be careful. If it weren't for the help of the magic weapon to overcome the tribulation, I would have encountered many difficulties and dangers when I crossed the tribulation, and it was very likely that I would not be able to survive the tribulation.

Otherwise, you can wait until we get back and then go through the tribulation.

When the time comes we find the Hub World Mechanical God Kingdom or buy related props. How about you survive the disaster safely?

Let me try it myself first. The biggest advantage of mechanical ascension is that the body dies. After energy failure, you can still survive as long as the data is backed up.

It's just that if something goes wrong, it will take a long time before the next ascension can take place.

Let me give it a try first.

Okay. Li Shou nodded and then looked at Narcissus, What should we do next?

Let's return after all the students have ascended! Narcissus said: We have provoked powerful people now, and everyone needs the ability to protect themselves.

Although we have no way to continue to improve our realm in this world.

However, with the help of the elixir, the Earth Immortal Realm can still be stabilized, and it is not impossible to even advance the Earth Immortal Realm to the mid-to-late stage.

And Brother Li, I feel that you need to supplement some basic spell abilities.

For example, you have never practiced the most basic air separation technique. This is a basic spell that you can learn during the foundation building period and even the Qi training period.

It can separate the air and increase your flight speed.

Little spells like this are very practical.

Brother Li can use this time to lay the foundation.

Yes, let's learn a few more powerful spells. Li Shou nodded, deeply satisfied.

He had been eager to improve his realm before, but many foundations were not solidly laid, and his fighting style was relatively monotonous.

Now it's time to cover the basics.

It will be very fast to learn such basic things with the body of an immortal.

After discussing in the air for a while, Li Shou and the others returned home satisfied.

The combat effectiveness after overcoming the tribulation has been basically measured, and both he and Narcissus have improved qualitatively.

And when they flew back to Lihun Peak, they saw their classmates holding banners on Lihun Peak from a distance.

[Congratulations to the two old Lis for becoming immortals! 】

The large banner is made of green silk from the world of immortality, and the words are written using magic. The shining golden light gives it a feeling of being both vulgar and elegant.

Li Shou and others entered the mountain. As soon as they entered the mountain-protecting formation, they saw tens of thousands of fairies lined up to welcome them. Upon closer inspection, they all turned out to be people from the Yulin Sect.

The Yulin Sect originally had a large number of people. After years of development, it has long become the largest sect in the Yue Kingdom, with tens of thousands of disciples, all of whom are handsome and handsome.

Although they were found in a hurry, every one of them really wanted to see the earthly immortal.

There are very few earthly immortals in the entire world of immortality. It is impossible for the Yue Kingdom to have them in the first place. Let alone the Yue Kingdom, there are none in the Tailing Mountains and even the Taiwu Kingdom, which is a thousand times larger. Not to mention the earthly immortals, even in the Mahayana period. Hardly seen.

Today I can witness the grace of the Earth Immortal and understand the power of the Tao in the Earth Immortal, which will even be beneficial to my future practice.

These people stepped on flying swords and lined up on both sides of the Lihun Sect to form a humanoid queue in the air.

While forming a team, they also shouted: Welcome, welcome, warm welcome!

This scene was so bizarre that it seemed to take Li Shou back to the time he greeted the school leaders in elementary school.

Who came up with this?

I guess it's King Pee.

While Li Shou and the others were still confused, Li Hun Peak's teammates flew over, all smiling.

How about Brother Li, is this battle big enough?

It's a little awkward, but it's nice to be lively and lively.

Li Shou was not too resistant to this.

When you are practicing in seclusion, you are in a state of extreme tranquility, but when you are fighting for life and death, you are in an anxious state.

Li Shou spent most of his journey in these two states.

If there were only these two situations in life, it would be too boring.

Come in, everyone. Everyone who comes today will be rewarded with elixirs. Li Shou greeted everyone.

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