At first, everyone didn't quite believe it, fearing that the monk was using a deceptive space technique to assassinate everyone.

But after hiding for a while, Wang Siyu, who had the ability to catch the wind in the field, said with certainty to everyone: I'm really gone.

Why didn't he fight? Fan Biao used his epic sense of smell to sniff the smell in the air and confirmed again, He is really gone, why didn't he fight?

Because he feels that he can't beat him. What a simple reason. Ma Nanzheng responded, Everyone is a time traveler, and he is also a human being. There may even be more than one person in him.

When previous teammates die, their consciousness, soul, and power may all be gathered in the last body.

Before that, he dared to risk his life, and their people were not afraid of death.

After all, they all have back-ups.

But when it comes to the last body, he has to carefully weigh the pros and cons.

Yes, that man is not stupid. Jue Huang also continued.

He had just estimated the fighting power of everyone. If the monk wanted to fight, most of them would probably die.

But the chance of winning is still very high.

While the monk was scanning, he was probably also calculating the matter.

Seriously injured on one side and dead on the other.

It is self-evident who is more afraid.

After all, this is not a game. The BOSS will fight you to the death.

But fortunately he ran away, which is a good thing for everyone. Li Shou had also completed his reshaping at this time, These teams with strong rules are really powerful. Before I came here, I thought our team had Narcissus and Vanilla. The enhancement, as well as my and everyone's epic enhancement, I thought it was already outstanding among the top teams. Unexpectedly...

We are indeed a top team, we just haven't widened the gap with other top teams. Juehuang sighed, But no matter what, we won, and this place will be our territory from now on!

Yes! Go out and take a look first.

Li Shou was a little worried. After the evil spirit returned to his body, he quickly eliminated the evil spirit and returned to the real world.

After coming back, he looked towards the outer square and said, The giant has disappeared.

Although without the monk, the summons will most likely disappear, but you can feel relieved when you see it with your own eyes.

The huge red and black door has also disappeared.

Hahaha, if we win, Qingyi Square will be ours from now on.

“The prerequisites for farming have been completed!”

Everyone seemed very excited after winning the Reincarnation Way person.

After all, the enemy retreated, and the spirit couldn't help but relax.

By the way, there are a lot of props scattered on the ground.

I also got 70,000 balance points!

Aren't those monks alive and integrated into one body? Are they also worth points?

After all, I destroyed almost the entire team's bodies, so we should forget about it.

That's too much. After all, we didn't wipe out their team, so we gave them 70,000? We wiped out several teams, and we only gave them 35,000...

It should have something to do with implementing the Way of Balance. We have saved so many innocent people. Those monks in the outer monastery started with a hundred thousand. Without us, they would all die. Didn't they die in the Feng family's soul-eating formation for hunting monsters? Either he will die in the hands of a monk from the path of reincarnation, or he will die in the belly of a monster, and he will never survive.

Yeah too.

A group of students were cleaning the battlefield while summarizing the mission content. Now everyone's points have reached 105,000 points, and one-tenth of the mission progress has been completed.

You guys are cleaning the battlefield here. Be careful before entering the Feng family's mansion later. Don't fall into the formation trap. I'll go over there and have a look. Although it's over, I'm still a little worried.

Okay, let's go, Brother Li.

Yeah. Li Shou shrank his body as he spoke, and flew more than ten kilometers through the inner square to the outer square.

There are still a large number of shocked monks here. Although the battle has ended, many monks are still running away from Fangshi - without the formation to stop them, they can escape from Fangshi.

Then Qian Duozheng led the family to stop him - after all, these resident monks were the source of his family's wealth.

Between running and blocking, there was some confusion in the air.

On the ground, Narcissus was sitting on the ground in a miserable state, with a pale face, messy hair, red eyes and purple lips.

How are you doing……

Li Shou had never seen Narcissus look like this.

From the first time he saw this girl, she had always looked calm and confident, although her personality had changed from being naughty and cute when she was a child, to being slightly taciturn now.

But that calmness never changed.

But now...

It's okay, the energy consumption is too great. The formations are constantly arranged and combined, which requires constant calculation. And activating the formations also requires a certain amount of strength... As Li Shuixian spoke, he struggled to sit up from the ground.

Li Shou also looked around. The people in her team also looked like they were running out of gas. They seemed to have consumed too much.

But fortunately, everyone is not dead. It's good that they are not dead.

When Li Shou took a long breath, a flash of fire flashed in the air, and Vanilla flew down and hugged Li Shou.

Old Master Li, it's great that you're not dead. Vanilla is so useless. At this time, Vanilla had disarmed and turned back into the girl in sailor uniform. It crazily drilled its head into Li Shou's chest while drilling While apologizing, It's all my fault. My ability to resist Taoist attacks is so poor that it didn't help much this time. I will find a way to make up for this in the future.

It's okay. Li Shou shook his head, As long as everyone is okay.

Master, just wait, I will definitely help you a lot next time!

Okay, I'll wait.

Cleaning up after a war is a laborious task.

in the next few days.

Team Narcissus and the injured personnel need to recuperate.

And Li Shou could only take over everything that followed.

First, with the help of Vanilla, he confirmed that the three-eyed monk had completely left.

Then he relied on Qian Duo to stabilize Waifang.

Although some casual cultivators ignored the dissuasion and left, most of them stayed.

After all, in these days, it is difficult for low-level casual cultivators to hang out anywhere. They have a residence here, are close to the inner square trading place, have friends and companions, and can occasionally survive by picking up leaks in Jingxiu Lin.

When going to other places, these low-level casual cultivators will be squeezed out, which makes it even more difficult.

So even if they have just experienced such danger, 80% to 90% of people still stay - in the world of immortality, if this place is dangerous, other places are equally dangerous. Everyone is a thief and understands this.

After settling the outer market, Li Shou also took over the inner market.

The trading area of ​​​​Neifang is the most critical and most profitable area of ​​​​Qingyifang.

Although all the foundation-building monks in the inner square are dead, Qingyi Square is a trading market after all, and there are always many more passers-by and acquirers than permanent residents.

As long as Qingyi Square is still next to Jingxiu Lin, and as long as the outside world is still interested in Jingxiu Lin's monster materials and medicinal materials, the trade will never stop.

Head of the Xue family, do you mean that the management rights of Nanbeifang City have also been handed over to me?

In the Xue family's mansion, Li Shou stood in the lobby of the Immortal Mansion. Sitting below him were the head of the Xue family and two or three elders.

Yes, senior. Although our Xue family has a large protective formation, we still suffered heavy casualties in the battle a few days ago. We are no longer able to run it. It is better to hand it all over to senior to exchange for the safety of the clan.

The world of immortality is always dominated by the weak and the strong, and the Xue family understands this truth very well. He had witnessed that battle with his own eyes. The opponent was so strong that he had no capital to compete. At this time, he could still retain the family's original wealth by actively transferring it.

If you still dare to ignore promotion at this time, then according to the general rules of the world of immortality, you will end up turning into ashes.

I... Li Shou was about to say something when someone suddenly came to report from outside.

Report to the head of the family, the envoy from the Yulin Sect is coming to see you!


Li Shou looked outside.

The Yulin Sect is one of the three major sects of the Yue Kingdom and manages one-third of the territory of the Yue Kingdom.

Qingyifang is under the management of Yulin Sect. If such a big thing happened here and tens of thousands of monks died, people from there would naturally be sent over.

It's only been a few days, so it came quite quickly.

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