Landlord... The man's distortion continued, and his extreme emotions seemed to be eroding his sanity, making it difficult for him to speak.

However, he was shot and did not die.

A normal person would die no matter where he was hit by a heavy sniper rifle.

But the weird man has good vitality, his muscle tissue is clumping and squirming, and his wounds are slowly healing.

With the last of his wits, the man told Li Shou an address.

Without saying a word, Li Shou picked up the man and ran towards that place.

He is from Zhanzhou himself, and he lives nearby and is naturally familiar with the surrounding streets.

Under the leadership of Li Shou, the two quickly arrived at a crowded residential area.

This is a gathering place for migrant workers. There are mostly small houses here, and there are many snacks and shops selling cheap daily necessities.

Does the landlord himself live here? It is probably to facilitate rent collection, or is it a local demolished household? Li Shou did not ask for specific reasons. The most important thing is to be fair in doing things, no matter where you are.

Li Shou wanted to see if, after the fair, the man's mind could recover and whether he could get rid of the red mist infection.

Li Shou broke into a house according to the address he provided. Inside was an aunt about sixty years old who was fanning a cattail leaf fan.

When she saw someone breaking in, bringing along a monstrous deformed person, the aunt showed fear in her eyes, but she did not flinch.

I am his spokesperson, and I need you to return the deposit according to the contract. Li Shou went straight to the point after entering the door.

Oh, who am I talking about? It turns out that this aberrant monster is Xiao Sun. After the landlady recognized the middle-aged man's clothes, she was not very scared. She just used her aggressive and messy shrew skills.

What, if it's damaged, you have to buy a new one, and that's the original price.

Or, you have to hire someone to clean it, which is another expense.

Also, he told me all about the fact that the deposit is generally not refundable when renting a house.

Aren't you afraid? Li Shou was a little confused at first. The intrusion of strangers and the weird and deformed people would have scared the shit out of normal people.

But after questioning, Li Shou noticed that the landlord, perhaps because of greed or other emotions, was also infected by the red mist.

There were some red grape-like pustules on the side of her neck. The pustules would beat. Every time they beat, the greed in her eyes would become stronger and her words would become more aggressive.

The non-refund of the deposit is a civil dispute according to the law. But from my point of view, it is like extortion and rogue behavior... The cost of breaking the law is too low and it is not fair.

You can either pay triple compensation now, or I can help him find justice. It's your choice.

If you can, call the police. I think they are...

The deformity of the man around him became more and more serious. Seeing that the landlady was still pestering him, Li Shou didn't want to waste time.

He is not an absolutely impartial judge.

Now he just wants to see what will happen after bringing relative fairness to the middle-aged man.

Seeing that the aunt was still pestering Li Shou, he stretched out his hand and crushed the pustule on her neck. A large amount of pus and blood spurted out. As the pustule subsided and pain arose, the aunt immediately begged for mercy.

No, no, no, don't call me. I'll refund the money. I'll give it back three times to you... The aunt begged for mercy and took out her mobile phone to refund the money at Li Shou's signal.

Following her behavior, the middle-aged man's eyes became clearer and his speech became clearer.

But this clarity did not last long, and he fell into a strange emotional whirlpool again.

I got my money back, but the price was too high. I have become like this, and my future life is completely ruined.

Haha, maybe I have never had a life.

My life is work.

As the middle-aged man sighed, his body quickly deformed.

Instead of this, let's destroy it. Let me die, but the landlord must die too!

As he spoke, the middle-aged man turned into a complete weirdo. Then he threw the landlord down and began his cruel revenge.

Li Shou did not stop his behavior and continued to watch the scene.

After the middle-aged man chewed up the landlord into a mess, he did not recover because of his successful revenge, but became completely crazy.

The last trace of consciousness disappeared, making his eyes turn red, and then he pounced on Li Shou.

Alas. Li Shou sighed, then stretched out his index finger and scratched it with his nail. A stream of evil energy was generated, cutting the man in half and killing him on the spot.

After this incident, he also completely understood the situation of the earth.

It's red eye again, its shadow is everywhere.

After saying this, Li Shou left the scene.

With his current strength and ability, he is no longer afraid of any official actions.

But he still didn't want to stay on Earth for too long. After helping his aunt's house with some things, Li Shou asked his aunt to take some time to repair his house, and then left this familiar world.

Things on Earth are still in the early stages of development, and he can't change anything.

If you want to understand the red-eye thing, become an adventurer, and leave Fenggu City to go to the bigger world, this is the prerequisite.

And the main premise of all this is strength.

Returning to the main world, Li Shou felt a little tired. He originally planned to go to the third mission world or the Mo and Sun world to try his current strength.

But after what happened on Earth, he didn't want to fight for the time being, so he simply came to the Traveler Club.

This time he just opened the door and saw a familiar figure.

Li Shuixian.

When Li Shougang saw Li Shuixian, he did not recognize her immediately.

After all, it has been almost six years since we last met.

The last time he saw Li Shuixian was just after the second mission. Later, after the interval between the second and third missions, he experienced the third mission.

Then the fourth game was dominated by the task of domination, preparation, and the war of unification, followed by the implementation of the Way of Balance, and the final three years of seclusion.

During this period, Li Shou never met Li Shuixian.

Li Shou himself is a cultivator and rarely comes back.

And Li Shuixian seems to be the same.

Even when Li Shou came back, the other party was basically in the mission world.

Even this meeting was an accident.

Long time no see. If it weren't for the sparkle between her eyebrows and Li Shuixian's unique temperament, Li Shou would only feel that the slim girl in front of him was very beautiful and would not be associated with the little Lolita from six years ago.

Well, looking at your eyes, it took me a long time to recognize me. I haven't seen you for a long time. Li Shuixian still looks the same, with watery eyes and a smile on everyone he sees. Although I haven't seen you in the past few years, I have heard about you. Something happened. You led many classmates to survive the third game, and many of them received epic rewards.

It's all thanks to you. Li Shou nodded, What about you? I'm not very well-informed. How are you doing there?

We were not very lucky. Many classmates died in the third game. Speaking of this, Li Shuixian's eyes darkened, Let's go over there and sit and chat. I'll buy you a drink and give you a treat by the way. thing.

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