After the limits of flesh and blood were fully opened, Li Shou's body shrank from eight or nine meters tall to about seven meters.

And the image has gradually changed from a monster direction to a more biological beauty.

Many biologists once said that any species that evolves well will eventually have a beauty of strength.

Such as shark, tyrannosaur, tiger and even the giant centipede which is not accepted by human aesthetics, all have a strange beauty of power.

This kind of aesthetic has nothing to do with men and women or hormones.

It is the beauty of natural power.

The same was true for Li Shou's body at this time.

At this time, his body was like the most aerodynamic sports car, with the smoothest lines. The muscles were too tight and wrapped into a rounded shape, and the cuticles of the body became as smooth as alloy due to extreme compression.

Brother Li looks a bit like Frieza!

Frieza's final form is not that big.

I mean it's kind of the same.

Forced into this form, it seems that Fang Hui is quite powerful. Let's spread out and find a good position first, and then find the right time to enter when the critical moment comes.

Yes, ensure your own safety first and don't be a drag. Liu Teng, Wang Yifei, one of you has strengthened your vision, and the other has strengthened your danger perception. To sense where it is safer, we can ambush you from a distance.


This small team of more than a dozen people has cooperated many times.

There is no lack of combat experience in team coordination. When the fight above was in full swing, they lurked.

When Li Shou transformed, Fang Hui did not stop attacking. Now that Li Shou had completed his transformation, he counterattacked directly.

The figure flashed and disappeared in place.

The streamlined body brought faster speed and stronger explosive power. Li Shou defeated Fang Hui with just one blow.

But while he defeated his opponent, his body was frostbitten again.

After his complete transformation, Li Shou's strength and speed had completely suppressed Fang Hui, who was in evil state, and his broken arm also grew back.

It's just that Fang Hui's coldness is hard to resist...

He himself is of the bloodline of the ancient giant-scaled snow python, and then he practiced ice-attribute skills. Now he has transformed into an evil spirit, and he is practicing evil skills with cold attributes.

The three ices merged into one, and even Li Shou couldn't bear the power.

Contaminated by the cold air on his body, Li Shou felt that his cells would lose their vitality. The most important thing is that a strong defense after being frozen by ice is like an iron block frozen by liquid nitrogen. No matter how strong you were before, it has now become brittle and hard, losing its former toughness.

Therefore, even though Li Shou was much stronger than Fang Hui in absolute strength, he was still timid in a fight, always afraid that the opponent would freeze his neck and give him a headshot.

It seems that pure physical fighting still has some drawbacks, and other techniques can't keep up. As Li Shou spoke, he directed the evil scholar to drag Fang Hui, and at the same time smashed his body with a punch.

But Li Shou's fist was also frozen by the cold air and shattered into dregs under the strong impact.

Fortunately, after it was shattered, nerves sprouted from the front of his forearm as if it were 3D printed. At the same time, blood and flesh cells replicated rapidly, and granulations began to grow at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye. In a short period of time, his fist grew back. .

His epic level of recovery ensures the survival of all his wounds.

But he wasn't the only one who could recover.

After Fang Hui lost his body, he became like the emperor and all evil spirits. He had to kill him many times in a row before he could be killed, and the more he went on, the more powerful he became.

After Li Shou smashed several human forms in succession, Fang Hui's spirit body grew in strange directions and began to become gradually weirder.

But in front of the completely transformed Li Shou, his strength was not enough except for the ice.

Just once it's frozen, the body's defense becomes ridiculous. After that, you have to increase your spell resistance.

After once again smashing Fang Hui's body at the cost of sacrificing an arm, the evil energy that burst out of him began to fly in the air, but it seemed that it could no longer condense.

But at this moment, Fang Hui's voice came out of the cold evil spirit...

I am willing, I am willing to dedicate everything to Hongmu...

Distorting all the laws of the world...

I will let mankind multiply...

The power to bring everything to the world and distort everything...

I would like to...

As Fang Hui's voice came out, Li Shou suddenly saw a huge red eye flashing in the void, and then red lightning struck in the sky.

The red lightning struck Fang Hui and dyed the originally gray-white evil spirit red.

Then the red mist began to roll and reorganized the spirit body.

This time, Fang Hui formed the appearance of a giant.

There are talismans crawling on the body, the fangs are protruding, and the eyes are red. The overall image is a bit like the Shura Demon God from hell.

This image is a bit inconsistent with the style of painting in this world.

Yes, it's not like ordinary evil spirits.

The students hid at the foot of the mountain and looked up at the demon on the mountain.

Something seems wrong.

The red light in its eyes makes me feel a little familiar, like a person. I can't remember who it looks like.

Like Hongyan, I remember that guy's name is Jin Hong. Other students may not have such deep memories of Hongyan, but Li Shou will never forget it.

In the first mission, everyone in the red-eyed class died, and he was the only one who survived.

At that time, Li Shou felt that something was wrong with this guy.

In the second mission, he first snatched the mission props from his classmates, and then delivered a fatal blow at the grain depot, almost cutting off Li Shou's head with a knife.

At that time, Li Shou felt that there was something weird about this guy, and he never expected that he would encounter this familiar feeling again.

That red light was all too familiar to Li Shou.

The red eyes with a twisted and weird feeling are definitely unmistakable.

‘Red-eyed Jinhong is dead, and judging from the time when Fang Hui obtained the technique, it doesn’t seem to match up. He obtained the technique several years ago. What connection can they have? And what was that thing that flashed in the air just now? ’

Li Shou had countless questions in his mind, but it was too late to think about it now.

Fang Hui, who had transformed into a demon god, slapped him down with such speed that Li Shou didn't even see him clearly. When he felt the pain, he had already crashed into the mountain peak.

Why did he suddenly become so strong? Li Shou stood up from the pit in a bloody state. As soon as his body recovered, he looked up and saw a flash of red light, and the demon attacked again.

At first, he only saw red light, but in the next moment, the opponent's movements slowed down countless times, and they were frozen in the air like a frozen image.

The fighting posture, the wind of punching, the expression, the runes on the body, the flaw exposed on the chest...

Everything was clearly visible to Li Shou.

Guo Pengfei's epic-level enhanced dynamic vision finally made Li Shou feel what it means to freeze time.

What is frozen is not the time, but the picture.

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