It's only 700 points. This guy is really not as powerful as the mantis guy.

Li Shou looked at the entry on his arm and compared the points of the people he killed.

The first mantis man can become invisible, has strong attack power, can attack silently, and is very fast. After death, 900 points are given to him.

The second fortune-teller knows all kinds of remote spells, control, curse skills, and fortune telling...

Killing this one is the most cost-effective.

Many of his skills are auxiliary and strange skills, and his frontal combat effectiveness is very average. Because of his great team effect, he is given a lot of points.

Then the third one is this phantom clone.

Overall, this person is half a level worse than the Mantis.

It is slower than the Mantis Man, and its attack power is not as strong as the Mantis Man. Except for its movement, which is more elusive than the Mantis Man, it cannot catch up with the opponent in other aspects.

When Li Shou inspected the harvest, the surrounding sound waves and poisonous gas slowly dissipated, and his body gradually recovered.

At this time, the students around saw that they were safe and ran over one after another.

Brother Li, are you okay? The first person who ran over was Ma Nanzheng, who had already changed back to his original appearance.

It's okay, is Chen Zihan here?

Here we come. Chen Zihan also ran over from the entrance of another ruins.

Find someone to take the wounded around, including Abi, to a hospital you are familiar with...

“Are those people from the vine tree also sending them?”


Brother Li, Brother Li, come here. Hearing that Li Shou was about to send Man Shu's people for treatment, Ma Nan pulled him aside and said, Brother Li, we are here to do a mission, but we can't So kind.”

What's the meaning……

These vines are said to be allies, but not all of them are allies. We are just two relatively weak camps, just joining forces here to keep warm. After this mission, who the hell still knows who? Why don't we just kill them on the spot? Just take the points and forget it.”

When Ma Nanzheng saw that Li Shou was silent, he continued: Killing everyone is a killing. It only takes a few hundred and a thousand points to kill a square ant master. These creeping ants lying here are just like picking up money. They are picked up for nothing. You can't give up the money.

There are also these people, the poisoned ones, the injured ones, they can’t survive if you don’t kill them. How difficult is this mission? How can these old, weak, sick and disabled people complete the mission? If you ask me, I might as well give them a good time and relieve their pain...

Before Ma Nanzheng finished speaking, Chen Zihan next to him disagreed.

Isn't your method too dark? A black-hearted businessman is a black-hearted businessman, and the moral quality of the people on earth has been lowered by people like you.

For scores, there is nothing black or white. When you go out to do business, you still can't tell the difference between right and wrong. What we are playing now is not money, but life! Ma Nanzheng was talking and calculating the team's score. We now have The income is close to the balance point of 3,000. In addition, after completing this small task of guarding the villa, there will definitely be rewards. If we deal with these people again, our points will be accumulated to at least 5,000, and the task will be half completed.

Madam, you must know that this is the third mission, the third mission in which the death rate exceeds 99%. Our success is all due to Brother Li, otherwise we would be as virtuous as those people who grow trees. But do you think things will get better later? From now on, Fang Yi’s people won’t be so trusting, and the Qing Army will take revenge on us.

I don't know how many people in Manshu are still alive, but at least they can contribute 1,000 points to us. This is easy money. As you are now, you can't earn these 1,000 points even if you fight to the death. Do you understand, sir?

When the two had a dispute, many classmates also gathered around.

They all listened for a moment, and surprisingly, not many people spoke this time.

Those who don't speak agree with me, but they have too strong a sense of morality and are embarrassed to say it. Okay, the team must have a bad guy, and I will be the bad guy! I will kill the person, take the blame... everyone gets the points!

While Ma Nan was talking, he rolled up his sleeves and wanted to kill someone.

But when he was about to leave, his classmates still spoke.

never mind……

If we kill our allies like this, the nature of our team will change.

Yes, if you kill your accomplices like this, it will feel weird to get along with each other in the future. The first person to speak was Zhao Yiyi's good student group, followed by Zhang Meng.

In the end, even Jue Huang, who was always smart and cruel, shook his head, They didn't harm us, they blocked the knife for us and provided us with information. This is neither moral nor fair. It's okay not to take this point. , what do you think, Brother Li?

Everyone has their own ideas, and I will share mine. I don't agree with killing them either. In addition to the factors of fairness and morality, I also saw that before you came, the people in Manshu were killed by that 6 Number, let’s call it No. 6. I didn’t hear the golden man shouting clearly. Anyway, most of them were killed by Killer No. 6, and the remaining people may not have enough for a thousand points.

Such a treacherous thing as killing a donkey makes you feel uncomfortable and does not conform to the principle of balance. Moreover, there is a man named Variety Rat from Manshu, who can also be regarded as my friend. If he hadn't provided such accurate information, we wouldn't have been able to achieve such a beautiful victory.

Moreover, the Variety Rat is not dead yet. From a purely profit perspective, continuing to cooperate with that guy is worth more than a thousand points. Chen Zihan, please contact the medicinal material dealer and medical clinic, let us save the person quickly. But please be careful, I’m afraid that golden man hasn’t escaped far...

More than ten kilometers away.

After the president ran here, the golden light on his body began to extinguish, and the sequelae of taking a lot of drugs began to show, and his combat effectiveness began to decline sharply.

I was ambushed. How could I be ambushed? The people in Black Turtle City were mobilized. Why didn't the tavern owner notify me? The president ran all the way and saw a large number of Zhou Kingdom officers and soldiers.

There is no way that the more than 300 people in Qingguo can be the opponent of so many people.

Moreover, there were not only officers and soldiers, but also many private soldiers with the banner Cao as well as students and indigenous masters. Running all the way, he knew that his mission was a complete failure.

Why did the other party know that we are here! Why didn't I receive any news... This mission was so completely failed. If we don't perform meritorious service, Qingguo will not be able to return.

The laws of the Qing Kingdom are strict, and those who repair bridges and repair roads if they fail to complete the work on time may be punished with beheading.

The laws in the military are even stricter. If you are timid in fighting or lose a battle that you shouldn't lose, you may be executed by the whole family.

Fortunately, in order to prevent Qing Army soldiers from defecting after a single failure, Shangjun also enacted a merit and demerit law, and meritorious service can be used to offset crimes.

If the president wants to go back now, he must make a great contribution...

If there is no meritorious service in a short period of time, the 2,000 sub-slaves will be sentenced to death.

What should we do? Let's wait for No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4 to come back first and then consider the long term. After the three most powerful ones come back, there will be no chance.

The president thought of this and was about to continue running for his life.

Suddenly, a black light flashed next to him. He dodged and then saw a familiar figure.

Uuhahaha, I have been following you for several days, and finally your grandma and I found a chance. The big fat cat extinguished the strange black smoke in his hand as he spoke. Obviously, the people in the black mist have special tracking methods. .

Although the Big Fat Cat's injuries had healed somewhat at this time, he was still missing an arm and even his T-shirt was mostly torn.

But she didn't care that she was not fully clothed, let alone that she was missing arms and legs. She just stared at the president: It's time for revenge!

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