While Li Shou was speaking, he practiced seclusion again.

The difference between cultivation techniques and exercises is that they need to be practiced from time to time. Entering concentration is practicing, and practicing is looking for problems.

For example, after learning and practicing the most basic flying sword technique, you have to play with the sword and control it from time to time.

Fortunately, the entire Lihun Sect is the team's territory, so there is no need to worry about having no place to experiment.

Li Shou learned Basic Sword Controlling Technique very quickly. It only took him a few days to complete the basic control of the flying sword, and he became very flexible in half a month.

This is originally a thing that everyone in the Qi refining stage has, and since he has strong spiritual power and rich combat experience, it is easy to get started.

But if you want to learn something advanced, it is also very difficult.

The Lihun Sect was not a sword cultivating sect, and there were not many books related to sword cultivating. Li Shou had no intention of studying it in depth.

A few days later...

Li Shou was playing with flying swords in the field.

Connected to Li Shou Qi Ji was a flying sword made of cold iron. It was a private collection of the sect master that he found from the warehouse. The quality was not low but not very high either. It was a mid-level Nascent Soul level flying sword.

It's almost enough! Li Shou was playing with the flying sword in the middle of the mountain where there was no one around. Nascent Soul-level spiritual power was poured into the sword body, making the flying sword accelerate. A strong force was brewing around the flying sword as it flew. chill.

A white light flashed across the sky, and a huge rock was cut in half. Ice formed at the fracture, and the entire rock became cold due to this blow.

It is enough as a general attack method. The most important ones are several other spells.

After practicing the Basic Sword Controlling Technique, Li Shou flew with his sword and circled around the mountain of Lihun Peak.

Two and a half years later, Lihun Peak was transformed into Vanilla Peak - everything around it became the shape of vanilla.

Countless forts have been built on the entire mountain, and some mechanical workers are still collecting ore outside the magic circle and transporting it inward.

In addition to these, patrol drones, floating electronic scanners, and various types of factories are also available.

In addition to completing these tasks, Vanilla also established an Atomic Core reaction base to continuously enhance the mechanical force, and also established an information input pool not far from the reactor.

At this time, in the information pool, Li Shou saw Vanilla's head placed there. There were countless light-like things around it inserted into its brain, and the quantum hard drive of the Mechanical God Kingdom was inputting data on the other side.

Dozens of terabytes of physical knowledge from the Mechanical God Kingdom are continuously poured into Vanilla's data center, teaching it the rules of physics and the method of mechanical enlightenment.

The Mechanical God Kingdom is a truly behemoth that monopolizes a hub world. It is the place with the highest technological level among countless worlds. Even vanilla would find it very difficult to absorb all the knowledge in it.

But it evolves really fast.

After looking here for a while, Li Shou flew to the foot of the mountain again.

There, the headless Vanilla is training the Monster Turtle.

At this time, the turtle has become golden after being transformed by alchemical technology.

Master Li, you are here.

The headless Vanilla saw Li Shou coming and flew over.

It's not surprising that it can see Li Shou. The whole mountain is its eyes. Losing the pair on its head doesn't hurt at all.

Master, don't you like the way I look? I have a spare head, just put one on.

It doesn't matter, you're not a human, you don't have to pretend all the time, just be yourself. I'm just here to see how you're doing with this turtle. You've been leaving the demon control bag since before I went into seclusion, and I think you're right It’s always been interesting.”

The structure of monsters is very different from that of humans. Monsters have a very good independent digestive system, which can be said to be a training system. I have recently been studying whether it can be installed in the body of its owner.

In the mountain attack battle two and a half years ago, in addition to Nascent Soul, some Jindan monks were also killed or injured in the battle. I feed the golden elixirs of the dead golden elixir monks to the monster, and it can absorb and digest them.

Similarly, if you feed it the demon elixir, it can also absorb and digest it. After absorbing it, it can grow. Now the little turtle has reached the late stage of the golden elixir.

But this digestion and absorption requires a long process. I have modified it several times using alchemical transformation, and now the absorption efficiency has increased a lot.

But there are too many things involved that still need to be studied.

Okay, I'll just take a look and you can do it yourself. Don't go too far. The monsters in this world are still very powerful, and the turtle should also be partially intelligent.

Don't worry, Master, I have a very good relationship with the little turtle. He likes me very much.

Instead, he became your pet.

After Li Shou said this, he flew back to the peak.

All he saw along the way were machines, and he had to lament the advantages of AI.

He knew that 99% of Vanilla's computing power was in the Atomic Core and the Mechanical God Kingdom Quantum Hard Drive, but even so, the remaining 1% of the computing power could do many things.

After all, Vanilla herself could chat with billions of people at the same time in the cyber world, process all kinds of information, and maintain the operation of the entire online world.

Doing things distracted is the foundation of foundations.

I don't know if there is a more powerful AI in the Mechanical God Kingdom. It should be there, right? Forget it, don't worry about it. Why bother with so many things in another hub world?

With random thoughts in his mind, Li Shou began to learn the second skill - Cicada Wind and Ice Breath Technique.

This skill is the one that Li Shou values ​​the most.

There's ice, there's storms, and the level is very high.

If he could only choose one of the four skills to learn, he would definitely choose this one.

No more nonsense, let's start training!

Three months later.

In mid-air at the top of Lihun Peak.

Li Shou took a deep breath, transferred Nascent Soul's spiritual power to his chest, and squeezed the Seal Technique with his hands and sprayed it out in one breath.

Suddenly, a cold wind began to blow a few kilometers in front of him. The cold wind was extremely biting, and the frozen air accumulated together to make a sound like cicadas chirping.

The cold wind swept out and froze the clouds in an area. After a while, hail began to crackle.

No, there is still a sense of stagnation between the movement of spiritual power, and the spell is not transparent enough.

After some experiments, Li Shou went back to continue practicing.

Another two months later.

Li Shou flew outside Lihun Peak and came to the village where those women once lived.

Ever since Li Shou let those people go, this place has been deserted.

At this time, Li Shou selected a village, and a cold wind blew out. Amidst the chirping of cicadas, the houses were quickly frozen and then turned into ice slag under the wind pressure.

A large village with hundreds of houses was blown to pieces by Li Shou.

This is the normal destructive power of Nascent Soul cultivator.

Nascent Soul's major repair and massacre of the village is usually done in one move.

It shouldn't be so weak. I'm different from ordinary Nascent Soul monks. My cold energy has the bonus of divine power, the bonus of inner energy, the bonus of command power, and the bonus of the cold power of evil spirits... It seems that the magic It’s not perfect yet.”

After saying this, Li Shou turned back again.

Then more than a month later, one day at the top of the mountain, Li Shou was comprehending the combination of spiritual power and seals in his body, when a mechanical bee flew over.

That guy Ye Muli said that the hexagrams in Xianfeng City are like a snipe and a clam. Hei Wu and those who used to fight are fighting again. This time the fight should be very fierce. I asked you if you want to go and reap the benefits.

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