‘What is this, Monkey Brother Wukong? Why is it so big! ’ What was in front of him was beyond Li Shou’s understanding.

After all, the diameter of the earth is only over 12,000 kilometers, and the head below is much larger than the earth.

If you add the body, it would be a serious star-level life form.

The visual impact is huge.

In addition to the visual impact, there are also many cultural and spiritual impacts.

After all, just one look at the monkey head in front of him reminded Li Shou of the Sun Wukong in the mythical story. However, in the mythical story, even the strongest form of Monkey Brother, Fa Tian Xiang Di, is only 10,000 feet tall, and is much smaller than the one in front of him. Too much.

But Li Shou also knew that many of the myths and stories spread on the earth were deliberately brought here by rules, and maybe the two were actually somewhat connected.

Little brother, what kind of person are you? While Li Shou was still in shock, the monkey head below spoke again.

It was surrounded by a golden talisman, and it seemed that its perception was greatly reduced.

Faced with the monkey's inquiry, Li Shou thought over and over again and finally decided to tell the truth.


Balance? Hahaha! The people of Balance just found here? You must be very weak because of me. The possibility of running into you is too small. After so many years, I can only say that my life is not worthy of death! Hahahaha ...Hahaha! When Li Shou said the rules of balance, the monkey head below let out a hearty and relieved laugh.

Sounds very happy.

After laughing, it continued to ask: Do you know who I am?


I am the body of the Tao of Balance, the mushroom is me, I am the mushroom...

... Li Shou did not respond, but the shock in his heart could not be increased.

Even if the monkey head said that he was the Monkey King Li Shou, he wouldn't be surprised. After all, it is also found in myths and legends.

But when he said that he was a mushroom, Li Shou couldn't accept it. To put it bluntly, he didn't really believe it.

A prehistoric high-level being said that he was a mushroom.

Both in terms of appearance and connection, it feels a bit too far-fetched.

You don't believe it? Houtou guessed what Li Shou was thinking.

I don't believe it, it's a bit reluctant. You are from the root world. Mushrooms are the rules of the trunk world. The wind, cows and horses have nothing to do with it...

It doesn't matter if you don't believe it. It will be of great benefit to me knowing that you are mine.

But what I can tell you is that the entire universe, whether it is the Great Thousand World, the Middle Thousand World, or the Small Thousand World, is nothing more than Dharma, force, and matter.

In your words, it is rules, matter, and energy.

After Da Luo, he beheaded three corpses, the physical body, the legal body, and the rules...

My physical body was divided into nine pieces floating in the universe.

The legal body was given the title of god and was controlled by others.

As for the rules among my three corpses, the choice is fairness...

Heaven is unfair, and so is humanity.

I am the mushroom, and the mushroom is me.

Well... Li Shou stared at the monkey head below. After a moment, he sighed, To be honest, after what you said, I believe you a little bit.


Because the mushroom rules are too weak, and you look like this, it seems like there is some connection.


While Li Shou was talking to the monkey head, there was a loud noise in the distance.

Li Shou looked back and saw that the explosion came from the direction he came from. It should be that the Narcissus Formation was discovered and destroyed.

Their previous plan was for Li Shou to test the strength of the monkeys first, and after testing that they were within the range that the team could handle, Caiyi would introduce them into the illusion formation.

But the prehistoric creatures are too powerful and destructive, and they cannot be trapped for long.

I can't stay for long! Whether I believe you or not, if you have anything to explain, please tell me something important quickly. You must have something to do when you come to me, right?

If you can enter the wilderness in the future and help me get a treasure from the Golden Light Cave of Lianshan Mountain, I may be able to escape.

Of course, fair trade, this is for you...

As the monkey head spoke, it focused all its magic power on its eyes, and then its eyes emitted golden light as thick as the diameter of a planet.

The golden light hit the surrounding talismans, causing the talismans to fluctuate continuously. Taking advantage of the weakening of the restraint, the monkey sprayed out two golden elixirs from his mouth.

Jin Dan broke through the restriction and flew out of the well mouth and was caught by Li Shou.

The two golden elixirs are not big and are gentle to the hand.

The big golden elixir is as big as a peanut, and the small one is only about the size of a mung bean.

These are things I got before. The big ones are for humans to eat, and the small ones are for monsters to eat. Make sure you don't get them wrong, otherwise you will definitely die based on your strength.

What's the use of eating it?

Da Luo Jin Dan! You can get the indestructible body of Vajra...

Before the monkey head finished speaking, the golden light in the monkey's eyes began to weaken, and the surrounding seals began to fight back fiercely after being attacked. Countless talismans hit the monkey head's face, making it miserable.

In just a moment, the monkey fell completely silent.

The entire head was completely petrified, the golden light no longer existed, and it completely entered a state of suspended animation.

No matter how Li Shou called, there was no response from the other party.

Even in the Golden Light Cave of the Volcano, big people eat small monsters. After Li Shou wrote down the important information, he put the Daluo Golden Pill into the sapphire amethyst bottle, and then put the amethyst bottle into the storage ring, and took it off. When I had enough fruit, I was ready to fly back.

This adventure may be one of the greatest adventures in his life.

It may take Li Shou a long time to digest the value and information provided by the Hericium.

After the explosion in the distance ended, the team probably escaped - because Li Shou had just packed up his luggage when he saw the monkeys whining and turning back.

Li Shou ran away without saying a word.

I took a long detour from the fruit forest and turned back. When I returned to the original place, I found that the place was completely scorched.

Just as he was about to continue searching, a colorful light flew over and it was Cai Yi.

Follow me. Wait...

When Caiyi came, her nose twitched, as if she smelled some special fragrance.

What does it smell like on you? It smells so good. I have never smelled such a fragrant smell...

Really? Li Shou quickly changed the subject, fearing that Caiyi had smelled the fragrance of Da Luo Jin Dan, It must be spiritual fruit. I picked some and put them in the storage ring.

Maybe...but why does it smell so good?

Caiyi didn't doubt him, turned around and flew towards the team.

‘The high-level monsters have a keen sense of smell, it seems that Daluo Jindan needs to deal with it quickly. Otherwise, Caiyi would be easy to fool, but encountering other demon kings would inevitably cause a war. ’

Although Li Shou and Cai Yi got along well, he was not prepared to share the overwhelming wealth of Da Luo Jin Dan with anyone.

Naturally, I will eat one for myself, and give the other to my spiritual pet turtle.

‘But is that golden elixir reliable? Will the monkey head lie to me? If not, let the little turtle be the test subject first... And is the golden monkey really a mushroom? Why don't mushrooms and monkey heads know each other? What does it mean that the body of Three Corpses Beheaded has been conferred a divine title? ’

Li Shou was thinking randomly in his mind, and followed Caiyi back to the place where everyone was hiding hundreds of miles away.

Everyone seemed to be uninjured, and the uneaten snake gallbladder was still on the ground. Everyone was very happy to see Li Shou return safely.

After Li Shou landed on the ground, he also took out the spiritual fruit from the storage ring and placed it on the ground.

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