You came at the right time. Li Shou looked at the middle-aged version of Li Shou, I have wanted to ask you for a long time, can you see my life?

Just like you, it's like a dream, appearing and disappearing, sometimes blurry and sometimes clear. Don't worry, if you do anything dirty, I won't be able to see clearly.

Let's talk about the important things. Li Shou felt relieved after hearing this. I have always had a question, why are the people from Fang Yi and Heiwu so strong?

Time was running out, so Li Shou asked key questions directly.

Because the power of their rules is older and more powerful than the rules of balance. The rules of balance are a rising star. Even when they were first born, they were companion rules. Why not call it absolute balance? Instead, call it balance chaos? Or vine tree The chaotic balance over there? Because it was born late!

Also, shouldn't your instructor have told you this? The strength of the rules of the trunk world is related to the operating rules of the branch world. Every time the world of branches and leaves becomes balance-dominated, the power of the mushroom becomes stronger. Just like the branches and leaves transport nutrients to the branches, they are complementary! Now most of the world of branches and leaves is either in a state of chaos and destruction, or the human faction of the absolute order camp.

The power is not equal at all, how can it be fair? Or do you think this is fair game?

I know it's unfair, but this is too unfair.

Actually, it's not that unfair. I used to feel it was very unfair, but after decades of knowing more about it, especially after seeing Narcissus's sexy moves, I felt...

Hey, speaking of Narcissus, you fucking old pervert, this is a 12-year-old kid!

When I first met her, she was seventeen or eighteen! The middle-aged version of Li Shou shrugged, Really, our tasks were staggered. Although I am lustful, I am not that perverted. And the Narcissus in childhood is not necessarily the same. She's so pretty. As a child, she's cute at best. She won't be called pretty until she grows up! You don't understand. You'll understand in a few years.

Okay, okay... Li Shou breathed a sigh of relief. After several missions, his personality did change slightly. He was really afraid that he would become like the person in front of him in the future. I'm relieved about this. Speaking of fairness, What are the advantages of our mushrooms?”

There are so many skills. The Mushroom Tree has a lot of skills...all kinds of things. The species on the Fang Ant side are infected by the rules of order and have become hierarchical and aggressive. The advantage is that the skills are really very good. Strong, you know the disadvantages... In the earth's ecosystem, what will happen if there are invasive species, or if a certain species evolves to be particularly powerful?

After adding an invasive species to a lake, only that kind of fish may be left in the end. Li Shou understood something.

And the surviving species that the square ants will win in the end are not only highly aggressive, but also mostly live in groups, such as ant colonies and the like. When a species is formed, all weak species will be eliminated. In nature, just like human society, certain species If you plant something that is too strong, it will become a pool of stagnant water. Humans are just a kind of creature. You don’t think that rules only affect humans and not other species, right? Rules already existed before humans were born.”

Understood. Li Shou nodded, Fang Yi's people are clearly hierarchical and strong. They also have strong skills, but they don't have many types of skills.

That's right! Of course, it's not like there are too few. After all, the area is large enough. And after 5 games, adventurers will be able to travel across the area and get the species here, but at that time, it was more about making rules. Creatures cannot deal with ordinary species. So overall, judging from the cool operations after Narcissus, we are not without advantages. Of course, they are indeed stronger in the early stage, much stronger.

So, I have another question. How did you survive before? You should not be as advantaged as I am now. I am much worse than them. You...

... The middle-aged version of Li Shou was silent. This was the first time that Li Shou had seen the seemingly cheerful and greasy person so silent since he had been in contact with him.

Even his expression was a little unnatural.

He didn't even care about the passage of time and energy this time. He thought for a long time before deciding to tell Li Shou the answer, but it was only an ambiguous answer.

I once told you that after you reach a certain age, even if you are a classmate like Zhu Lin, you will miss her. Do you know why?

... Li Shou was silent for a while, Because they are all dead?

Well, everyone is dead... If you are weak, you can make good use of the prophetic power of the deception crystal and rely on the information gap to break away from the large army and find points on your own. The large army will become a target for attracting firepower. Even people from Fang Yi would not hunt down a weak and lonely person for no reason. Moreover, at the beginning, I just wanted to survive...

Well, at first I...

Without the reminder from the middle-aged version of Li Shou, Li Shou himself would have had the same idea.

He would feel that Ma Nanzheng and others were very annoying - everything from opening the door to grabbing food.

I also feel that those weak classmates are all dragoons.

You may even feel that helping your classmates survive is a bit of a holy thing in itself.

And the current mainstream thinking itself cannot be the Holy Mother.

Li Shou also partially agreed with this idea.

There was nothing wrong with wanting to live on my own.

Ultimately, this will create a middle-aged version of Li Shou.

I won't ask you about the details... Li Shou didn't want to delve into what dirty things the middle-aged version of himself had done before, so he immediately changed the subject, Then why are the people of the black mist so strong? Forget about Fang Ant, they can take other people's rewards. , where does the black mist’s powerful method come from?”

A fusion method with a very high mortality rate. You should be lucky not to be teleported there, otherwise you will most likely die at the beginning. The creatures on their side are very strange, mostly regular creatures, and the black mist will give them a Integrating the power of regular creatures, but this kind of thing may not survive nine deaths, or a thousand deaths.

The survival rate of this kind of lottery-based fusion is very, very low... And after three games on Fang Yi's side, a large number of people will die, and those who die are all slaves. In this mission world, no one can survive easily. This is also fair in another sense!


Let me tell you about the fourth mission. Starting from the fourth mission, you will not only face humans on earth, but maybe parallel spaces... Shit, it's about time... It's time. I'll talk about it next time. There are also other masters who are careful to invade the earth...

As he spoke, the figure of the middle-aged version of Li Shou began to flicker.

Let's talk about it next time. Anyway, you don't have to rush to know the news. I'm leaving. Remember to let others... live... survive.

After saying this, the middle-aged version of Li Shou disappeared.

Then Li Shou didn't know how much time passed when he suddenly heard a loud noise.

The loud noise woke him up.

Li Shou got up from the bed and saw that the back mountain was filled with flames.

finally come!

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