Li Shou rushed over and wanted to hug No. 6, but although the opponent was not as fast as No. 5, his body had strengthened some kind of transformation technique.

As soon as he discovered someone was attacking him, a shadow immediately appeared on his body, and then his body moved over.

Li Shou knew long ago that he would not be able to hit his opponent with one blow. As the opponent moved over, he filled his body with energy and aimed at the phantom's position and continuously struck out with his palms. The icy poisonous gas immediately covered the area.

But the shadow on the opponent's body changed its position again. This time, it turned away and moved behind Li Shou.

Before Li Shou could turn around, No. 6 picked up the Qimen weapon in his hand, aimed it at the back of Li Shou's neck and chopped it off.

The expected scene of heads rolling down like before did not appear. The two attacks hit each other, as if cutting on a steel ingot, and No. 6's finger bones were almost bruised.

What the hell? No. 6 disapparated again not far away.

This time he did not attack, but frowned and looked at Li Shou not far away.

He never thought that someone could click on defense to this extent. Is adding skills like this really good for completing tasks?

Are you from the Black Mist? From the time Li Shou sent out the Cold Poison Palm just now, he knew that the other party was a time traveler. This kind of skill that is obviously incompatible with people in this world either comes from other worlds or comes from mission rewards. .

Not surprisingly, Li Shou's powerful fighting ability and his fighting method of using methamphetamine palm and hard skills.

It reminded him of the person who gave the information to the advance team.

The moves completely overlap.

The people in the advance team said that he pretended to be crazy when killing people, and that he was most likely a member of the Black Mist.

Now after fighting against each other, I found that it is indeed much more powerful than what was shown in the data, and I am even more convinced of No. 6’s idea.

Isn't your companion here? No. 6 hesitated and did not dare to attack. He knew that there was more than one person in the black mist, and the one he met last time restrained him even more.

Who cares about my people! Li Shou covered his face and asked smoothly, What do you want to do?

There are more than fifty people from Manshu here. Each of us can get half of it, and we can get at least a thousand points into the account. No. 6 suggested sincerely.

The people in Hei Wu are crazy, but the people in Fang Yi are not.

Hierarchical forces prefer to use force to overwhelm others and use the strong to defeat the weak.

When they learn that the opponent is about the same as or even stronger than themselves, no normal person would want to risk their lives, let alone such a top-level ant.

I just killed a few. Although their people are weak, each of them has 40 or 50 points. They still have more than 40 people left. Each of us has 20 points, and each of us has more than 1,000 points. .”

That won't work, I want more than one and a half. Li Shou was stalling for time, Seven or three.

You are too greedy...

Li Shou was fighting with No. 6 on the roof.

Because he knew that his speed was his shortcoming, it would not be easy to kill this man.

He is waiting.

One is to wait for the army.

The second is to wait for classmates.

Li Shou did not let the students leave Black Turtle City and ambush here.

Because firstly, everyone can borrow strength from Black Turtle City, and secondly, everyone has little fighting power after all.

It's really powerful if you ambush well and cooperate well, but the early stage of the battle is the most chaotic. The opponent has the initiative to attack. If people are in the villa from the beginning, they will easily die.

No matter how powerful Li Shou is, he can't protect everyone. The opponent not only has Fang Yi's people, but also the masters of the Qing Army and Xizuo, it's hard to be comprehensive.

Therefore, they all ambush in the mountains and forests with the Zhou army and act according to the opportunity.

At this time, the situation in the back mountain was stable, and Zhao Yiyi and others must have rushed to the villa with the army.

No. 6, stop talking nonsense to him. I'll help you restrain him and kill the others! Seeing the delay in taking action, the president directly swallowed a golden pill, and then his body glowed with golden light. Li Shou suddenly felt that the gravity under his feet seemed to have increased nearly ten times at this moment.

The original weight of about 200 kilograms instantly increased to more than a thousand kilograms. Although Li Shou now has the strength of more than two thousand kilograms in both arms, it is nothing to carry a weight of one or two thousand kilograms all over his body.

But this also made his already unhappy speed directly become even slower.

He no longer had the ability to pursue, and even raising his hand to hit the Meth Palm seemed extremely slow.

It's hard for him, and even worse for others.

All the people in Manshu were crushed by gravity and unable to move, and fell from the roof one after another.

The house was also affected by gravity, with the roof collapsing and the walls cracking. Abi and the dealers were also greatly affected, and they suddenly changed from the attacker to the defender.

But the golden light seemed to take special care of No. 6, and he was hardly affected.

The only good news is that the scene collapsed, Manshu's people were wrapped in the ruins, and No. 6's killing speed slowed down a lot.

He had to find the target people one by one among the gravel and dust before he could kill them with his bare hands.

The remaining forty or fifty people in Manshu are dying one after another...

The banker was also beheaded by the president, and Abi was also injured under the influence of gravity.

Li Shou, the iron bastard, has no one to touch him, but the situation seems to be getting worse little by little...

Time passes minute by minute...

Until Li Shou suddenly felt that he had a strange perspective in his mind, and everything from that perspective was extremely slow.

Only then did he feel happy, ‘Here he comes!

In his second perspective, he saw some very pale poisonous gas spreading into the courtyard from a place where the golden light could not shine.

No one noticed it at first, but by the time someone noticed it, they were already poisoned.

There's an ambush! It's poisonous! The president was the first to notice the clues. At this time, his body had just begun to show symptoms of poisoning, and he still had more than 90% of his ability to move.

He was just about to look around when suddenly there was a vibrating sound in the air.


Shock waves swept in from all directions, and the vibrations at the same frequency caused the already cracked house to collapse. The dust around the gravel and rubble continued to fall off during the vibration, and the volume became smaller and smaller.

Even if the bricks and tiles are like this, it becomes even more uncomfortable for people to be in them.

The president felt as if a 200-decibel sound had been installed in his eardrums, eyes, and heart, which made him unable to see or hear. The poisonous gas seemed to be even more powerful. He only inhaled a little, and it was 90% louder in the last second. His mobility was reduced to 70% in the next second.

At the critical moment, the president grabbed a handful of things from his arms and stuffed them into his mouth as if for free, and then activated some props. His aura and recovery ability simultaneously climbed to a whole new level.

But after his strength improved, he did not choose to fight for his life or save his companions. Instead, he ran away in one direction in a panic.

In the hierarchical world of square ants.

Senior executives always cherish their lives.

The Celestial Dragons cherish their lives.

Inner city gentlemen cherish their lives.

The fortune teller cherishes his life.

The president cherishes his life even more!

And in a hierarchical world, the lower classes are always expendable.

Fen slaves can be sacrificed.

Those in the advance party can be sacrificed.

Of course the vice president can do that too.

In essence, there is supply one layer at a time, and the ultimate mode of supply is to supply one's own life.

The president escaped with golden light shining all the way.

The remaining vice president No. 6 was not so lucky.

The attack range of shock wave and poison gas is very large, and his short-distance movement technique cannot escape.

He didn't have such a strong defensive ability like Li Shou. He quickly lost his vision and hearing. Later, the central vagus nerve was seriously injured. He couldn't distinguish between north and south, and lost his ability to think...

While the world was spinning, he was grabbed by a pair of big hands and his head was crushed.

Another 700 points were recorded.

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