Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 365 Obtaining three artifacts, confusing the natives

No. 1 never thought that his fighting would one day reach this level.

He was completely unprepared!

At least I wasn't prepared for elementary school students to wrestle and grab things.

After all, now that he has three magical weapons in his hand, even those who are much more powerful than him will find it difficult to get close. If they get close, they will hit him quickly and get away.

For no other reason, Pangu Ax is too powerful.

Strong in distance combat and even stronger in close combat, no one wants to take an axe.

But today I unexpectedly met a weirdo.

A freak whose body was as hard as an artifact came to steal his things.

Li Shou pulled him hard, but the opponent was not weak. He would not be able to pull the opponent's things away for a while, so he used Soul Burning Technique and talked to distract the opponent.

Hey, I just saw a blue brick floating above your team's head. What is it for?

none of your business!

Number 1 struggled while responding, but found that the opponent's strength was getting stronger and stronger.

If you don't tell me, I'll kill you and ask your teammates.

You don't have the ability!


After using the Soul Burning Technique, Li Shou's spiritual power exploded and finally gained the upper hand. He reached into the opponent's arms and pulled hard on his breast shield, trying to take it out.

When he thought about it, this heart-protecting mirror was also a divine weapon. With No. 1's current combat power, it was difficult to perform any sacrificial rituals such as recognizing the master with a drop of blood, so he just wore it casually.

But an artifact is an artifact after all. Although it was not successfully refined, it is not so easy to pull away.

The breast protector emits divine light and sticks tightly to No. 1's body, unable to be broken off for a while.

In desperation, Li Shou could only bite open the poison sac and swallowed Chen Zihan's enhanced venom.

Before the war, Li Shou would prepare these things for emergencies.

The venom is strengthened by the sapphire amethyst bottle and placed in the poison sac at the base of the tongue. If it is useful, bite the poison sac.

The venom entered his throat and Li Shou's whole body was set on fire.

Under the double bonus, Li Shou's strength surged countless times. He knew that these two skills had serious sequelae, and he must go all out at this time.

Ah! When a person is tearing with all his strength, he will unconsciously make the sound of gnashing his teeth. When Li Shou gritted his teeth, he made a rattling noise.

Finally, No. 1's breast shield was torn off by him.

It's over! The moment the goggles were removed, No. 1 made a horrified voice.

It's really over!

Li Shou only responded with one sentence, and then he strangled the opponent's head with his iron-like arms. With the power provided by the soul-burning technique and venom, he directly strangled No. 1's head like a watermelon.

Another advantage of the indestructible body is that Li Shou's body is really much harder than iron pliers.

Without the close-up protection of the goggles, No. 1’s head is really “a little soft” in comparison.

After strangling No. 1's head, Li Shou broke off his wrist and fingers and took the Pangu ax.

While he was doing this, the Nascent Soul in No. 1's belly tore at its body and tried to fly out.

However, after the stage of transformation, it was not so easy to escape as the Nascent Soul was connected to the body. After such a delay, Li Shou struck down with his axe. The powerful destructive power of Pangu's ax directly cut his Nascent Soul into two pieces.

We won. After killing this most powerful opponent, Li Shou gained a lot.

Three artifacts, hahaha, three! This time I will also become a gold player.

Not to mention the rich inventory that may exist in Storage Ring No. 1.

These three artifacts alone can directly double the combat effectiveness of their team.

No. 1 fell here today because Li Shou's characteristics were too restrained for him.

In fact, in terms of the comprehensive combat effectiveness of the combination of the three major artifacts, it is definitely no less than the combat effectiveness of Li Shou's own body, and it is even more suitable in many situations.

Li Shou picked up the three artifacts on the ground and inspected them.

There are really ancient characters on the axe, and Li Shou can understand the characters with the help of rules.

Sure enough, it is the word Pangu. Then there are also words on the golden bell. This is the Donghuang Bell. The imprint on this heart-protecting mirror is, Qiankun Yiqi? Then this is the Qiankun Yiqi Mirror.

After accepting the three artifacts, Li Shou wanted to continue researching them.

But time waits for no one at all. He has killed the BOSS in the Evil Realm. The battle outside is not over yet, and everyone is still in danger.

Forget it, help first!

As soon as he accepted the artifact, Li Shou withdrew the cold air from his evil domain and came outside.

As expected, the fight was still in full swing outside.

Those who have survived to this day are not weak. Whether they are indigenous people, the Fang ant team, or other high-level teams, their combat effectiveness is extremely strong.

After Li Shou appeared, the fight was getting fierce, but as soon as he appeared with the Pangu ax in his hand, he took advantage of the power of the medicine and the Soul Burning Technique that had not yet ended to turn into golden light, and killed the people who broke into the array one by one with one axe. A few.

The advantages of the artifact are fully demonstrated at this time.

Li Shou was not very destructive in close combat, but now he would hit the opponent with his axe, no matter what he was wearing, whether it was a magic weapon, a Taoist robe or a defensive item.

No matter what, it’s all knocked down at once!

It's a divine weapon! Is No. 1 dead?

The other people from Fang Yi saw Li Shou appearing and holding the Pangu ax. They knew what was going on inside without guessing, and they were all frightened.

They know the power of artifacts best.

No. 1 couldn't defeat the opponent even with the artifacts he held. Now that the opponent had obtained three artifacts, he was even more powerful. The remaining members of the Fang Ant team had no idea of ​​fighting, so they scattered and fled.

But the people in Li Shou's team are not vegetarians. Immortal-level poison spells and flames are everywhere, and vanilla photon cannons are firing in the distance. The most important thing is that Li Shou holds the Pangu ax tightly and tries to pour spiritual power into the axe. Finally, the ax really glowed with golden light.

He imitated the way No. 1 once did and swung the ax, and the golden light spread out with waves, seriously injuring the members of the Square Ants wherever he passed.

Then Li Shou flew up and opened his mouth wide, spitting out the Immortal Level Zen Wind Ice Breath Technique, directly freezing these seriously injured people.

Well... As soon as he finished this, Li Shou felt tired and his spiritual power stagnated for a while before he fell from the air into his camp.

Brother Li!

Brother Li, are you okay?

What can happen to me? I'm fine if I'm not dead. I'm just a little exhausted after taking Chen Zihan's venom. Now that the enemy has been removed, you hurry up and hunt down the others. I just saw that the teams in the distance have begun to run for their lives!

Although Li Shou's team blocked the entrance.

But compared to being taken away by the secret realm and trapped here forever, it is obviously more cost-effective to die now.

The lesser of two evils, many teams still chose to escape.

Go after it! Li Shou threw the Pangu Ax and other artifacts to his teammates, Don't worry about me, kill more!


With the divine weapon protecting the body, the team's combat effectiveness soared, and they chased the others like a cat and a mouse.

Li Shou stayed where he was to cultivate.

After his classmates and other teams fled in pursuit, Li Shou suddenly noticed that the scene was much quieter. The indigenous people and indigenous monsters had stopped at some point.

You guys fight, what do you want me to do?


The natives were confused by this time.

He didn't know why these people started fighting without distinction between you and me.

Sometimes they are allies, sometimes they are fighting each other, and they seem to know each other and have some contact with each other.

The situation is out of control - they don't know what to do!

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