In the past two days, Li Shou had been feeling that a storm was coming, and the arrogant Fang Yi people would not have to wait long to attack a small villa.

He has been trying to contact Qing Guo Xizuo who is lurking in the villa these days.

But the other party is considered professional. Even if he has helped him once, the other party has not informed him of his identity.

Li Shou could only passively wait for the other party to contact him.

But this time, Qingjun had already called, and no one contacted him.

No matter, let's go take a look first!

While Li Shou was talking, he rushed out of the courtyard and ran towards the light of the fire. As soon as he ran to the backyard, he saw a large number of villa guards who had also been awakened. At this time, they all ran towards the back hill. Among the crowd, he saw Zan Gu at a glance. This big guy.

Hey, Lao Zan! Li Shou jumped into the air, jumped on the shoulders of the little giant, and pretended to ask: What happened in the back mountain?

There's a fire. Judging from the extent of the fire's spread, it definitely doesn't look like a wildfire. And the place where the fire started is in a warehouse. It must have been done by those Qingguo Xinzuo!

Where's the lady? Is anyone protecting the lady?

I don't know. I just went to the lady's boudoir, but the lady has disappeared...


If such a big mess happened, with the ever-changing temperament of the rat, he would have probably changed his body shape and hid in the crowd.

After all, the probability of survival is higher than being protected by a banker and becoming a harmless servant.

Li Shou thought of this and jumped off Zan Gu's body, tore his clothes to cover his face and then rushed into the back mountain.

As soon as they left the backyard and didn't reach the back mountain, they encountered a large number of elites of the Qing Army.

These people rushed down the hillside to prevent everyone from putting out the fire.

And this group of people are not the ordinary bronze corpses of the bronze army, each of them has the strength of a small officer.

This group of stiff-faced elites rushed into the crowd. The ordinary guards of the villa were no match for them, and only the retainers could stop them.

Although the disciples are powerful, they are few in number and will fall into a disadvantage after a while.

Li Shou stepped forward to rescue him and smashed a person's head with one palm. He immediately found that his score had increased a bit.

Hey, not bad, you can get points!

What I like to see most when doing tasks is positive income. Although it doesn't mean much points, mosquito legs are also meat.

While Li Shou was speaking, he rushed into the crowd and killed more than a dozen elite soldiers from the other side.

The combat effectiveness of these elite young troops is close to the level of martial arts masters, but they are not his one-in-one enemy.

Killing too many people naturally attracted the attention of the opponent. Some elites of the Qing Army began to form a battle formation to resist. At the same time, some masters also discovered his traces.


When Li Shou continued to beat Qingjun to earn points, a man jumped out from the crowd and blocked his punch. Not only did he block it, but he also shocked Li Shou's body to fly back.

Indigenous master.

The native masters are the most difficult to deal with because they don’t know their depth, so masters of all levels may encounter them.

I won't fight you! After Li Shoufei retreated, he took the opportunity to escape. The man did not pursue him in order to stop the guards behind him.

He ran all the way to the place where the blacksmith was making iron in the back mountain, and found that this was the main battlefield.

A raging fire broke out in the warehouse where the weapons were stored, and all those who came to put out the fire were intercepted by a group of Qing Army soldiers, and no one could get close.

In the crowd, Li Shou saw the figures of Fang Yi and the three people he had just seen a few days ago.

They were guarding the perimeter of the fire, killing the blacksmith who was awakened by the explosion to check the extent of the fire.

The three of them seemed very relaxed and content.

This task is not difficult.

I haven't even seen anyone from Manshu so far. Should I complete the mission first or kill Manshu's people first?

We can complete it together. No. 6, you go to the villa to search for the people in Manshu. Kill as many as you can. Everyone has points.

Understood! No. 6 was about to leave when suddenly a sword light struck in front of him like a meteor.

The light came from several hundred meters away and reached the front of his forehead in an instant.

Fortunately, the president reacted in time, and a golden light suddenly appeared in his hand, helping No. 6 block the sword light.

The sword light stopped, and a figure appeared in the firelight - it was Zhuang Fei, the senior brother of Lotus Pier.

Zhuang Fei who picked up the sword and Zhuang Fei in front of Xi Suying were completely different people.

The Zhuang Fei in front of Xi Suying was a wretched middle-aged man, but at this moment, Zhuang Fei's sword intent surged from his body, and the power of rules shot out, making the air in front of him extremely sharp.

He squinted at No. 6 with a murderous look in his eyes: You are the one who wants to kill me, Yingmei. You didn't kill me last time, but you still dare to come here this time!

While speaking, Zhuang Fei drew his sword again, and the green sword light flashed in the air. The sword light intertwined like a rain curtain. The mountains, rocks, air, and fire were all cut into pieces by the sword light at this moment.

This strength has far surpassed that of the time traveler. Even if No. 6 and the president were two against one, they were killed in an instant and they were retreating, shouting for help: Come and help!


Before the president's words were spoken, another cold light shot out from the green army. A figure holding a Qimen short blade fought with the green sword light, and for a moment they were neck and neck.

Hehehe, Qingjian Zhuang Fei of Lotus Pier has long wanted to try your methods...

This voice. Li Shou felt very familiar when he heard this voice. It's the one who contacted me. I didn't expect it to be so powerful. Damn it, it seems that in this mission world, we still can't fight the indigenous people easily.

Li Shou made up his mind and tried his best to avoid the battle between the natives and the travelers from the hostile camp.

Killing natives has few points and is dangerous, as you may encounter an expert if you are not careful.

And the killer who kills a square ant has 900 points. No matter how you choose, it will be cost-effective to fight between camps.

The person who had the same idea as him was the president of the Fang Ant camp.

To deal with the natives, we have to be natives. We only need to kill the people in Manshu. No. 6, leave this place to others. I will go to the villa with you.


The two of them were not worried about the fire.

At this time, the Qing Army had the absolute upper hand.

The Qing army that came this time, plus the fine craftsmen who were originally lurking around, totaled more than 300 people.

Although there are not many people, they are all masters.

As for the guarding force of the villa, in addition to a dozen bankers and hundreds of villagers, there are only eight to nine hundred blacksmiths with little combat effectiveness left.

An elite member of the Qing Army can defeat dozens of villagers. The Qing Army has an absolute advantage.

Thinking of this, the two of them left the fire scene and flew towards the interior of the villa.

Li Shou did not pursue him.

He hid in the darkness and stared at another person - the fortune teller.

Through watching the last battle, Li Shou had already guessed the identity of that person.

Before I officially entered the mission, I heard that there was a fortune teller who could locate people. Nine times out of ten, it would be you. He is not good at melee combat and is good at long-range and strange spells. This kind of person is the greatest threat and is also the easiest to kill!

When Li Shou saw the other two walking away, he suddenly burst out from his hiding place and rushed towards the fortune teller.

Huh? The fortune teller saw a figure coming towards him from a distance, warning signs rose in his heart, and he immediately stepped back.

But his speed was very slow, not as fast as Li Shou. Knowing that he could not escape, the fortune teller backed away and pressed the seal with his hand to send out the spell. As the spell was generated, countless red threads appeared out of thin air and wrapped around Li Shou's body. .

Quick, kill him!

Under the urging of the fortune teller, a dozen elite Qing troops fired crossbow arrows at Li Shou.

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