I didn't see when you were included in the sacrifice formation, but when I came here I also asked some good people near the city gate. Based on the time they mentioned, I guess you should have been in the formation for more than two days. time.

Oh, no wonder the corpses next to him stink. Li Shou nodded, thinking back to the evil battle, feeling that it was a particularly long and long-lasting tug-of-war. If it weren't for him, another master of the same level as him would come over. In all likelihood, it will end up here.

Not only does the evil spirit have a long-lasting fighting power, but its tricks are also weird, and it can lead to trouble if you don't stop.

What you just said about the sacrificial formation, does that mean they kill their own people and then create an evil place in place?

It's not creation, it's transfer. They rely on special formations to induce the earth's energy with their own blood, and temporarily transfer the evil place. This time will not be long, usually within a few days, the evil place will be restored. Return to the original place, but in a few days, they have killed enough. They came to kill you this time with a sure-fire strategy. They were led by experts, cooperated with a large number of elite soldiers, and had back-up formations. Unexpectedly, they failed to win in the end. Stay with you.

When Li Nian'an said this, he still couldn't help being surprised.

The people of the Red Lotus Sect used the sacrificial formation to kill people, which was almost foolproof. Two people enshrined in the Imperial City had already died under this move.

Before he came here, he was most afraid of this trick.

I never thought that someone would be able to solve this mystery today.

What method did little brother Li Shou use to solve the puzzle?

What puzzle?

All evil places have solutions to their problems. If my little brother is trapped in an evil place and can be dragged to another place, he must have found a way to solve it.

Oh, there is also a way to solve it. Since the second mission started, Li Shou had never thought of solving the problem from the plot of the sitcom.

I don't have the skills to solve the problem, I just solved it by force! After saying this, Li Shou wanted to leave.

In more than two days, he wanted to go back and see Yan Linger.

Senior Li Nian'an, I have to go back to do something. Don't follow me. Leave me an address. I will visit you later.

After communicating with Li Nian'an for a while, Li Shou said goodbye to him.

He didn't even know whether the old man who suddenly appeared was Li Shou from the Red Lotus Sect, so naturally he didn't want to take him to his companion's hiding place.

This time Li Shou was still very careful after leaving. Although his senses were not enhanced, he was still an expert after all. He was alert to the rhythm of the wind and only came to the hiding place of his relatives and friends after confirming that no one was following him.

It was in a small building in the outer city.

His return made Yan Linger very excited.

They have also heard countless rumors here these days. The army has arrived, and the elders of the Red Lotus Sect personally went into battle and sacrificed themselves. These have long been spread in the city.

The three of them naturally knew it.

Li Shou was trapped in the evil place for two or three days. They were also worried, but there was nothing they could do.

Therefore, as soon as Li Shou came back, Yan Linger was so excited that she seemed speechless.

Good boy, my teacher thought you would never come back, but you always surprise me! Yuan Yifa also smiled haha and stepped forward to pat Li Shou on the lower back.

Because of the height difference between the two, the little old man could see at a glance the flesh and blood stuffed in his waistband.

My dear disciple, what is this?

I don't know. It should be quite important to him to be able to carry what the elder is carrying.

This thing looks like the kind of blood spirit meat from ancient times... The little old man looked at the squirming piece of meat, Can you show it to me?

Just take a look, I don't know what it is. It would be better if it was really the ancient version of blood, spirit and flesh. That only shows that the value of this world has become greater.

After Li Shou took out the meat, Qian Hongxu also came over. After several days of recovery and detoxification, she was able to move independently.

She and Yuan Yifa were both well-informed people, and they both nodded at the moment.

As described in ancient books, it smells like raw meat, has a body like a living person, and can move on its own. The ancient books also say that it likes to eat evil things, and can also be fed with flesh and blood! The old man cut himself open with his inner energy as he spoke. The palm of his hand dripped blood on the flesh and blood.

The thing was indeed a little excited after being exposed to fresh blood. The kitten absorbed the dripping blood like drinking water, and then a little new flesh strands grew on its body.

It's true! Yuan Yifa was very excited, Everything recorded in the ancient books is true! This kind of blood and spirit flesh can supplement the inner energy much better than the current blood and spirit flesh. This is why the ancient masters were much more powerful than today. Reason! My good disciple, since you got this piece of meat from the elders of the Red Lotus Sect, that means...

It means there is such a thing in the evil secret realm. A few days ago, Li Shou wanted to go there and have a look, but now he hesitated.

The evil spirit brought out by the sacrificial formation just now was enough for him to drink a pot.

If the other party's hometown was still in the evil secret realm in the past, and if the leader was really forced into a desperate situation and did this again, there was a high probability that he would be in real danger.

The evil spirits in the secret realm of evil spirits must be even more powerful.

Again, the people in this world are not powerful, but the evil spirits are very powerful.

Well, you still have to strengthen yourself! Thinking of this, Li Shou wanted to go back.

This time when he came to the second world, in addition to meeting his relatives and friends to relax, he also completed the task of choosing to dominate the world.

Since the legend of this world is true, unless something unexpected happens, he will most likely choose this world to be the master.

After confirming the mission goal, what he needs to do next is to first improve his strength, and secondly to find something suitable for cultivation in the second world.

Dominating the world is a relatively long process, and you cannot leave in the middle. You must make sufficient preparations before doing so.

At least the virus from the first world must be obtained, and the other fourth worlds that can be chosen to enter must also be looked at. If there is a particularly suitable one, it is not impossible to change one's mind.

Master, I will leave this flesh and blood and the long knife here for you first. I will leave for a while, but you don't have to worry this time. I will come back from time to time. With the deception crystal, time travel is only a blink of an eye. This time the Red Lotus Sect caused such a big battle but they couldn't defeat me. I don't think anyone will come here in a short time. After all, they have limited troops and limited experts. But you still have to keep a low profile and be careful about revenge.

Don't worry, we are not children and don't need your care! Yuan Yifa smiled, In the past hundred years, I have also experienced a lot of ups and downs. Master has more experience than you. The main opponent of the Red Lotus Sect is the imperial court. Look Although it looks like a beautiful scene, it is actually very distressed. We have hit a snag here. As long as Fang Hui is not a fool, he will not keep losing troops here.

Besides, killing a few of us little bastards won’t do the Red Lotus any good at all. It won’t be able to take back the city but will only anger you, the iron nail. We should be safe for the time being.

Okay. Then Master, Senior Sister, Leader, I will leave first.

Li Shou left the house while talking and found a deserted place to complete the time travel.

After returning to Earth, he returned to the main world.

Then without saying hello to anyone, he flew out of the training ground and ran all the way to the mushroom area in the west of the city.

After arriving here, he placed his palm on a huge mushroom according to the method of checking the world of the fourth mission that Iwaizumi introduced in the office.

Then he silently recited words such as The fourth mission selection in his mind, establishing a spiritual connection with the balance rules.

After that, the mushroom began to transform into several small portals in front of him.

Through the door, Li Shouneng saw several worlds to choose from in the fourth mission.

Inside a door, the scorching sun looks like the end of the wasteland...

Inside a door, high-rise buildings flash with neon lights, looking like a cyber-apocalypse...

Inside a door, there are many giant statues, each dozens of meters high, walking in the forest, like the end of the world...

The last door is the most mysterious. Li Shou can't see clearly what's inside. There are all kinds of strange castle buildings inside, and between the castles, there are all kinds of decadent and crazy lives. The dark atmosphere contained in it is like a soul. General game.

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