Yes, not one beauty, nor a group of beauties.

It's a piece.

A big piece!

It was densely packed, like a crowded scene in a stadium, and they were all beautiful women.

Oh, you have your mind set on me?

Regardless of what kind of illusion this was, or whether it was a human or a demon, Li Shou opened his mouth and took a breath before using the Ice Breath Technique.

Senior, please show mercy!

We are not here to harm you.

We are here to collect pollen from you...

Yes, we flower demons are different from other monsters. We are relatively close to humans.

We not only absorb your vitality, but also return the vitality of flowers and trees to you, which will also be of great benefit to your practice. What we practice is not the art of collecting energy and replenishing spirits.

When Li Shou was about to cast the spell, the dense crowd of girls were chattering and explaining in a hurry.

After hearing this, Li Shou didn't believe it, but he didn't mind asking for some information.

Are you all flower demons? Why are there so many of you?

Flower demons can grow flowers by themselves. With the method of growing flowers, they will naturally breed in large numbers...

Why are you using illusions on me? Isn't this an evil intention?

Senior, calm down. This illusion is not made by us. It exists in the entire Taolai Mountains. It is a kind of mountain protection formation. How can we little demons have the ability to let you fall into the illusion...

How to solve the illusion?

If you are connected with us, we will help you resolve it... But if you can have more in-depth communication, your mind will naturally be more transparent.

As the flower demon spoke, he wanted to surround Li Shou.

At the same time, Li Shou also felt dizzy in his head, as if he had drunk alcohol, and his thoughts began to rise gradually.

But after all, he has practiced Tai Qing Jing Xin Jue and will not be deceived. In addition, he does not know the safety of other people now, so Li Shou will not take the bait.

Help me solve the spell, and I will spare your life. If you don't understand, don't blame me for violently breaking the illusion. Li Shou made a gesture to cast the spell again.

The flower demons had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​exchanging spirits, and connected with Li Shou to unlock the spell.

After Li Shou woke up from the illusion, he immediately looked around. Like him, most of the people in Class 1 and 3 had already unlocked the illusion.

But the people in Li Shuixian's team, especially some of the men, were a little weak.

At this time, their bodies were covered with flowers, and those flowers wrapped their bodies, wrapping them into flower mummies.

Seeing his companion like this, Li Shou immediately wanted to save him, but was stopped by Caiyi.

Watch for a while... I like to watch. Caiyi seemed to be able to see through the illusion, and was staring at the scene with great interest on Juehuang's forehead.


It doesn't matter. This kind of flower demon of elm money will not hurt people, and it is even good for the human body. Those evil monks in Taiwu Kingdom sometimes like to plant elm money trees in their mountain gates, and then use elixirs to Use the spirit stone to warm and nourish, and practice the method of raising monsters...

There's no harm, is there any benefit? Then I'll give it a try. As he spoke, King Urine untied his Taoist robe and threw himself into the flowers.

How much benefit is it? Li Shou was also a little moved.

It's just like taking a pill, the benefits are not very big.

Forget it. I thought it would be of great benefit. When Li Shou was practicing, he ate pills in baskets. If the benefits were great, he wouldn't mind enjoying them. But now, everyone has entered the illusion and no one is watching. good.

Why don't you let me wake them up? Is it just because it will be a little good for your cultivation? Li Shou looked at Caiyi curiously.

Take a rest and relax. I like watching these. Don't you humans also have this hobby?

Uh... After hearing this, Li Shou remembered that when he was a child, he followed his father back to his hometown.

He saw a few wild dogs acting at the entrance of the village... He also stopped and watched them for a long time.

He was no longer young at that time, and he stopped to watch purely for fun.

But he didn't expect that this demon king was still so evil even though his age was measured in thousands of years.

Ah... there's not much fun in being a demon!

After watching for a while, Cai Yi seemed to be interested. After a burst of physical transformation, she turned into a woman wearing five-colored clothes with a delicate face but an arrogant expression on her eyes.

He picked up Juehuang's chin with his finger and said, I like you very much, and the woman over there, you guys come here together and serve me.

Emperor Jue heard the Spider King's request and looked at Li Shou for help.

Li Shou wanted to say something else, but Ma Nanzheng went over first and patted Juehuang on the shoulder.

it is more than words……

The absurd scene ended completely after two hours.

After those flowers were full of energy, they fed those people some nectar, and then flew to a demon tree not far away.

Moisturized by the essence, the demon tree began to glow.

After Cai Yi finished his work, he turned back into a spider and returned to Jue Huang's sleeve robe, disappearing without a trace.

Although everyone was a little embarrassed at this time, no one exposed it. Ye Muli was the first to speak.

He arranged his robes and used his hair to measure the direction, Over there!


have to say.

There are indeed many monks hidden in Taolai Mountain.

Running rapidly along the way, Li Shou and others encountered at least seven or eight sect teams.

However, people from these indigenous sects would not take action when they saw them. After all, the indigenous people came here for the secret realm, and they would only conflict with others here if they were mentally ill.

Everyone saw each other, and after a moment of vigilance from afar, they left each other peacefully.

Until a few hours later...

I saw it. It's a time traveler. It looks like they're from the Fang Ant team. I met old acquaintances. Haha... I haven't seen them for a long time.

Visibility was very low among the pollen, and only Liu Teng could see things in the distance.

how many people?

More than ten kilometers away... Well, there are a lot of people, even more than us, about forty of them, with the characteristic configuration of Fang ants, with distinct levels. When they were sitting there to rest, they were in a square formation, and there was one leader, There are four in the second row, and the ones at the back shouldn’t be particularly powerful. These idiots have such poor early warning capabilities that they didn’t notice us at all!”

Fang Yi's people have poor early warning capabilities and weak support capabilities, so it is difficult for them to take advantage of the situation, but their strength is really not weak.

In the third game that year, Li Shou suffered a loss from Fang Yi.

Although they have become stronger now, the Fang Ant team that dares to come to the fifth game is also top-notch in their region.

Definitely not to be underestimated.

Prepare for a sneak attack.

Under the guidance of Dumpling's ability to hide aura, and the guidance of clairvoyant Liu Teng, everyone quickly surrounded the square ant formation.

This time, Vanilla made the first move.

In the past ten years, it has continuously absorbed the knowledge of the Mechanical God Kingdom and continuously upgraded its atomic core. At this time, its actions are somewhat different from those ten years ago.

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