Where to start testing combat effectiveness? Li Shou asked.

Let's start testing Master Li's best defense ability! Vanilla took out the Pangu battle ax as she spoke.

The ax was taken from Zhao Yinuo by Vanilla when the team separated just now.

Just use it now!

This ax can hurt you before, let's try again! I don't want to fight with the master. After all, I am an AI, and it is not easy to gain trust. If I hurt the master, he will probably have random thoughts one day when he is fine. , I thought, 'Oh my, is this little vanilla going to be rebellious? 'It must be a different kind of person if it's not from my race'! So, Sister Narcissus, come here.

Yes. Narcissus took the ax and waited for Li Shou to stand up, then struck him on the shoulder.

At first she exerted little force.

But just this strength is greater than the strength of the former Chairman Fang Yi No. 1.

After all, although he has only survived the sixth level of thunder tribulation, Narcissus is a real earthly immortal, and his immortal body is naturally much more powerful than his magical body after being tempered by thunder and fire.


With a bang sound, Pangu's ax collided with Li Shou's shoulder, but he was unharmed.

Then Narcissus became determined and increased his strength to three points.

After another loud noise, the ax blade hit Li Shou's shoulder, but he was still unharmed.

So many thunder calamity temperings have indeed added a lot of defense. And the defense is mainly increased with the Vajra Indestructible Body. I don't know to what extent... Li Shou was a little excited when he saw this.

Then I'll use my full strength!


Narcissus then used all his strength, and the ax broke through the air and struck Li Shou on the shoulder. The sound circled the mountains.


Li Shou's body was still intact.

Not only Narcissus was a little surprised this time, but even the data-mad Vanilla felt that it was a little different from his calculations.

It's a bit too strong. Does the energy of the Vajra Indestructible Body and Thunder Tribulation have a superimposed effect?

I don't know. Li Shou didn't understand either. After all, the Great Luo Jindan was given by Hericium. The specific effect is really unclear.

Then let's continue the test...

Narcissus took the words and poured the immortal energy into the axe.

This time the Pangu Ax has undergone a different change.

When everyone was still cultivating immortals, they could not fully control the power of this Pangu Ax.

Now that the immortal energy is poured into it, the entire ax turns into a gilded color, and its power is obviously greatly increased.

Narcissus swung out his axe, and the axe collided with Li Shou's body, instantly bursting out with blazing light like stars colliding.

The light scattered out, and the power it spread directly broke Vanilla's body, and even sent Narcissus flying backwards.

After Li Shou withstood such a blow, his body was finally damaged. A small wound appeared on his shoulder, and the wound was as clear as glass.

But it's still the same as before, the wound disappears in a flash, and if you don't have good eyesight or pay careful attention, you won't even notice that it once existed.

The limit has been tested! Vanilla dragged the broken body back and said while repairing the body with nano-robots: Only people of the same level can break through the defense by using the top props.

The power of this prop ax far exceeds the immortal weapon obtained from the True Immortal Mansion.

If converted equally.

Under normal circumstances, regardless of the bonus of top-level items, if you want to break your defense, you need a higher-level immortal and use good immortal weapons.

However, it is still unknown how big the level gap between immortals is, but the conditions for earth immortals to break through your defense are too stringent, making it almost impossible to do so.

Even if the defense is finally broken, Brother Li's ability to be reborn by dripping blood will make people despair. After Narcissus said something, Vanilla continued, We will not test Sister Narcissus's defense and directly enter the battle. Let’s do this, I’ll stand far away this time.”

After the jelly grass opened a sufficient distance, he scanned here from a distance.

Narcissus and Li Shou are also ready to show off.

Just hit him?


After the two confirmed it, Li Shou took action directly.

The start-up speed of 190 times the speed of sound allowed him to instantly close the distance with Narcissus. As Li Shou flew over, Narcissus struck down with an axe. Li Shou moved in the air and increased his speed again. He reached behind Narcissus and pushed with his hand, directly pushing Narcissus to the side. On the bare hilltop.

Narcissus' body hit the bare stone mountain, causing it to collapse.

The gap between speed and strength is too big. At close range, Sister Narcissus really has no chance. Vanilla commented from the side: But Sister Narcissus definitely has more than this ability. Her time to overcome the tribulation is not much shorter than yours. Be careful. Master Li!

Li Shou did not continue the pursuit.

The short game is not what Narcissus is good at.

I wasn't good at it before, but now the gap with him is even bigger.

If it was a life and death fight just now, Li Shou felt that if he really punched with all his strength, Narcissus would probably die immediately.

But then again, with Narcissus's personality and intelligence, if someone really has ill intentions towards her, it would be difficult for her to let others get close to her.

The first round was an unfair match.

Li Shou's force in pushing Narcissus away was not strong. Narcissus quickly stood up from the pile of rocks, and then floated out fragments of the end of his body to act as formation stones, and formed the formation directly on the spot.

The speed of her formation was not slow, but it still took a while. During this period, Li Shou did not attack again and waited for her to complete the formation.


Okay, come on!

Seeing that the opponent was finished, Li Shou transformed into Missile Impact again.

But Li Shou's current speed is much faster than the missile.

The maximum speed of most missiles on the earth is only a few times the speed of sound. After Li Shou accelerated, it was a hundred times faster than the missile.

The vibration and sound caused by the whistling in the air are enough to shatter a mortal into pulp on the spot.

With the power of the air being torn and ignited, Li Shou slammed into Narcissus like a bolide.

This attack was extremely fierce, but before Li Shou could fly over, the aerial formation changed and blocked him.

Although Narcissus' physical speed is not as fast as Li Shou's, his formation speed is faster than his flying speed.

The formation stones formed a solid triangle after a burst of transformation in the air.

Li Shou hit the triangle with a loud bang sound. After the energy explosion for dozens of kilometers on the spot, Li Shou was directly knocked to pieces by his own power.

He looked at the triangle formed by the formation in front of him and felt like a mortal bumping into the south wall.

Is it that strong?

Li Shou rose into the air and looked down from a distance.

Although he is not deeply into the Tao, he can still see that the triangle below forms a very stable triangular balance. The balancing Tao method has been integrated into the formation by Narcissus, which coincides with the way of heaven.

This is Taoism! The way of balance!

Taoism is always more advanced than magic. Li Shou knew this a long time ago. He was just surprised that Narcissus could enter Taoism so deeply.

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