Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 364 Catching a Turtle in an Urn and Pulling It Away

Stop, stop, stop!

When the number of people had become much smaller and the chaos was almost controllable, Narcissus used the formation to support his words.

Although her voice was loud, no one listened at first, but as her words became more and more in line with the Fang Yi Team's wishes, under the dominance of the two forces, the intensity of the battle suddenly stopped a lot.

There are currently 8 demon kings left in the field, some of them are dead, and some of the thieves' demon kings have already escaped in the battle just now.

The Tianmeng monks also ran away a lot.

After all, for these natives, the chaos and hostility of this battle are somewhat incomprehensible, and they are no longer able to control it.

In fact, we don't really care how these people run and kill, as long as the combat power of both sides is equal, it's fine.

But President Fang Yi, don’t you feel that there were too many time-travelers running around just now?

The exit banning formation was destroyed by the giant beast. Does it need to be repaired?

Otherwise, these people will continue to run away, and our score income will continue to decrease!

That makes sense! No. 1 stopped and looked at Narcissus, What do you want?

You stay away from us. First help us block those who want to escape. I will make a sealing circle to block the exit! In this way, in the end, if I win, we will collect all the points. You guys win, this formation Your Pangu Ax cannot be trapped. You can definitely cut through the formation with the artifact in your hand.

It means that the formation is made for you.

You get all the points.


Hahahaha... OK! Narcissus' proposal had no reason to be rejected.

All teams are greedy.

In particular, President Fang Yi felt that he had a chance to win and did not take Li Shou's team seriously at all, so he agreed immediately.

It's not good for anyone if you lose your score. You can do your formation with peace of mind! No one will disturb you!

As Number One spoke, he led his team to wait not far from the crack. Narcissus didn't fully trust this cunning team, so he just asked the little turtle to block the direction over there, while the others were on guard.

She led her team to quickly block the exit.

But when the sealing formation was ready and the first escapee was deflected, the members of Fang Yi's team turned their guns and rushed directly towards Li Shou's team without saying a word.

Everything is driven by profit.

The only reason why they left the hard work until the end was because they were afraid of delaying the collection of points.

Now that the exit is blocked, others are already trapped in the urn. Of course, it is better to attack the competitors first.

Whoever wins gets it all!

Number 1 took the lead, the golden light of Pangu's ax flashed, and he slashed continuously at the formation not far away.

Fluctuations of golden light quickly swept into the formation, but were all blocked by the little turtle guarding outside.

What a strong defense!

Number 1 was a little surprised. Since he got this item, no one has been able to defend it without damage.

But now the golden light of Pangu's ax was not only unable to break through the spirit turtle's defense, it didn't even cause any scratches.

No. 1, who did not believe in evil, swung the ax again, but this time the golden light was still blocked by the little turtle.

This time he was finally sure that this long-range attack method alone would never be able to break through the opponent's defense.

But the great thing about this pseudo-Pangu ax is that it not only does great damage at a long range, but also has a stronger single-point destructive ability when outputting in melee combat.

He led the team to fly towards Li Shou's team, and the golden bell's light protected their body during the flight, making it unobstructed.

After the flight arrived, it fell from the sky and chopped off the little turtle's head with an axe.

Boom sound.

This is the first head-on collision between the Indestructible Vajra and the Pangu Battle Ax.

To be precise, it was the first head-on collision between the entry-level Vajra Indestructible Body and the Pseudo-Pangu Battle Ax.

The moment the two sides came into contact, a loud sound like a bell was heard in the field. For the first time, Pangu's ax did not cut the little turtle's skin, but the moment the ax head was bounced, the ax blade suddenly exploded like a sun. of blazing light.

When the light suddenly appeared, almost everyone was temporarily blinded.

When the light disappeared, a scar appeared on the little turtle's nose.

Golden blood flowed from the scar. Although the injury was not serious, it did break the defense.

It seems my ax is more powerful!

Seeing this, No. 1 raised his ax and wanted to kill, but another figure jumped out from behind the little turtle and blocked the attack.

Li Shou protected his head with both hands, and while blocking the blow, a cold aura escaped from his body, pulling Guild Leader No. 1 into his evil place.

We have been fighting for a long time, and finally we have come to the duel. Last time you used this ax to cut me, it was as effortless as cutting butter with a hot knife. Let's try again this time!

Li Shou directly attacked President Fang Yi as he spoke.

The two sides fought each other instantly.

As the strongest guild leader, No. 1 is still very powerful. A big ax wielded by him is very powerful, and his combat skills are all top-notch.

His own strength is not weak, no less than Li Shou.

But the more he was beaten, the more frightened he became.

Li Shou's body was as hard as he had ever seen in his life - even harder than the golden tortoises outside.

Pangu's ax can only make a small hole when hit.

This is actually not bad.

If it were just a strong defense, President Fang Yi could slowly wear down his blood.

For example, for the little turtle outside, if you hit it with an ax, there will be a gap. If you follow the gap a few more times, the wound will become larger. If you hit it dozens of times, you may be able to chop off its head.

But not only is Li Shou's defense ridiculously strong, his ability to instantly recover from wounds is also ridiculous.

I managed to hit an ax head, but the ax blade recovered automatically as soon as it left the wound.

This is simply an immortal body! Obviously you were far from this powerful when you saw me last time, why did it become like this? Even if there are adventures in the secret realm, it will never be so outrageous, and neither are the things of immortals. sharp!

It depends on what level of immortal you are! Li Shou fired back a few times and found that he could not break through the opponent's defense.

The opponent is protected by a golden bell and cannot be harmed by spells.

He has a protective goggle at close range, so he can't be harmed by melee output.

One of the two sides has a magical weapon, and the other has an indestructible body. It is difficult to tell the winner for a while.

Li Shou fought for a while without making any progress, so he simply shouldered the opponent's damage and hugged the opponent's body, and then used the most primitive wrestling method to lock him in place. At the same time, he put his hand into No. 1's Taoist robe and began to touch his protective sleeve. Heart mirror.

Ha, do you know the most essential difference between wearing equipment to become stronger and practicing to become stronger? Li Shou taunted as he touched it, That is, the equipment can be taken off, but it is difficult to transfer your own abilities!

As Li Shou spoke, he yanked the other party's breast shield.

Number 1 also frantically held down his artifact, not wanting to be dragged away by the opponent.

If the fighting methods of the two time-travelers were seen by the outside world, they would only feel nondescript.

They obviously have extremely strong melee and long-range output capabilities, but they are all useless.

It's like a fight between elementary school students to grab something.

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