As soon as the sound wave comes out, it is the ultimate shock.

Since Li Shou had not yet jumped in front of the three-eyed monks, he was not disturbed too much by the sound waves this time.

The epic enhanced sonic attack is similar to the Tao Xing output.

Dao Xing is a multiplier. As the students' strength continues to improve, the effect of this multiplier becomes more and more important.

At first, the three-eyed monks didn't pay much attention, thinking that they could block this wave of output with the power of the formation and magical weapons. However, when the shock wave came, the protective props on their bodies broke one after another, and the formation collapsed instantly.

Along with the sound waves, in addition to vibrations, there are also banshee's songs, wonderful melodies and the illusion brought about by the music.

The bodies of these students have been engraved with godhead by vanilla. At this time, the power and functionality are greatly improved due to the interaction with sound waves.

The monks were killed by the shock, disturbed by the singing and melody, and each one of them began to lose consciousness.

It wasn't until the leading monk took out a chime bell and rang a dong sound that the others came back to their senses.

But at the same time, Li Shou had already entered the formation.

He first punched a monk, shattering his protective weapon and sending his body flying.

Then he grabbed the two monks with his big hands and tore them apart hard. The protective props were turned over and broken, twisting their bodies into twists.

Without resting his hands or his mouth, Li Shouhu entered the flock of sheep and breathed out a breath of ice. The extremely cold breath swept the whole place along with the storm. Even if the three-eyed monks had various protective spells, they could only be defeated. Covered with frost.

In particular, several people who were hit by the cold air directly turned into ice sculptures. They were shocked by the sound wave that followed and immediately shattered into ice slag on the ground.

While Li Shou rushed into the crowd and killed everyone, other methods of the team also followed.

King Urine's thunderous arrows could seriously injure a monk with each shot, and the bacteria and poisonous mist that followed made the formation sizzle with corrosion.

Most of the various magic weapons, robes and props were destroyed at this moment.

Then a flying ax flew through the air with the force of distorting space, and killed several monks in a row before stopping its force and turning back.

The Samsara Dao team had less than thirty people in total, and more than a dozen people died in these rounds.

But the strange thing is that when they saw the death of their companions, these monks were not too sad, or even had any emotional fluctuations.

And the most important thing is that what Li Shou felt most strongly in the formation was that it was becoming increasingly difficult to kill people.

When he first entered the formation, he could kill several people in one round, and then in the next round, he could only kill two people. Until now, half of the opponents were dead. When he struck with all his strength, the opponent was only injured but not killed, and his defense was unexpected Much higher.

what's the situation?

Li Shou picked up a monk and took a closer look, and found that there was an extra eye on the other's forehead - right next to the vertical eye between the eyebrows. From a three-eyed monk to a four-eyed monk.

The more you kill, the more powerful you become?

Li Shou thought of the Ringwraiths in Lord of the Rings, who also became more powerful the more they killed them.

But it won’t do without killing.

When he grabbed this man, Li Shou looked back and saw that the reincarnation giant was even more powerful than the monks.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, the white fox had already fled, and no one else could do much to help. It was all up to Narcissus and her team to hold on.

At this time, Narcissus used the formation to trap the giant, but it was obvious that he was out of strength. The formation was swaying, and the light of the formation kept flickering like a light bulb that was about to go out.

Kill! You can't just throw a weapon at someone just because of the other party's methods.

Li Shou used his strength to twist the towel with all his strength, and with the help of the cold air, he twisted the opponent into dregs.

At the same time, the second wave of attacks from teammates also came.

Amidst the shock and poisonous smoke, among bacteria and illusions, Li Shou was confused and his body was infected by bacteria and toxins and festered continuously.

But it doesn't matter. What Li Shou is best at is exchanging injuries for injuries. In a chaotic environment, he continues to make achievements. The monks are killed one by one, until someone knocks him out with a single blow.

Huh? It wasn't until he was knocked out a hundred meters away and out of the attack range of sound waves and toxins that Li Shou's mind became slightly clearer. He looked intently and saw that there were only two people left alive in the monk formation.

But both of them had eyes all over their heads, which looked weird and penetrating.

Moreover, the two of them were much taller than before, and their bodies were filled with strong reincarnation karma.

When Li Shou looked at them, a bolt of thunder happened to hit one of them on the body, but it did not hurt him at all. The power of the thunder was turned away by karma, and the man shattered the thunder arrow with a wave of his hand.

There are only two left! Although they are very powerful, there are only two left after all!

Li Shousi reached this point and returned to the formation again. This time, as soon as he took action, his arm was broken by the opponent's Zen staff - the opponent's melee ability, after killing dozens of teammates, had surpassed him at this time.

But Li Shou's broken arm recovered instantly, and at the same time, a large amount of cold air leaked out of his body and began to pollute the ground.

The evil place slowly formed and spread.

Seeing this happening, the students gathered around and hurriedly gathered together.

What should we do? Brother Li and two monks have gone in. Do we want to go in?

The evil spirit area is not big enough, and the two monks now have the ability to kill us instantly. If we go in now, many people will definitely die. Juehuang stopped everyone, Don't enter the evil spirit territory yet, wait.

Lao Jue, you don't want to risk your life? Zhao Yinuo, the reckless man, was immediately dissatisfied when he heard this. I thought you had a good relationship with Lao Li. Come on, isn't it time to shrink your eggs at the critical moment?

I didn't say not to go in, I said not to go in now. Juehuang explained: The two monks are too powerful. If we go in now, we will definitely die. As for who will die, it depends on luck.

But it will be much better if you go in after a while. I just saw that the abilities of those monks mainly come from that strange karma-like thing in them. Let Brother Li consume it for a while. Although Brother Li can't defeat them, he will definitely not die.

Even if the physical body is shattered and the evil spirits are killed, they will not die.

And Brother Li has a strong defense. If they want to defeat Brother Li once, they have to spend a lot of karma.

After seeing if they can't be killed, they will use more and greater force to fight, which is very draining for them.

Let's go in again after Brother Li has suffered enough damage.

As Juehuang explained, he looked towards Narcissus. Although it was in a precarious state, it could still hold on.

His mind was running wildly, analyzing the situation inside and outside the evil land, and calculating the best time to enter.

About seven or eight minutes later, he pulled Zhao Yinuo and Guo Pengfei over and said, Lao Guo, please share your dynamic vision with Lao Zhao. Lao Zhao, find an opportunity to hit one of them hard! Chen Zihan, please see the situation clearly, it really can't be done , stop the war quickly!



After saying this, Emperor Jue led the team into the evil place created by Li Shou.

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