Senior, look... Seeing Li Shou's expression, the head of the Xue family came over and asked what he meant.

The Yulin Sect was the sect, so he couldn't afford to offend him, and this Li Shou was a new local sect, and he couldn't even afford to offend him.

Caught in the middle, he could only leave the decision-making power to Li Shou.

Let's meet together. After all, we will all be operating in Qingyifang from now on, and the people of Yulin Sect still have to negotiate. By the way, as the managers of this area, they should pay tribute for your income, right? What is this ratio approximately?”

Senior, whether it is Dongxifang City or Nanbeifang City, 80% of the profits must be handed over to the Yulin Sect.

so much?

Li Shou was a little surprised.

This ratio is very high. Even if Li Shou has visited many worlds, this ratio is considered extremely high.

Even when they didn't come to Jiuzhou World, Zhongzhou's commission to local families was far from reaching this ratio.

Only in the first world, the commission of the Tianlong people to ordinary people could reach this ratio.

There is no way. The Yulin Sect is a large sect. The elders and heads of the sect are both Yuan Ying level masters, and the Supreme Elder has reached the stage of divine transformation. They control three hundred cities and seventy-eight square cities in the Yue Kingdom, and there are The method of divination is used to check whether the tribute items from various places are concealed.

Our Xue family is still a big family in Qingyi Square, but we are not taken seriously by the people of Yulin Sect at all.

If we don't pay tribute to the spirit stones in accordance with their sect's decree, we will definitely be in trouble.


The world of cultivating immortals is a little different from other worlds. The crushing of the big realm is more powerful, and there are too many kinds of spells, and the people below don't even have the means to hide their secrets.

Moreover, the world of cultivating immortals is so big. Just one-third of the land of Yue Kingdom sounds almost as big as the world of Kyushu.

The management is both strict and loose. As long as the people below pay the money on time, the sect above does not care about the specific matters.

But if you don't pay, things will probably be big.

Let's go and take a look first. It's a bit unfair to hand over so much, and it won't be conducive to our future development.

As Li Shou spoke, he asked the head of the Xue family to lead the way to the main hall in the front hall.

Here, there is a female monk sitting in the main seat, and there are a group of people from the Xue family waiting on her below.

The female monk seemed to have been here several times and met the head of the Xue family. When she saw the man coming, she immediately shouted angrily, Old Mr. Xue, tell me, I heard that something big happened in Qingyi City.

Back to Master Qingming, everything in this city is all caused by the Feng family. The head of the Feng family is approaching his longevity, so he plans to take the risky step of taking the demon essence and giving birth to a baby...

The head of the Xue family told the matter to the Yulin Sect people in a more aggravating manner.

Originally, this matter originated from the Feng family. He just cleaned himself and Li Shou's gang and told the Yulin sect half-truths and half-falsehoods.

The other party nodded after hearing this.

Anyway, everyone in the Feng family is dead, so everything you say makes sense.

Master, I...

Forget it, this matter is not important, and it is not what our Yulin Sect cares about. There are only two things we care about. The first thing is, when I came here, I heard that the battle that night was extremely brutal, and it seemed that there was an extraterrestrial demon coming. .The demon is so powerful that it can even scare away the Nascent Soul Demon. Is this possible?

Well, it's true.

The head of the Xue family did not hide it. After all, countless outer monks saw the giant that night, and it was difficult to hide it.

Then I have to report this matter to the sect. Master Qingming nodded, Then the second thing, from now on, the spiritual stones that will be paid tribute by Dongxifang City and Nanbeifang City...

The Xue family suffered heavy losses in the last war and can no longer maintain the basic operation of Qingyi Fang. Our Xue family is ready to hand over the territory of Nanbeifang City to this senior.

You are friendly, my name is Li Shou, a foreign monk. Li Shou stepped forward and bowed his hand to Master Qingming in accordance with the etiquette of common people in this world.

The latter frowned immediately when he saw this.

This frightened the head of the Xue family.

The environment for cultivating the character of people in the world of immortality is completely different.

Environment creates people - this is an eternal truth.

Among the outer shops of Qingyi Square, those monks at the lower level are the most able to observe words and emotions and make decisions based on the situation. They are very cunning and understanding of people.

But the disciples of the great sect are not even as good as the most ordinary secular people.

These people have been brought into the Immortal Sect since they were young. They only teach Immortal Dharma and have no understanding of the world. And within their realm, the major sects are aloof and no one dares to mess with them.

Especially the middle level of these sects are even more difficult to deal with.

The contact with larger sects outside the world depends on the upper level of the sect, while the contact with the lower level is handled by the middle level like Master Qingming.

The disciples inside the sect don't dare to provoke them, and the people outside don't even dare to do so.

For hundreds of years, the people below have been respectful to them when they saw them. Coupled with her simple growing environment, they have created their domineering character.

Many middle-level sects are even bigger than giant babies.

Li Shou's simple gesture of handing him over actually offended her.

‘We can’t let them fight in Xue’s house. ’ The head of the Xue family was quick-thinking and said quickly: “Master Qingming, this person is the one who defeated the demons outside the territory.”

Oh? Master Qingming was about to get angry, but when he heard these words, his anger was extinguished instantly.

She is just a golden elixir of perfection.

That extraterrestrial demon can scare away the Nascent Soul Demon.

No matter how giant the baby is, he still has to endure it at this time.

Fellow Taoist, Qingming is so polite.

Yeah. Li Shou didn't understand the sect and didn't notice the duel just now. He just went straight to the point and simply said: From now on, I will take over the Qingyi Square, because after the war just now, the city needs to be rebuilt. , so for the recent tribute, I would like to ask the Shangzong to exempt some years, and when the reconstruction is completed in the future, I will definitely hand over the full amount.

Li Shou thought he had been very, very polite.

But he had no idea how far the rule of the jungle had reached in the world of immortality.

...Not paying the tribute stone? After hearing Li Shou's words, Qingming's expression changed, Okay, I'll report to the sect master.

After saying that, she flew away with her sword without looking back.

Why is she angry? Rebuilding requires spiritual stones...

There is no precedent in the world of immortality for not paying tribute stones. The head of the Xue family wiped the sweat from his forehead.

There's nothing I can do about it, I don't have the money to pay.

Although he knew that he had offended the Yulin Sect, Li Shou didn't care.

He was already very polite, and the team really needed start-up funds to farm, and the 80% commission was too high.

Because if you have different desires, you will eventually end up at odds with each other, and it doesn't matter if you do it sooner or later.

After sending away the sect and talking with the head of the Xue family for a while, all obstacles were gone, and Li Shou's team completely took over Qingyi Fang.

In the following days, Li Shou selected some monks from the outer square to enter the inner square to rebuild and stay there permanently.

At the same time, Vanilla was asked to make some combat robots and manage the city.

At the same time, the students used their strength to collect a lot of special products and medicinal materials in Jingxiu Forest during this period, and put them into the newly built shop.

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