With a dynamic strength similar to time freeze, Li Shou can not only make evasive and counterattack actions in advance, but can even deduce the combat results of various different actions.

This state is great, the only unpleasant thing is that it's a bit brain-burning.

The brain's computing power can't keep up with the bonus of dynamic vision, which makes him afraid to think deeply or think carefully.

But even so, this bonus is huge.

Although Li Shou is now far slower than his opponent, he still relies on his ability to predict in advance to avoid the demon's successive attacks.


When Li Shou dodged, the mountain wall behind him had been shattered.

A large number of boulders rolled down from the mountain, showing the terrifying destructive power of the demon.

After being blessed by a strange power, Fang Hui showed abilities far beyond his own. What made Li Shou even more upset was that after the opponent hit him several times but failed to hit him, the runes on his body turned and condensed cold energy again. The power of ice.

In other words, the demon god Li Shou is now facing has both Fang Hui's original ice power and terrifying physical strength.

‘It’s not easy to fight! ’

After continuously dodging, Li Shou found an opportunity and hit his opponent with one punch.

But the runes on the opponent's body flickered, absorbing most of the energy, and he only caused very little damage to the opponent.

‘We have to continue to strengthen. ’

Li Shou continued to unleash the power of flesh and blood.

Yes, after it is released 100%, it can continue to be released.

The woman in red told Li Shou when she first met him that if a skill is just for maintaining the form, then this skill is very rubbish.

Blood-splitting Konjac is stronger than Butterfly Palate not only in its shaping ability, but also in its improvement in strength.

The reverse use of flesh and blood limits can allow people to exert their own strength beyond their own capabilities.

At this time, Li Shou completely released his skills, and his body began to move regularly.

Just like the experiment when he first obtained the skill, his whole body seemed to be filled with heart at this moment, and his strength greatly increased under the rhythm of flesh and blood.

After escaping several attacks from the devil again, Li Shou was not satisfied with this. On this basis, he used the Secret Technique of Boiling Blood to unleash the potential of his internal organs.

At the same time, it was not enough, so he bit into pieces of Chen Zihan's secretions in his mouth.

Before the battle, he prepared a double dose of venom, put it on his body in his human form, and swallowed it in his mouth when he transformed into the dark state.

At this time, the venom in the capsule was bitten, and under the stimulation of the poison, the body felt as if it had swallowed tons of stimulants, and its speed and strength soared again.

Wow!! In his crazy state, Li Shou became a little confused. He hit the demon god's body with a punch, shattering his fist and directly piercing the opponent's chest this time.

And the opponent didn't tolerate him either. Ice and Rune fought together with him. For a while, the two sides fought so hard that the rocks cracked and the air flow surged.

It's over, Brother Li can't last long!

It's okay, buddy, I've already prepared it.

At this time, a metal arrow coated with a large amount of venomous bacterial fluid was loaded into the front of King Urine's arm.

The arrow was filled with poisonous light...

The various toxins and bacterial fluids of the students have been epic-level enhanced.

The poison at this time is no longer an ordinary poison, and the bacteria are no longer ordinary bacteria.

When Wang Zheng obtained the epic enhanced poison, he experimented with its power. When a drop of poison was dropped on a stone, the entire stone could be dissolved.

A drop of poison placed in a puddle can make a small puddle boil.

The poison after epic level enhancement is no longer a poison in the ordinary physical sense, it feels a bit like the power of rules.

The same goes for bacterial fluids.

Zhang Qiangbo infected a mouse with his bacterial fluid. In the end, the mouse lost its flesh and blood, but it still maintained its body - a body composed of bacteria. The entire mouse became a bacterial petri dish.

At this time, the arrow smeared with several epic-level toxins and bacterial liquid was exposed at the front of King Urine's arm, causing the surrounding air to distort.

Don't say anything, let me show you the epic shooting skills... I'll feel it first!

After all, the Demon God was extremely fast, and King Urine didn't dare to push him too hard. He hid at the foot of the mountain and began to brew his emotions.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and all the movement trajectories in his eyes seemed to turn into lines. The lines were intricately intertwined, like a fishing net...

Then, suddenly, an idea struck him!

That's it now! King Urin released the valve.

Under the double blessing of Menersa's Parasitic Bow and Air Bag, the poisonous arrows were shot out like meteors.

The bow and arrow turned into a thin line, perfectly intertwined with the demon's movement trajectory, and finally accurately impacted its eyes and penetrated deeply into its eye sockets.

Ten rings! King Urine raised his hands in celebration while looking at his victory.

After the poisonous arrow hit the devil's eyeball, the poison instantly melted away in its eye socket.

After the epic-level bacteria and epic-level toxins spread, some black spots the size of ants began to form on the demon's face. After just a few breaths, it began to be unbearable.

These toxins and bacteria that broke through the laws of physics and had the power of rules began to infect its spirit body and its face began to melt.

At this time, not only was the demon's face damaged, but his body was also beginning to be corroded. Fortunately, he had the power of runes to suppress the poison, otherwise this blow would have seriously injured or even killed him.

Seeing this, Li Shou quickly seized the opportunity to fight back with all his strength.

There is not much time left for him. After the outbreak, he will be weak. He has to kill this guy before the weakened state comes.


With a loud shout, a fist like a violent storm fell on the demon god. The power of the runes on the demon god was dragged down by the poison, and most of its defense was reduced. Li Shou was recovering from the frostbitten body while fighting, and at the same time called his comrades.



The scholar didn't need to call him, he had already started outputting like crazy.

The paper fan was opened, emitting cold light and continuously slashing at the demon's body. At the same time, the scholar screamed and his head flew out of his body. The head enlarged in the air and opened its bloody mouth and began to bite the demon's body.

I want to help too, I have epic power! This scene made Zhao Yinuo's blood boil.

You have strength but no weapons, and your body is so fragile. Don't be crushed to death. His classmates advised him.

Damn it, I have no lifespan, I can't afford weapons! Zhao Yinuo was so anxious that sweat broke out on his forehead, I want to fight too!

Run the world well and save your life slowly. We don't have much life now. When this situation is over, we will be richer.

In the midst of everyone's discussion, Fang Hui's demon body finally couldn't bear the repeated blows and shattered in the air.

Until his death, Fang Hui felt incredible. He didn't know why he had become like this. Even though he borrowed that person's power, he could still be defeated by these people.

My power has a place even in ancient times. How is it possible... Fang Hui disappeared completely amid the crazy shouting.

Li Shou's physical weakness also spread, and the enemy was wiped out. He felt relieved and sat down on the mountain.

After sitting down, Li Shou rested for a while and then stood up again and walked towards the cave. He wanted to see if Fang Hui had left anything behind.

He was very curious about what kind of skills the other party had practiced and how it was connected to the red eyes in the main world.

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