Li Shou's team discussed it on the spot and unanimously decided to return to Li Hun Peak first.

I'll go with you too. Caiyi volunteered to join. If I don't have absolute strength and stay in the Tailing Mountains, I will most likely get into trouble.

Yes. Li Shou nodded.

Although Caiyi followed the team this time, he got benefits far beyond those of ordinary demon kings.

But at the same time, he not only offended the human race, but also offended other demon kings.

Especially since it hasn't absorbed much of the power of the elixir yet, in terms of hard power, it may not be stronger than King Hua Peng.

After all, King Hua Peng still has ancient blood, and even if Caiyi is at a higher level, it will be difficult for him to win.

Besides, Caiyi was not the only one to offend.

Actually, if it weren't for Caiyi and us, those old turtles would have died long ago. It makes sense for the human race to hate it. Why do the demon kings hold grudges? The truth is on Caiyi's side. Can't we just talk about it? Chen Zihan told the truth.

But those demon kings were robbed of many things by us in the end. Even if it is true, they will inevitably have resentment in their hearts. If you want them to sit down and obey our orders, Caiyi must be strong enough.

This time, come back to Lihun Peak with us and wait until Caiyi absorbs all the power of the elixir.

Then when they come back, they will probably sit down and be obedient.

Yes, taking the initiative is the most important thing! Especially I remember that Caiyi also has an enemy, the Wasp Demon King or something. I think it is not dead yet, and it will definitely fan the flames behind the scenes to make other demon kings even more angry.

Then stop talking nonsense and go back together. The three people from Life Rules and you three, Pepe, will also follow.


The lucky trio followed the team to score points, and their scores also increased steadily.

They were willing to follow Li Shou's team, and the three members of Li Shou's team were also willing to let them follow.

Everyone even wants to recruit three people into the team.

After all, they are all people who balance the rules.

Although they have little combat power, their supporting role is greater than anyone else's, and they will continue to be useful in the future.

The man is in love with his concubine, and they hit it off immediately.

The team returned from the Tailing Mountains with a large amount of loot, passed through high mountains and dangerous peaks, and flew through canyons. They finally arrived at the junction of the Yue Kingdom and the Tailing Mountains.

After arriving here, the white fox was ready to leave the team.

I can't worry about those little foxes, let's just say goodbye.

This time, White Fox provided some help in intelligence and identity protection in the early stage, and also obtained some ancient secret treasures and elixirs.

The overall strength has reached the stage of divine transformation, and there are still many things that have not been digested.

When it is completely digested, it will become a powerful force.

You are not afraid?

During the battle, I almost didn't take any action, and no one noticed that I was a little monster. There was nothing to be afraid of. To those monks and monster kings, I was no different from an ordinary soldier. I usually work here too Lingshan Edge also keeps a low profile, so there is no problem.

The white fox shook his head.

Okay, if anything happens, go to Li Hun Peak to find us!


After Bai Hu left the team, Ye Muli sighed slightly when he saw this scene.

It seems that everyone who follows your team will be treated fairly in the end. Even this little white fox, who was useless for most of the journey, still gets such treatment.

It's always been like this. Li Shou nodded, Why, what do you think?

I hope there will be opportunities for cooperation in the main world in the future.

Then just leave your contact information before leaving.

While everyone was talking, they set off again.

The Tailing Mountains are large and the Yue Kingdom is small.

In fact, when everyone arrived at the edge of the mountain range, they were not far from the Yue Kingdom.

It didn't take long for everyone to arrive at Lihun Peak.

After everyone has been walking for so long, there seems to be no trace of invasion or attack around Lihun Peak.

On the contrary, as soon as everyone approached the peak, the mountain guarding formation automatically started to operate, and the surrounding area started to swell with wind and clouds.

This is the territory of my first or third sect. Anyone who dares to invade will be killed without mercy!

When the mountain-protecting formation was activated, a female monk's voice came from the mountain.

Huang Linsu, it's me.

When Li Shou said hello, Narcissus also opened a passage with his hand, allowing everyone to fly in.

After everyone entered the mountain peak, they saw that it was still empty inside.

Huang Linsu was the only one guarding the mountain.

Huang Linsu saw that everyone had returned, bringing with them various secret medicines and spiritual fruits that were as tall as a hill. No matter how stupid you are, you all know that everyone's exploration of the secret place went very smoothly.

What's more, Huang Linsu is a person with a sharp mind, and it is precisely because of his sharpness that he has been able to get this great opportunity from the Qi refining stage.

Master, you are back. Huang Linsu flew to Li Shou excitedly and burst into tears. Partly pretending, and partly because he was actually a little bit excited to see Li Shou and others coming back.

After all, we have known each other for a long time, and we all get along well with each other. We all have feelings for each other, not just grass and trees.

But for the remaining eight points, she felt that she had made the right bet.

She, a Huo Linggen cultivator who used to be a companion in the foreign monastery, might get to eat the ancient secret treasure today.

How could this not excite her?

A thousand years of life is just around the corner!

If I don’t cry bitterly, I will be sorry for this great opportunity.

You have been guarding the mountain for several days and have done a good job. You must have dealt with some troubles in these days. Li Shou has lived to this day and is so old. He can understand Huang Linsu's thoughts despite his experience in human relations. He said immediately: What we brought this time If I can’t use up anything, I’ll share it with you when the time comes.”

Thank you, Master.

Hahaha, don't call me Hall Master. One or three sects are fake. Just call me Brother Li.

Thank you, Brother Li.

While talking, everyone flew back to the mountain peak.

It feels like coming home.

After all, it's been in the past twenty years.

Everyone piled the loot to the top of the mountain and looked at the surrounding plants and trees.

They looked at the vegetation, while Huang Linsu stared at the fruit that was taller than the house.

Let's get down to business first. Li Shou took out the big man's soul and handed it over to the Rules of Life trio. We are in a battle royale game, and the rule is to kill each other when we meet. We have caught you. No killing, now when you help me finish the physical body, when will I leave. Is it fair?

Fair enough. The three of them had no objections. Then let's start working on it now.

Go to the foot of the mountain, I want to take a look. Vanilla led the three of them with a learning attitude.

Next, let's allocate our time like this. Most of the time will be practiced here. During the breaks, Ye Muli will lead the team and find one of our own to hold the three artifacts to chase down the other fleeing teams. Our scores are almost equal. Help Lao Ye and Peipei to score more points. Be careful not to kill four million points.

Li Shou pointed at the remaining Fang Yi Guild Leaders who were frozen.

We still have 200,000 points stored. We just need to kill 3.9 million points. Then we will wait until we reach the tribulation stage, then kill these stored points, and then return directly.

Actually, you can just go back. I miss home... Someone else in the team wanted to say something.

But Narcissus glanced at the floating bluestone bricks and pulled him to shut up.

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