They are still fighting after three years? They haven't left Xianfeng City? But that's right. Changing bases back and forth is not a good thing. In addition, the madmen of Black Mist will chase them if they change places. It's better to develop on the spot... OK, I gonna go see.

While Li Shou was talking, he came to the level below the peak and found Ye Muli.

When Li Shou arrived, he was doing fortune telling. Unlike Emperor Jue who used tortoise shells to tell fortunes, this guy used his own hair to tell fortunes.

Although Ye Muli looked ordinary, he also had long flowing hair. At this time, he rubbed seven or eight strands of hair randomly, twisting them together, and then stared at them for a long time before coming to a conclusion.

Have a good trip!

What's the big deal?

If we go now and arrive in seven days, we will be able to reap the benefits very smoothly. Ye Muli explained the hexagrams to Li Shou in the most understandable way, Seven days later, at noon, it is the time to enter the sky. The best time to enter the market is when the hexagram shows the state of fishing. Just pull hard and you will get a huge harvest.

Hmm... Li Shou looked at the messy hair and couldn't see any signs. Now that I have learned half of the technique, my fighting ability is still... but you are right, this opportunity cannot be missed.

Li Shou stopped himself mid-sentence.

He knows that sometimes you don't have to wait until you are ready to do the task.

The reality is not playing games, opportunities are fleeting.

And everyone will grow. When you are ready, maybe the other person will grow even more.

It is very important to seize resources. Only when you have enough resources can you grow faster than others.

The best time to enter is after seven days. It only takes half a day from here to Xianfeng City. There is still a lot of time to prepare.

No, no, no, in addition to Xianfeng City, there are several medium-sized teams that I have already calculated. I can take advantage of the teams to be assembled and deal with them together.

Well, I'll go find my teammates to discuss it.

Looking forward to the good news.

Li Shou flew to the top of the peak and found Narcissus, King Juehuang and others. They had a brief discussion first, and then called everyone in the team to discuss it.

In the end, most people believe that this is inevitable, with small risks and high rewards.

What's more, they came here to compete as a team. Now that such a good opportunity is in front of them, there is no reason not to earn points!

After it was finalized, everyone began to prepare for the battle.

Li Shou asked Vanilla to collect the mechanical combat tools. At the same time, Li Shou also took back the demon control bag, and then other people in the team began to arm themselves.

Li Shou has a few things to prepare, but the rest of the team has a lot to prepare.

Not only do they need to prepare the Dharma robes, talismans, and magic weapons, but they also need to prepare many special magic weapons.

After all, in the past three years, everyone has been looking for their own way.

For example, the Soul Flag that Li Shou captured that day was just about to be taken away by Ma Nan. Although that thing was a Nascent Soul level magic weapon, everyone in the team had basically reached the Golden Core level now and could barely control it.

The reason why Ma Nan is about to take the Soul Banner is also very simple. Since he has strengthened the epic-level transformation, it has no bonus to frontal combat, so he needs this kind of remote control method to make up for his team combat capabilities.

With this magic weapon, Ma Nanzheng also practiced related soul flag and soul-absorbing spells.

Like Ma Nanzheng, everyone has found his own direction of breakthrough.

Since Zhao Yiyi and the Good Student Legion strengthened their sound attack, they also learned the melodic ecstasy technique and were equipped with soul-catching bells.

Liu Teng learned the eye spell, Zhang Qiangbo practiced the corpse rotting technique...

Anyway, the Lihun Sect has a lot of skills, as well as Nascent Soul level and Transformation level magic weapons, which can fully satisfy the supply of a team of thirty people.

After everyone spent half a day packing, they were ready to set off.

My hometown has a fort and a mountain protection formation. Even if I leave, I won't be robbed. It's perfect!

Lao Ye, lead the way.


Ye Muli didn't waste any time and flew up directly.

Seeing this, everyone in the team followed with their swords, fire breathers, or magic weapons.

There are dozens of people flying in the sky, which seems a bit like the Legend of Shushan Swordsman.

After flying in the air for more than two hours, they arrived at the first stop across more than a thousand miles.

It's down there.

Isn't this a mortal city?

Li Shou looked at the ground from high in the sky. Even with his Nascent Soul level cultivation, he didn't feel much of the monk's aura.

Below is the hidden place of the world of mortals. People who follow this rule insist on seeing all the joys, anger, sorrows and joys, and integrating into the world of mortals. Only in this way can one increase his cultivation level. There are not many people in the monks' city, and the high-level monks spend a long time in seclusion, which is not suitable. Cultivation in the world of mortals.”

Understood. When killing people, try to avoid ordinary people.


Do not worry.

I've been doing the mission for so long, so I understand.

Everyone started to prepare for a fight.

Fengze City below.

The Hefan Restaurant where Hongchen Road is hidden is still very lively at this time.

Fengze City is a large city in the Yue Kingdom. It has a very good geographical location. It is located at the intersection of three rivers. River transportation is particularly convenient, so it has a large population.

Most people here are not practitioners.

But ordinary people have never lacked enthusiasm for spiritual practice.

When Li Shou entered the restaurant, all he heard was bragging.

From the sect being wiped out, to the fight between the monk families, to the child of so-and-so next door having a middle-grade spiritual root, and being taken in by a certain cultivating family as an outer disciple, to a widow sleeping with a passing monk in the back street. One night, after becoming pregnant, some people speculated that they might be able to give birth to a child with spiritual roots, and then turn around...

Human beings all over the universe seem to have a common interest in bragging and spanking.

Sir, what would you like to order? As soon as Li Shou entered and sat down, a waiter brought the menu.

Call your boss lady over here. I see that she has been staring at me from the moment I entered the hotel. She seems to be interested in me.

Sir, this...

If you don't want to go, I'll go by myself. Li Shou reached out and patted the waiter on the shoulder. The spiritual energy passed through his body and no trace of energy was found. After confirming that he was not a cultivator and not a time traveler, he reminded him. : This is going to start fighting soon, run away.


Ah, what, run. Li Shou walked towards the proprietress as he spoke, and quickly walked up to the woman in red.

Sir, what do you want to do?

Stop pretending, the people in Hongchen Dao are not very good at concealment. How many of you are there? As Li Shou spoke, his body slowly began to deform.

After a while, a monster more than ten meters tall appeared on the spot.

Fortunately, this restaurant is big enough. The patio-shaped restaurant is as high as four floors, otherwise Li Shou's body wouldn't be able to fit inside.

As Li Shou transformed, ordinary people around him were naturally frightened and fled in panic when they saw this scene, and the scene suddenly became chaos.

The people in Hongchen Dao are not as evil as those in Samsara Dao. The landlady waited until everyone had fled before attacking Li Shou.

He is a good person, but the rules of the game are the rules of the battle royale, and I will not show mercy!

The moment the landlady took action, Li Shou stepped on her body.

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