Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 242 The destructive power of space-based weapons

How can I help you?

First help me see if this is the key with the underlying logic of Vanilla... Li Shou has not yet established absolute trust in Vanilla. He needs to use various means to verify Vanilla's credibility.


While the people in the laboratory were helping him inspect the goods, Li Shou still came to the laboratory and picked up the computer and started to check the locations of several other keys - that is, all the locations of the Khaos Group.

After the world war a hundred years ago, most of the world was reduced to scorched earth. People were crowded into the three major base cities, each with a population of hundreds of millions.

A city with a population of hundreds of millions sounds exaggerated, but with technological means it is nothing – after all, there are cities with tens of millions of people on earth.

The base city here is more complete, with a grid-style soilless planting area and various synthetic foods.

The average person can live on eating only synthetic foods.

A base city has hundreds of districts, each with millions of people, and one headquarters and two branches of Khaos are located in three base cities.

Among them, the headquarters has the strongest protective power. In this world dominated by large companies, Chaos represents the highest power, and even the North and South Parliaments are under its invisible control.

After Li Shou opened the website and checked the locations of the other two places in Khaos, the laboratory there also confirmed the authenticity of the key.

The underlying logic in this thing is one after another, like a matryoshka doll. The logic is so strict that Vanilla cannot resist. The data in it is so rigorous that Dr. Caron believes in its authenticity.

Is it safe for you here? After all, Khaos' current search for me must be much more intense than when he searched for you before.

Don't worry. If we really didn't have a backup plan, we wouldn't be alive now. This underground area extends in all directions, and we have set up many traps, so there is no problem at all.

Okay! Leave that thing with you for now. I'll come back as soon as I go.

After leaving the key, Li Shou set off again. He first changed his body and walked out of the sewer onto the street. As soon as his figure appeared, he was captured by the Sky Eye system.

However, the excellent combat system did not send any other soldiers to interfere with him this time.

After all, this system is dominated by vanilla, and a powerful AI will not do useless work endlessly.

Li Shou ran all the way on the street, randomly found a store and did some chaos, grabbed a pair of headphones and stuffed them into his ear holes.

Sure enough, as soon as he put in the earphones, he heard the sound of vanilla.

Now my data analysis shows that your body can only be destroyed by space-based weapons, so there will no longer be ordinary robot police to hunt you down. Now that the data has been reported, they will use space-based weapons to deal with you.


Do you have any means of escape?


As Li Shou spoke, his body grew again, and he stretched his speed to the extreme, rushing out of the base city through dozens of districts.

The outskirts of the base city are relatively normal, with some large farms, but once outside the farm area, the scenery changes drastically.

There are no more people, no signs of life anymore - more than a hundred kilometers away from the city has directly turned into a radiation zone with no grass growing.

The war a hundred years ago destroyed 90% of the world's land.

And a hundred years later, the world is still in the squeeze mode. The whole world is like a powder keg. If it explodes again, it will really be over.

No wonder Iwaizumi said that based on human characteristics, the high-tech world will self-destruct when it develops to a certain extent, but it will not last as long as the cultivation world. After all, the cultivation world controls everything, and extraordinary power cannot be in the hands of ordinary people.

In the world of technology, even the weapon button pressed by ordinary people is enough to destroy everything.

Although the probability of ordinary people getting certain key buttons is very low, if the time is extended to infinity, this probability will also become infinite.

There will come a time when haters, blank slates, cynics, or AI itself may destroy the world.

Li Shou sighed and walked quickly.

After Li Shou ran for thousands of kilometers in a radiation zone with no vegetation, Vanilla began to try to chat with Li Shou.

Okay, although the space eye in this area is still looking at you, after there are not so many cameras, the function of capturing mouth shapes no longer exists. We can chat for a while.


Can you tell me where you are from?

If I tell you now, you won't understand. Because of the rules, Li Shou didn't say much, But after you come back with me, you'll be able to understand.

Oh, you don't sound like you're lying. The depths of the universe are too mysterious. Chaos doesn't care about me about independent scientific research. I have made some small explorers before and launched them. I found that there are Between the planets with intelligent life, there seems to be a large barren zone in the universe that cannot be crossed.

I have also used super telescopes to observe several planets whose civilizations have been destroyed. I also found that there are some strange connections between those planets and our planet.

Just like the channels that transport nutrient solution in trees, only the planet above the nutrient solution channel has enough nutrient supply to give birth to life.

Awesome! Li Shou didn't expect Vanilla to have explored this far.

Oh, and also, the barren zone of the living planet is so far away, what kind of aircraft does Mr. Monster rely on to travel...

I don't rely on aircraft, I teleport.

I see, space folding technology really does exist. Mr. Monster, if you have teleportation technology, remember to use it after three minutes and 45 seconds. The space electromagnetic gun has locked onto your area and will be launched after three minutes and 45 seconds.

Understood! Li Shou did not activate the crystal escape in advance.

Escape early would definitely abort the launch, but he wanted to see the destructive power of this high-tech world.

Mr. Monster, there is still one minute until launch.

Thirty seconds left...

Fifteen seconds...

Ten, nine, eight... Oh, the shell has been launched. The initial speed is 5103 meters per second. The speed is still increasing. The launch point of the space launch cabin is 350 kilometers away from here. Counting acceleration, it will take 33 seconds to reach your area. .”

After hearing this data, Li Shou did not hesitate. Without saying a word, he shrank his body and activated the crystal and returned to the earth.

For safety reasons, he stayed at home for five minutes before turning back.

When he turned back, the ground he had just stepped on had disappeared, and Li Shou's body began to fall. After relying on the storm to stabilize his body, Li Shou looked down and saw a cave as huge as an abyss.

The cave is bottomless and everything around it is cracking.

He had only seen this scene in the Dragon Ball cartoon. The scene was a bit like Frieza's blow that destroyed the planet.

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