Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 151 The Great Traveler and the Great Adventurer

After the previous four doors were opened, three more doors were opened in the second row.

The door that opened the second time was very familiar to Li Shou. At a casual glance, he knew that it was the mission world of the first, second and third games.

In other words, the mushrooms in the fourth mission are no longer assigned, but give everyone some choices. You can choose any of the seven worlds.

As long as you are the master, as long as you can make the chosen mission world run under the guidance of the rules of balance, you will be rewarded.

The second row was too familiar and no need to look further. Li Shou stood at the door of the first row and looked inside carefully.

For ordinary time travellers, as long as they pass through this door, they have chosen the mission world.

The apocalyptic wasteland seems to have nothing to do. It is very desolate. There should be nothing of value except radiation beasts, and there are few humans. The benefits of domination should be very low, but the relative difficulty is extremely small. It is quite humane. It seems that people who can survive three games are still taken care of. Li Shou stared at the first door, feeling that this was a welfare world.

The difficulty of domination is low, and the benefits are small. If you are not strong, such as those in the outside class who are very lucky and simply passed the third mission, choosing this is the best, at least there will be a certain lifespan benefit.

The end of the Colossus looks like a world of magic and technology. Looking at the scenes flashing inside the door, it should be that the magicians created the war weapon Colossus, and finally lost control and destroyed themselves. This is a bit interesting, but magic and technology, this thing is not right I haven’t improved much.”

Then there is this cyber apocalypse. It seems that humans have become electronic lichs and have eternal life in the metaverse? Then, then a certain AI takes control of the world, and then locks humans into a dream forever. Li Shou saw the flash In the moving picture, most humans live in game warehouses.

It should be like this. This is pretty good. It's the end of the world, but at least it's a happy end of the world.

This world has also been passed by Li Shou.

If you play robot war with AI, you might have to face a nuclear bomb, and there are obviously no skills-based improvement methods in it, so the benefits and risks are completely out of proportion.

This belongs to the trap world! After Li Shou came to the conclusion, he carefully observed the last door in the first row.

A decaying apocalyptic world, a world full of darkness. There are huge creatures, people glued together, pilgrims, and knights in shining armor...

This is very interesting! I want to see it...

I advise you not to go.

Li Shou was analyzing the situation when suddenly a voice came from not far away. He turned around and saw a middle-aged man in bell bottoms dressed in the 1980s on Earth.

He saw Li Shou looking at him and smiled at Li Shou, showing his yellow teeth.

Young man, I haven't seen you in Fenggu City. The third game just passed?

Who are you?

Zhou Jianjun.

The name you has a strong sense of age.

That's right, I've been here for decades...


What adventurer? He's just an old bastard who never dared to start the fifth game. As the man spoke, he took out a prop from his arms and threw it into the mushroom jungle.

After the prop was swallowed by the mushroom jungle, it squirmed and returned to him a special mushroom species.

Mushrooms have many functions. Li Shou has seen Iwaquan use special mushroom species to train students who are unwilling to come back. He has also seen mushroom nutrient solution, physical fluid and mushroom products that can enhance physical fitness.

Even the currency of Fenggu City is mushroom coins.

Li Shou hasn't had time to experience Fenggu City yet, but it's not hard to imagine that all kinds of mushrooms here are exchange items of equal value.

Hey, speaking of which, are you one of the lucky ones?

What lucky man? Li Shou was puzzled.

The lucky guy in the training ground has spread all over the circle of Fenggu City travellers, haha... Damn, I'm so lucky. Hundreds of people survived in a group. It's so fucking awesome. Zhou Jianjun said with a hint of motherliness. The quality is extremely high, On weekdays, in this Fenggu City, there are only a few people who can leave the training ground in a year, but this time there are close to a hundred.

One year...

Li Shou did the math, and it was indeed the case.

What did you mean when you said you wouldn't let me choose this world?

Awesome, the world that is not clearly displayed is usually a world that is difficult to reach by the balance rules. The opponents you have to face may not be those who are in disorder, but the rules further away from the main world. Think about it yourself, they are It’s very difficult to deal with. The fourth game is not as difficult as the third and fifth games. That’s because everyone chooses the easy ones and chooses the difficulty by themselves. If you insist on choosing the hardest one, it may be more difficult than the third game. !”

Zhou Jianguo confirmed Li Shou's identity as soon as he spoke, and then handed him a business card.

If you need information, go to No. 1, Balance Street, where time-travelers gather. If you want to ask for my help, go to the address on the business card. As long as you can afford the lifespan, I can bring you the fairest return. I also Leave first.

After Zhou Jianguo said this, he walked away very quickly.

Oh, I used to be either on missions or in the training ground. I only came to the mushroom area when integrating skills and entering missions. I never ran into the seniors here several times. I didn't expect to meet them this time. Li Shoushou A good business card, so I’m not in a hurry to get to know the “Travelers Club” in Fenggu City.

Instead, he sunk his mind into the deception crystal.

Ever since the mushroom door opened just now, he felt the rhythm coming from the deception crystal.

At this moment, my mind sank in, and I saw several new coordinate points flashing up above.

Great, so great!

With this new coordinate, all the world in front of him can be visited.

Not only can he absorb the abilities, but most importantly, he can experience the customs and customs of each world and become a world-class adventurer and traveler. This is Li Shou's goal.

He doesn't want to miss any of this wonderful world.

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