This team didn’t know what the rules were. It was either related to the earth spirit root or the rules of the earth. Li Shou rushed in and fought with them for several rounds, and found that whether they were props, exercises, or the ones they originally brought with them. The moves are all related to earth and soil.

No wonder you want to join the Earth Spirit Sect!

The strength of this team is not weak, but it is only at a satisfactory level.

All the people in the team together may not be as powerful as the native who leads the team.

Caiyi, leave these people to us!

... Spider King Caiyi did not respond, but he did stay away from these people.

It was tested last time at Jufeng Cave. Taking advantage of the opportunity to kill them, they made a contribution, but the points gained were greatly reduced.

If possible, it would be more cost-effective to kill it yourself.

Li Shou rushed into the crowd and charged below, while everyone in the team also targeted the time traveler from above, throwing out various auxiliary abilities and auxiliary magic weapons.

The soul flags, soul summoning bells and soul curses are thrown out together with the rhythm of the sound.

At the same time, countless evil souls flew out of Narcissus. After flying in all directions, under her control, she began to set up a spirit trap array to prevent people from escaping.

Having hunted the team many times, everyone already has experience.

Almost every team has a way to escape.

It's one thing to win, it's another thing to stay.

In the past ten years, Narcissus has not only improved his cultivation level, but has also been studying various formations to trap people and the ground.

At this time, those time travelers could not be beaten or run away. Their souls were pulled away and their bodies were destroyed. When they wanted to self-destruct, there were still spider threads flying over to stop their explosion.

Alas, we have come this far, but still... Looking at the soles of feet stepping down from the sky, a time traveler's body was trampled into pieces before he could finish his sigh.

There were seven team members in total. Under the encirclement and suppression of the team, they could not hold out for long.

When they fell, dozens of nearby indigenous brothers were also killed by Caiyi.

When everyone died, more than 20,000 points were recorded.

The team is not weak, and it was completely wiped out, so the income is good.

Li Shou glanced at his arm and saw that the team's points had reached more than 170,000.

“Theoretically, a team of this level should be considered a mid-range level among a thousand teams.

There are stronger ones and there are weaker ones.

There are also high and low returns.

On average, the mission can be completed by killing about 50 teams.

If the points can be distributed completely and reasonably, one thousand divided by fifty, only about twenty teams can advance.

But in reality, fewer than ten teams may advance.

Because some teams will be killed by the natives and the points will be wasted.

There are also some particularly powerful teams that may not leave even if they meet the mission requirements. They want to continue to accumulate points and get more rewards...

Calculating this, this task is more difficult than I thought before.

No wonder there are so few adventurers.

Ten teams survive out of a thousand teams.

cream of the crop.

And the people who can come here are originally the best experts.

Even those weak teams have people who have plundered many worlds and thought they were strong.

Li Shou unconsciously thought of the Bai Wuchang team.

The mushrooms are pretty good here, and they are very confident themselves, but because they have no adventurer friends and the balance rules are too weak, they actually don't know how much they weigh.

If you come here, you will definitely be cannon fodder.

After some calculations and sighs in his mind, Li Shou packed up the loot with his teammates who came down.

What kind of rules is this person? Li Shou asked when he saw Ye Muli coming down.

Earth. Earth, fire, water, wind, the four major rules are in the same area in the main world. Ye Muli knew much more about the main world than Li Shou's team.

Future Taoist is proficient in numerology and divination.

Passed down from generation to generation - it's all information!

After entering Taolaishan later, you will also participate in the siege. How many points can you earn? If the calculation is too few and not enough, I will give you a head.

There shouldn't be any need to give in. After the divination prophecy, those teams who died because of me will also have certain points. The most important thing is that my solo team requires a very small amount of points. As long as I mix with you normally until the end, the points will be enough. There might even be overflow.”

Does a single-player team need less points to clear the level?

Of course, don't you even know this? You didn't collect any information, and you were very confident when you came in directly! If it weren't for the small number of points required for a single team, everyone would have merged the team many times before coming in...

Uh. If you think about it this way, there will be more than ten teams that will survive in the end. But the total number of people will not change significantly... Li Shou nodded and looked up at Narcissus who was gathering the formation.

She should know this information, but she didn't tell it.

After cleaning up the battlefield, the team continued towards Taolai Mountain without any delay.

About a day later, they arrived near Taolai Mountain.

The Tailing Mountains are a huge mountain system.

Just like the Kunlun Mountains, there are naturally many small mountains in the huge mountain system.

Like Taolai Mountain.

Before coming, Li Shou thought Taolai Mountain was a relatively large mountain like Jufeng Mountain.

But looking at the pink mountains stretching past.

Is this all Taolai Mountain?

Yes. It was the white fox who answered Li Shou, The flower demons in Taolai Mountain like to plant all kinds of flowers in the mountains and live with the bee demons. Their favorite thing to plant is Taolai flowers. This kind of flower has a lot of pollen and can Dye the soil pink.

Looking along the Taolai Mountains.

On the pink mountain, peach-like trees were planted. The trees were not very tall in this world, only seventy or eighty meters high, and looked like shrubs.

As the mountain wind blows, bursts of pollen rise into the sky. Not only is the fragrance fragrant, but the entire Taolai Mountain is filled with a thick mist of pollen.

There are a lot of flower demons hiding here, and there are also a lot of human monks hiding among them. We'd better not fly anymore. We can easily become the target of public criticism.

Yes, the flower demon is lonely and doesn't like other demons. We'd better not fly. The white fox was also a little worried.

The human monks who managed to get through were not good people.

You have to be wary of travelers, and even more wary of natives.

Li Shou thought for a while and led the team into the Taolai Mountain on foot.

Although everyone was walking, the speed was not slow and they reached the destination quickly.

The visibility here is very low, and the surroundings are full of pollen. Ye Muli, calculate the direction below, which direction should we go... Huh? Lao Ye? Li Shou turned around while speaking, and Ye Muli was nowhere to be seen.

Not to mention that he is gone, every one of his teammates around him is gone.

Is everyone separated? Li Shou shouted.

But in the mountains, the only thing that answered him was his own echo.

Even if we are separated, we shouldn't be separated this far. What's more, we have super sense of smell and super vision. We shouldn't be... Is this an illusion?

Just as Li Shou's thoughts arose, a large number of beauties emerged from the peach forest.

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