But before that, we have to go to Earth.

In the past three years, the classmates have gone home from time to time. In order to save home time, Li Shou reserved it for traveling around the world and rarely returned to Earth.

He only knows that the earth has completely changed now, becoming more and more weird under the wrestling of various rules.

Breathe... Taking a deep breath, Li Shou looked into the cave.

Among the dozen or so classmates, not many could persist in practicing hard. On the contrary, the indigenous people were more patient.

In the past two years, because of the pure state of mind provided by Stone Jade Golden Ice Heart Grass, I did not feel pain or the passage of time during retreat. Instead, I felt peaceful and very comfortable after settling down.

At this time, everyone can still persevere.

But after arriving at the cave, things were different.

Every day boring breathing, practicing, studying...

Day after day, few people can persevere.

It's like doing math problems all the time. You can do it in one day, two days, and you can barely persevere in a week or two, but it is very difficult to do it for many years without stopping.

Most of the students spend three days fishing and two days drying nets in seclusion. From time to time, they have to go out to relax, or go back to the city to recuperate for a while, or return to the earth to adjust, or go to their own manor to have a drink to find their way. As a girl, you need to recover your boring mental state before you can continue.

In the words of King Urine, if you sit in a cave every day and think about your faults, and are not allowed to come out, you will become mentally ill.

But Li Shou didn't feel anything.

He was very persistent from early on.

He was able to insist on intense exercise because of some foreseeable dreams.

Later, when he was in seclusion, he never felt any pain.

The feeling of watching his strength improve every day is very wonderful. He does not need a pure heart. Watching himself become stronger every day makes his heart pure.

Sister, I will leave for a while.

In the cave, only Yan Ling'er, Zhao Yinuo, Yuan Yifa, Cheng Lingyue and Qian Hongxu were left at this time.

Yes, Zhao Yinuo is the only classmate who can stay in seclusion like Li Shou.

This reckless man has a perverted desire for power. Like Li Shou, he enjoys being in seclusion every day.

Junior brother, have you mastered the Dharma of Sublimating Evil?


It's amazing. I achieved great success in such a short time, but I can't even get started... Yan Ling'er's cultivation talent is not very high. With the help of Tai Qing Jing Xin Jue, it only allowed her to rise from the mediocrity in this world. ” became “genius.”

But her current level of genius is only the same as that of ordinary royals. Compared with those powerful people with bloodline in ancient times, it is still far behind, let alone compared with those with full buffs like Li Shou.

It's okay, senior sister, take your time. There will be more time in the future. If you haven't entered the country by the time you are thirty or forty years old, I will bring you some elixirs. Li Shou smiled. The two of them had a relationship. He doesn't care about spending some resources on Yan Ling'er, I also want senior sister to live forever and stay with me!

You want me to stay with you all the time, so you have to be careful yourself. I don't know what secrets you hide, junior brother, and I can't figure it out, but you have to be cautious in everything. Many things need to be planned slowly. If you are too risky, , maybe sometimes there will be very good returns, but there will always be... Yan Ling'er didn't want to say something unlucky, so she stopped here, but Li Shou understood what she meant.

Don't worry, senior sister, I will be careful.


No, let me interrupt your flirting. You just absorbed all the cold air. What should we do? Zhao Yinuo is practicing and has no resources.

This thing is like spring water. You will slowly recover after drinking it all. Didn't this happen once before? With just a few of us, we want to drain an ancient spiritual spring dry, or seal the spiritual spring that has accumulated a lot of reserves over the years. Quan is also unrealistic, just wait and I’ll go back to Earth to take a look.”

After saying these words, Li Shou left the world of Jiuzhou.

Using the main world as a transit, he returned to Earth first.

On the current earth, under the protection of several rules such as mushrooms and square ants, the red mist has become lighter, and everyone is still living normally as before.

There are no more pure lunatics who treat the earth as an online game, but whenever a mentally twisted person appears, the red mist will infect him and turn him into a monster.

I haven't been home for a long time. When I returned to the bedroom again, the place was no longer what it was.

The door that was broken down the last time I went out has not been repaired, and since no one has lived in it for several years, this place is no different from a homeless person's room.

But he didn't care and wandered around the streets after going out.

Unlike before the red mist appeared, there are now many heavily armed patrol cars on the streets, with well-armed combatants on them.

Patrol cars are no longer strange on the streets.

When Li Shou came back, it was exactly when he went to work at seven or eight o'clock in the morning.

When he walked out of the alley at home and onto the road, he saw people bustling about going to work.

There was fatigue on the faces of these people, and unwillingness to be forcibly pulled up by the alarm clock.

While Li Shou was waiting for the traffic light, he was inspecting the mushrooms growing on the roadside and the red mist in the sky. Suddenly, he heard the middle-aged man's phone ringing next to him, and then he answered the phone.

Yes, it's me. When will my deposit be returned to me?

Huh? That's not right! We signed a contract and the deposit will be refunded when you check out after one year. I didn't damage your things...

Yes, the furniture is a little worn, but that's normal use... No, no, no, I'll compensate you at most two hundred yuan according to the price. You return the deposit to me, and I'll compensate you normally...

Hey Hey hey?

Fuck! The other end of the phone hung up, and the man cursed in return.

I live a miserable life every day. I work from dawn to dusk every day. I don't save a penny. I contribute half of my income to you. Even so, you don't refund my deposit. Why...

Damn it, I quit, I'm going to kill you.

Since you don't want to make it easy for me...

Then let's not even think about it!

The man's anger caused a surge of red mist around him. Li Shou saw that as the man's emotions gradually became more extreme, the surrounding mist began to move closer to his body.

As more and more red mist began to gather toward him, his body began to become distorted.

The surrounding crowd quickly screamed and started running away, and some people took out their mobile phones to call the police.

Obviously, this is not the first time this has happened, and everyone has a way to deal with it.

When the man began to turn into a monster and become abnormal, a patrol car quickly arrived. Then the combatants in the car set up a heavy sniper rifle and began to shoot at the man.

The heavy sniper rifle carried armor-piercing bullets. One shot made a hole the size of a bowl in the man's body, and then he reloaded the gun.

Li Shou saw the second shot from the patrol car, aimed at the man's head.

If Li Shou doesn't care, this gun will kill him.

Suppressing anger does not seem to be a way of balance, and it is not fair to men. Li Shou took a step forward, tore open the subspace before the patrol car opened fire, and used the void escape technique to take him away from here. .

After traveling to another street a thousand meters away, Li Shou placed the still deformed man on the ground.

Do you know where your landlord is?

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