The red gate reaches the sky and the earth, and is a hundred feet high.

After the door was born, it began to emit a strange suction force. Although there was no wind in the suction force, Li Shou was suspended in the air, always feeling that his evil spirit seemed to be sucked into the door.

Li Shou was like this in the outer square, and the people in the inner square were even more powerless to resist around the gate.

Li Shou vaguely heard countless screams coming from the inner chamber.

Those who can live in the inner square are either members of the big family or casual cultivators in the foundation-building period. Logically speaking, all of them are very powerful.

But under the giant gate, those monks in the foundation-building stage had no ability to resist.

Li Shou vaguely saw countless souls being sucked into the giant door.

There are more than tens of thousands of monks stationed in the entire city of Neifang. The few who have the ability to resist are the Xue family.

The Xue family's protective formation automatically opens when the giant door emits suction, but even so, it is like a ship in a hurricane. The energy light rhymes automatically without wind, and it swings violently on the spot. Just by looking at it, you can tell how long it will last. .

It turns out that they had no intention of helping the Feng family in the first place. They just wanted to take advantage of the chaos or use the dead energy of the outsiders to use their own methods. It was a smart choice...

Their method had been prepared for a long time. Although Li Shuixian couldn't guess what the prerequisites were for starting, starting at this time was undoubtedly the safest and most uninterrupted.

But the entire Qingyi Fang Waifang has the largest number of people. If we guard the Waifang, you won't be able to absorb enough souls. As Li Shuixian spoke, he activated the formation he had deployed in recent days to protect the entire Waifang. Under the formation, resist the interference of the red door.

What a strange data... In mid-air, Vanilla was collecting data while launching the photon cannon and shooting two light beams at the red door.

The first shot hit the door, like a stone sinking into the sea without any response.

The second shot hit the door frame, but there was no reaction from the energy collision.

It doesn't seem to be the real thing. What a strange rule... Master, I suggest that you directly bombard those dozens of monks and kill the person who cast the spell!

This should be the solution, let's try it...

Before Li Shou finished speaking, ripples suddenly appeared inside the red door, and then a giant several hundred meters tall appeared from inside.

A true giant.

A few hundred meters in size like a hill.

It's the kind of body that would require countless high-yield nuclear bombs to destroy even a nuclear bomb.

At this time, after the giant was born, he stepped out and countless houses in the inner square were razed to the ground.

The giant's body was red and black, and hung with charms. Although Li Shou could not understand the characters of those charms, he could understand its meaning.

“The world is a great sea of ​​suffering.

Entering reincarnation and being reincarnated is just to make up for regrets.

Only by entering the path of reincarnation can we make up for the regrets of the previous life.

Get out of the sea of ​​suffering...

Human beings are, after all, creatures living in regret.

Just when Li Shou understood the meaning of those spells, the giant opened his mouth and let out a sigh like the sigh of an old man lying on a dying hospital bed before taking his last breath.

What a pity!

This sigh carries with it the hardships of childhood, the trance of youth breaking up with his first love, the middle-aged child who wants to support his family, and the helpless old age of a wasted life.


Life is a big sea of ​​suffering.

In the giant's sigh, the spirits of countless monks were directly crushed, and they just wanted to live another life to make up for the unfinished things in the previous life.

Tao Xing is a bit high! Vanilla, are you okay... Li Shou was protected by Tai Qing Jing Xin Jue and could still maintain some consciousness, but when he looked at Vanilla next to him, he realized something was wrong.

The data is in chaos and is being repaired... Little Vanilla doesn't have many means to deal with this attack.

Well... I'll be fine for now. Li Shou looked away.

Even under the protection of the formation, those casual cultivators in the Qi refining period began to take their own lives with endless regrets. After being cursed, they only felt regretful in this life, thinking that if they died now, they would have a chance to make amends again. .

And as the casual cultivators died one by one, the power of the Red Sect became stronger and stronger, and the strength of the giants also became stronger and stronger.

It's hard to handle. Li Shou flew down and came to Narcissus, What should I do?

I strengthen the spiritual defense formation... As Li Shuixian spoke, formation stones kept flying out from his body, I need to protect the casual cultivators here and resist the giants. You and your original team members go and kill the spell caster. , your mental resistance is better, and it will be fine if you go out.

Can you stop it?

While Li Shou was speaking, the giant was already approaching Waifang.

Li Shuixian was under great pressure at this time, not only to maintain the magic circle to resist normal attacks, but also to strengthen the Qingming spirit magic circle, which was quite stressful.

Do your own thing!


It is right for everyone to perform his duties.

Li Shou didn't show any pretense. He took a deep breath and called his classmates before rushing out of the circle.

Arriving at the outer edge of the formation, the impact of the mental attack was naturally greater. Even with the protection of the Tai Qing Jing Xin Jue, the people in Li Shou's team were almost unable to withstand it at this time.

All of them were listless and looked like they were about to die.

Create some pain for yourself! Li Shou slapped King Urine next to him and was about to continue leading the team forward.

But the giants at the top seemed to have sanity. After realizing that they did not let these people cut the back row, they raised their big feet and tried to step on them while everyone was in a daze.

But at this time, in the formation, more than a dozen people from Shuixian's team were all in place. They took out the array props they were equipped with and connected with Li Shuixian's energy and spirit.

Then Narcissus' mental power surged, and a world seed flew out of his body.

The Seed of the World flew in front of the giant and sent out a message of destruction. The scene of the planet exploding passed over in an instant like a movie. Then a huge black hole was born and exploded on the spot, directly blowing up half of the giant's body.

As the giant fell to the ground, its big feet were naturally unable to trample on it.

Let's go, go quickly!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Shou transformed directly, grabbed his classmates and flew towards the bottom of the red door.

He knows that as long as the Red Gate is not destroyed, the giant will not die - because it is the product of the regretful will of everyone in the reincarnation.

Sure enough, after the giant fell to the ground, he got up again, and his wounds gradually recovered as more and more people died.

However, taking advantage of this time difference, Li Shou had already crossed more than ten kilometers and arrived under the red gate of Neifang - the location of the Feng family.

No surprise, a group of three-eyed monks are casting spells here...

Kill them!

Li Shou shouted loudly, threw his classmates aside first, and then rushed towards the group of monks.

When the students landed, they scattered all over the place with strong energy and began to perform their own spells.

The male students first transformed to increase their mobility and defense.

Then, the first wave of attacks was the sonic attack of Zhao Yiyi and the Good Student Legion.

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