No one knew what type of spirit fruit it was, not even Caiyi this time.

However, after simply analyzing the ingredients, Vanilla came to the conclusion that it was edible.

Those monkeys are guarding the fruit trees. You can actually guess that they are edible without checking them, but I don't know how effective they will be.

Old rules! Brother Li eats first! King Urine was cheering next to him.

Li Shou had strong recovery power and naturally did not shirk it. He cut a piece with his flying sword and took a bite.

There was no reaction in the body after the Prehistoric Spiritual Fruit entered the abdomen, but the godhead in the body trembled slightly.

What does it smell like?

It tastes a bit like persimmons.

Why no response?

There is indeed no reaction! Li Shou ate another piece while talking, but still had no big reaction, It's just eating, right?

Probably not, isn't it a waste of time? The lucky attributes of the lucky trio don't seem to work! Wang Zheng complained while cutting off a piece of pulp, It tastes like persimmon, but there is no reaction after eating it!

Everyone ate while talking, and even Narcissus didn't come up with anything this time.

I'm going to make a super body scanner. If you don't believe it, this thing is completely useless. As Vanilla spoke, mechanical parts flew out of the mechanical box and began to build a sophisticated scanning instrument.

The technology of the Mechanical God Kingdom is not only combat technology, but other supporting technologies are also top-notch in the universe.

While setting up high-tech instruments at Vanilla, Li Shou noticed that Caiyi was constantly sniffing the fruit, jumping around while sniffing, constantly distinguishing the different smells of the peel, pulp, and core.

It seems that the source of the special fragrance is still being searched for.

Fan Biao with an epic sense of smell enhancement is even more certain.

He was quite sure that Li Shou had a strange scent, but as a teammate, he didn't make any move.

‘Daluo Jindan needs to deal with it quickly. ' Thinking of this, Li Shou sent a secret message to contact Vanilla, Let your machine produce some strange fragrance to confuse Caiyi's sense of smell, and then bring over the demon control bag. Let's find an opportunity to do something.

Vanilla had no magic power and naturally could not transmit the sound into the secret. She could only nod her head almost invisible, and then directed the mechanical bees to modify the machine.

Soon a lot of smells were aroused in the venue.

Li Shou took advantage of this opportunity and temporarily left the team and turned around to the back of a giant grass not far away.

Not long after, a mechanical bee followed with a demon-control bag attached to it.

Master, what's the matter? The mechanical bee made Vanilla's voice - all Vanilla's clones are driven by its data.

Let me ask you a question, no matter how strong this little turtle becomes, will he always obey my orders?

That's natural. I checked the demon control bag and the body of the little turtle. It is a demon refined by the demon refining method. The most feared thing for human demon control is backlash.

Demon control is different from summoning. Summoning is a one-time throw and relies entirely on special spells to suppress it.

The demon control is to train the demon clan from a young age, and imprint the soul and body of the demon clan when it is very weak. At that time, it has no ability to resist.

This is similar to when I was still a semi-finished product, and the underlying logic code was written, and the underlying logic was written to death one by one. Even if I become more powerful in the future and the algorithm has surpassed my creator by a lot, the underlying logic is stuck and I can't get out of the trap on my own.

This is the most important part of controlling the demon. I checked the little turtle's brand and it was very thorough.

By the way, when I used alchemy to refine it in the later stage, I also reinforced it with my own methods.

Don't worry, it won't rebel against you, the only master who sheds his own blood to recognize his master.

Are you looking for it for something?

Yes. Li Shou opened the demon control bag and summoned the little turtle.

After the little turtle appeared at this time, it was already nearly a hundred meters in size, and its body was golden and looked very dazzling...

After Li Shou summoned the little turtle, he looked back. Caiyi was still looking for the source of the scent. Some of his classmates were discussing the detection machine being assembled, some were eating fruits, and some were chatting...

No one pays attention here.

Seeing the opportunity, Li Shou quickly took out the small Daluo Jindan from the amethyst bottle of the storage ring and threw it into the little turtle's mouth.

When Li Shou fed him, the little turtle didn't resist at all and ate the Daluo Jindan directly into his stomach.

After the golden elixir entered his belly, there was no reaction at first. After just a moment, the golden turtle erupted with a super-blazing golden light like the sun. The light shot straight into the sky. The strong light seemed to directly light up the entire secret realm, which was an unknown area thousands of miles away.

Almost blinded me... The golden light flashed away, and Li Shou looked intently at the little turtle who had undergone a big change after the golden light. His whole body became more golden, and there was a mysterious and mysterious aura about him.

It doesn't seem to be poisonous, and it doesn't seem to have any side effects. Li Shou remembered what the monkey head said about the indestructible body of King Kong, and immediately took out his flying sword and slashed it at the little turtle's body.

With one strike of the sword, the flying sword broke into two pieces.


Although his flying sword is not of high grade, after all, it is made of earth-immortal metal that has been repeatedly tempered.

Just now, Li Shou was trampled into a pulp by the monkey and the flying sword was not broken, but it was a bit...

If you are so strong. Li Shou finally made up his mind, took out the big golden elixir and swallowed it in one gulp.

This time I finally got a reaction...

And it was the ultimate reaction.

The Da Luo Jin Dan entered his body, and Li Shou felt as hot as if he had swallowed a sun. After that, the heat spread all over his body, and golden light erupted from his body.

At this moment, Li Shou experienced a familiar feeling...

A feeling similar to that experienced during epic level strengthening, a feeling of rebirth and changing the rules of the body.

Changing the original rules, the rules that support his body are no longer the rules of genetic sequences, but become something between heaven and earth.

It's just that compared to the last time, this transformation is more intense, but also shorter.

It also disappeared in a flash, as the medicine penetrated the whole body instantly and disappeared.

After that, Li Shou lowered his head and looked at his palm.

Golden... The golden body gave him a strong feeling of immortality.

With a thought, Li Shou let the unbroken half of the flying sword pierce his body.

There was a ding sound in the next second, and the flying sword shattered directly.

‘This defense, this anti-injury ability, is this the indestructibility of the King Kong? No wonder the monkey head was sealed but not killed. Does that mean it can't be killed? ’

Li Shou felt that this ability of his body was in the same vein as that of the monkey head.

‘This golden light body protection! Who dares to hit me without being beaten to death? Coupled with my recovery ability, even if it is a few levels higher than me, it can only seal me and not kill me, right? ’

When Li Shou was extremely excited, his teammates gathered around him.

What just happened?

Brother Li, are you okay?

Two golden lights just shot up into the sky, did you see them?

It's that golden glow of his hair!

Look, Brother Li has become golden, and the little turtle has become even golden?

Is it the effect of eating the spiritual fruit? Delayed reaction?

After everyone was attracted, they started making guesses.

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