Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 370 Invitation to join the game, someone from Yulin Sect

In fact, it is a normal mentality for many people to want to complete the task quickly and go back.

After all, unlike Li Shou, some people still have family members on Earth.

Over the years, Li Shou has seen more than once that some people in the team used their lifespan to buy many life-prolonging elixirs and props and bring them back to Earth.

Basically they are used by close relatives.

The longevity of these people is determined by the number on their arm, and things that extend life are of no use.

But in the Traveler Club, those life-extending props and elixirs have always had good sales, and some of them are even very expensive.

It's because of the original bond.

But the current situation does not allow it.

Silly bird, you finally got so many treasures from ancient times, but you can't take them back. If you don't eat them here and digest them all, wouldn't it be a waste of time?

Someone was the first to issue a rebuttal.

It's okay to digest after eating, but it's best not to wait until you reach the realm of earthly immortals. How many years will that take?

Is there any other reason? Li Shuixian looked around and asked when he saw no one was around.

Since this mission, there have been only two biggest changes.

One is that Fang Yi's artifact is related to the secret mission, and the other is that Li Shou suddenly became invulnerable.

And these two points are obviously related.

Li Shou didn't have time to talk about it just now, but now that he is going home, he still needs to make it clear.

Hmm... Li Shou pondered for a moment, then looked at Peipei, the three of them, and Ye Muli, Do you want to listen too? If you listen, you may get involved.

It doesn't matter to natives like Caiyi and Huang Linsu, they can't understand it either.

But if the story of being hunted were told, it would definitely put others in danger.

The three of us want to listen. Pepe and the others agreed quickly, We want to join your team after this mission, if there are still places.

Okay. What about you?

I'm going to divine something. Ye Muli started to divine as he spoke.

Li Shou has seen Ye Muli perform divination many times, and it's usually very fast - but this time it was particularly slow.

I saw that his hair was growing out one after another, and he was sweating profusely during the divination. In the end, his face turned pale and his nose bleeded. It was obvious that he had exhausted too much mental energy.

How about it?

There are too many involved, too big to be calculated at all. I only know that the hexagrams mean great life and death. Great dangers are hidden in them, but they are also accompanied by great opportunities. It seems that I will be integrated into it with this step. In the vast whirlpool of the sea...

Then what's your decision?

It's a gamble. Ye Muli smiled and said, How can I not get involved in such an interesting thing? The worst that can happen is that I will die, and I've already earned a living!

Hahaha! Awesome. Anyone who can survive to the fifth mission is a coward. People without a sense of adventure will never come to this one.

Since everyone has no objections, I will say...

Li Shou then told everyone the information he got from Fang Yi and the secrets about the bluestone bricks and seals.

After listening, everyone was silent for a while.

This means that once we return to the main world, we will be hunted down? King Urine covered his forehead, I thought we could calm down for a while when we go back this time.

That's right! Guo Pengfei and Liu Teng also spun around anxiously, I originally thought it was something like that, we became adventurers, and then we basically got life span and all that at will.

Then, no matter in the main world or elsewhere, it belongs to one overlord, and no one dares to mess with it.

When the time comes, I will be happy for eighteen hundred years and then do something else.

How do you want to feel good? Li Shou asked.

How can it be fun? Let's just relax and live a good life. It's nothing more than eating and drinking, living leisurely, and then finding some women...

We have fairy fruits to eat here. If you want women, we will call all the people from the Yulin Sect. If you go to other places, there won't be so many fairies to serve you. Give them some benefits then, and you won't be afraid that they won't come.

In terms of eating, drinking and having fun, what is not better than the main world?

It’s not like you haven’t experienced the benefits of fire spirit roots and water spirit roots.

And the world here is so big, you can go on adventures if you want.

That's right! Then I have no objection. My family members are all dead of old age anyway. King Urine raised his hand first, and then everyone felt that it would be good to stay here.

Even if there are people in the family who object, they don't dare to go back alone.

After all, they were the ones who broke other people's missions together. Going back was very dangerous, so they had no choice but to stay here.

The so-called Mr. One is not easy to mess with.

Okay, let's settle it for now. Let's pick the skills. There are not many skills that can be cultivated to the realm of earthly immortals. Even though we have blackmailed so many top sects, there is still not much room for choice. Everyone find and Just practice directly related to spiritual roots...

After all, Earthly Immortal-level skills are not ordinary things.

Guangli Soul Sect, a small Yue Kingdom sect, has a lot of techniques that can be practiced to the stage of divine transformation.

But with so many top sects in the Tianmen League, there aren’t that many earthly immortal level techniques to choose from.

Fortunately, there was at least one set for each attribute, so everyone had no choice but to divide the techniques on the spot.

within the next period of time.

Everyone took a short break to adjust for a few days, and then began a life of semi-reclusive cultivation.

During the day, you eat elixirs and fruits, and you eat low-quality elixirs made from vanilla. You digest and absorb them at night and then practice.

With the help of the primordial elixir and the increase of the sapphire amethyst bottle, everyone's strength is rising like a rocket.

But not long after these peaceful days passed, people from the Yulin Sect came to congratulate him.

After a period of time, the news about the Tailing Mountain Range has been transmitted, and many people know that most of the immortal treasures and spiritual objects after the secret realm was opened were taken away by Li Shou and his group.

The information and whereabouts of Li Shou and others were conveyed very clearly, and it seemed that someone had done it intentionally.

With such benefits in hand, and the people from the Yulin Sect having had a good relationship with Li Shou and others before, it was impossible not to pay a visit at this time.

Li Shou was practicing that day when he heard a familiar voice shouting outside the mountain gate.

Everyone from the first or third sect, everyone from the Yulin sect wants to see you.

They are coming... Li Shou opened his eyes and before he could stand up, King Urine jumped up.

You're so excited. Ma Nanzheng glanced at him, You have no future.

Nonsense, soldiers have to relax after ancient wars. We have been born and died for so long, can't we enjoy it?

Just as excited as King Urine were Liu Teng, Wang Zheng and others.

Although the male teammates of Narcissus Team were not so fierce, they all stood up.

Let's make an agreement first that we won't divide the ancient secret treasures. There are a lot of objects left behind by those big sects. If we don't need them, we can give them to them.

Li Shou's impression of Lin Shushu has always been average.

From the moment he went to her peak and saw her slaughtering ordinary people like cattle and sheep after use, he knew that this person and the people of Lihun Sect were essentially the same thing.

Although everyone had a lot of surplus, Li Shou didn't want to share it with them.

Don't worry, Brother Li. So many Sky Alliance masters have died, and their storage rings contain many magic weapons and objects used by high-level immortal cultivators. We don't like them, but for these small local monks in the Yue Kingdom, They are all treasures! There is no need for things from ancient times.

While everyone was talking, the mountain door opened.

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