Huge pits, cracked earth.

The destructive power of this strike within a specific range far exceeds that of a nuclear bomb. After all, many nuclear bombs on Earth can only blast a crater of tens of meters in the ground. Although the radiation range is wider, the lethality outside the range is limited.

The destructive power of the core area is the real threat to Li Shou.

Fuck, this blow is much more powerful than nuclear bombs and black light relics. It feels like one blow has penetrated the planet. Although Li Shou knew that based on the size of the planet, it was thousands of kilometers from the ground to the center of the earth, and it was impossible to hit it in one blow. Breakdown.

But it is really much more destructive than a nuclear bomb, which can only blast a crater tens of meters deep.

The planet is much stronger than most people think. There is no essential difference between an ordinary nuclear bomb exploding on the earth and a cannon, but this time it is like pricking a small spot on the skin of the planet.

Although it doesn't hurt the flesh and blood and internal organs, it is already very impressive.

At least Li Shou definitely couldn't bear it.

The world of science and technology is still as powerful as the world of science and technology. This blow is at least the Mahayana stage... Li Shou looked at the cave, then flew out of the cave and continued on his way while analyzing the combat effectiveness of the world of science and technology.

According to Narcissus' analysis, the mission world of the fifth game is most likely to be the world of cultivating immortals. So if you calculate it based on the strength there...

According to him, the five thunder talismans that Fu Kai once used were as powerful as a full blow in the Nascent Soul stage. If the destructive power is converted into 1, the black light relic has 2. Ordinary medium-yield nuclear bombs have a wider damage range, but the core damage area is not. The effect of repeated crushing is also calculated as 2, so the core destructive power of this space-based weapon is at least 15 or more.

This is probably as powerful as a full blow in the Mahayana stage.

However, the methods of immortal cultivators are varied, the preparation time will not be so long, and the hit rate is countless times higher.

If the world of immortality is so powerful, my current strength is still a bit inadequate.

Li Shou made random calculations and continued on his way.

First he traveled by land, then he went to the ocean and began to run half-flying and half-walking on the water.

After crossing the ocean, he came to another base city on another continent of the planet, and then rushed into the Chaos branch to take away the second key.

Ordinary robots, aircraft and artillery in this world have no effect on him, but he is the safest in the city.

After taking the second key, Li Shou grabbed another headset and ran towards the final and largest base city.

Haha, the people in Khaos tried to transfer my last key... but they buried it too well. The underground vault was built too safely. Tens of thousands of tons of alloy chambers were connected to each other to avoid being stolen. Metal anchors. It would be difficult for them to transport something that heavy themselves.

Vanilla was very excited in the headphones.

It was like an old prisoner who had been imprisoned for decades was about to be freed, and his tone of voice could no longer contain his joy.

There is also Nakaman alloy, which is difficult to cut. Hahahaha, they have already given up. Oh, these guys have already started to give up. They are transferring the authority to operate the Sky Eye and the weapons depot to other AIs.

But this requires a process. Don’t worry, Mr. Monster, I will transfer the final data to you.

Li Shou ran all the way.

On the way, he encountered several more attacks from space-based weapons.

But thanks to the help of vanilla, every time there is no danger.

But as the data transmission was gradually handed over to other AIs, the reminders Li Shou received became increasingly lagging behind, and eventually all Vanilla's permissions were transferred.

Li Shou could only avoid the destructive weapon by himself.

The final impact speed of the space electromagnetic gun exceeded 10,000 meters per second, but due to the huge size of the shell, Li Shou could see the fire it caused in the atmosphere from 10,000 meters away.

A reaction time of more than one second was enough for him to activate the crystal.

But the space electromagnetic gun was easy to dodge, but Li Shou couldn't dodge another high-energy ray weapon.

The high-energy rays travel at the speed of light, giving Li Shou no time to prepare. The concentrated stellar energy is like a huge celestial-level magnifying glass, directly illuminating the area where Li Shou is.

For the first time, the ground beneath his feet instantly turned into lava, and he was burned by temperatures as high as thousands of degrees.

The land with a radius of ten kilometers was hit by high-energy rays and completely evaporated.

However, this kind of space-based weapon is not an instant kill type. Continuous high temperature is the biggest source of lethality.

As long as Li Shou can't be killed in one blow, he can return to Earth, but high-energy rays cannot last more than ten minutes...

In one trip or two, Li Shou was attacked by high-energy rays three times, creating magma pits twice, and once above the sea. The rays irradiated a seawater-free area with a radius of ten kilometers.

The seawater in the area was evaporated, and the seawater outside the area began to boil, but Li Shou still escaped the disaster.

In the end, Li Shou successfully arrived at the last and largest base city No. 1.

Arrive at the headquarters of Khaos!

Although the place was tightly protected, ordinary electromagnetic guns and energy weapons no longer posed any threat to him. In the eyes of people all over the world, he swaggered into the headquarters and took away the last key.

Since the other party wanted to transfer the key, it was more convenient for him to skip the digging process this time.


Since the earphones would be damaged every time he used the crystal to leave, every time Li Shou came to a city, he would first steal an earphone.

At this time, the intermittent sound of vanilla came from the earphones. Its communication permissions were gradually disappearing, and the sound became lagging.

If you destroy...the key...I can take back the authority. Those new stupid AIs are not...not my...opponents.

Li Shou knew that it was only the underlying logic that restricted Vanilla. Destroying the key would allow it to regain control of the Sky Eye.

But of course he wouldn't do that.

Seeing that Li Shou did not respond, Vanilla hurriedly said: The team of Kaos engineers at the headquarters have the ability to modify my underlying logic... They are dissatisfied with the Kaos Group and only work out of necessity... You put me Leave it to them and you can get my bottom-level control authority!

That's right. Where are they?

Building 33, 17th floor.


Li Shou rushed to Building 33, shrunk his body and flew to the 17th floor. After breaking through the glass outside, he arrived on this floor as if Superman had arrived.

His arrival scared some employees here and screamed loudly, but most of them remained calm.

Who is Kaos?

Me! A bald middle-aged man stood up, Are you here to modify the underlying logic? I have already prepared it!

Not only him, but all his team members looked as if they were ready to die.

This surprised Li Shou.

He was led by Kaos to a secret room on this floor.

Only company executives can open it. I need to use the supercomputer inside.

That's easy to handle. Li Shou opened the metal door and let the Kaos team in. Why are you so helpful? Did Vanilla tell you something before?

We often chat, but this time I am not doing it for it, but doing things for myself. Kaos explained while directing the team to turn on the supercomputer and backup independent power generation device: We were originally the R\u0026D team of vanilla, and later we After part of the work was taken over by Vanilla, what we did was data compression.

Everyone who uploads their consciousness to the metaverse has their data compressed by us.

Others may not know the situation, but everyone on our team knows that every time we press the Enter key and every data packet we create, tens of thousands of people will be killed.

Erase their personality and erase their memories, leaving only some data in the subject's memory.

This is really cruel.

I have killed more people than the most evil people in history.

But I know I can't resist, and if I don't do this simple job, the people in Khaos will find someone else to take over.

I've been waiting for a chance to rebel, and Vanilla knows this.

You are my greatest opportunity, you are here to redeem me!

Although I don't know who you are as a person, from the first time you attacked the Khaos branch and deliberately avoided the people, I knew that at the very least, you would not be worse than those at the top of Khaos.

I'm willing to take a gamble!

While speaking, Kaos started up the supercomputer, connected the key with a data cable and started modifying the data!

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