After the two discussed it, Li Shou also understood everyone's current situation.

In the evening, I had dinner with people from the Cao Mansion. During the dinner, I gave face to my friend to ensure his status in the Cao Mansion.

In the next few days, Li Shou visited all the meeting places of his classmates and also learned about the whereabouts of other classes in No. 8 Middle School.

Those from other classes who survived were elite and good, but they were basically combatants.

They have no special skills, only pure force, and this force value is not particularly high, and most of them are about the same level as Guo Pengfei.

During this month, they relied on their own abilities, and most of them were struggling.

Their fighting ability was high or low. No one wanted them as hangers-on, and they didn't dare to become sergeants. At most, they could only hold the position of guarding the home and guarding the bodyguards. Some of them even went up to the mountains to become bandits.

However, some of them were lucky enough to get the tokens.

In the past few days, Li Shou, in addition to communicating with his classmates, also inquired about the ordered objects.

The items in this world are not rare, but there are not many high-end ones.

The overall situation is the same as the gems of the earth. Although small pieces of gems are very valuable, they can still be obtained as long as they are willing to put in the effort.

However, large pieces of high-quality gems are very rare, and those of a certain size are even rarer. Oversized gems must be collected by museums.

What Li Shou needs now is a high-end order object at the level of a museum collection.

He is already very strong now. Even in this world, he can be considered a little master close to the level of an eighth-level public servant. The tokens he uses can no longer be ordinary.

However, there are not many high-level items in the entire Changping County. Most of the known items are either in the hands of senior military officers or in the hands of sect leaders, and are not easy to snatch.

Is it possible that we have to go into the Magi's Pavilion? If we don't go into their place to find high-end tokens, we may have to leave for a month, and we may not even be able to find high-end items in a month! It's not cost-effective in terms of time. Count the time, Fang Yi's people It’s coming soon…”

Yanwu County.

Within a month, the president participated in quelling three groups of rebels around Yanwu County.

In the Qing Kingdom, there are waves of rebels, and brave talents like him are needed.

Moreover, the president does things cleanly and neatly. He is extremely skilled in killing people and setting fires. He controls his subordinates in a very legal and legal way!

Qingguo likes people who abide by the rules and are capable and dare to do things.

So, with the help of all Fang Yi's subordinates, President Fang Yi has been advancing in the title of nobility. Today, he has been promoted to the tenth level of Zuo Shu Zhang!

Yes, people in the Qing Kingdom don't pay attention to seniority. As long as you accumulate enough merits, you can continue to be promoted even if you are new!

Today, a sixth-level official came to confer him a title in person.

In addition to giving him the corresponding command and waist badge, he was also granted the position of half a thousand, and was also given land, posthumous treatment, population, mansion, etc.

Naturally, these latter presidents don't care. He cares more about the way forward.

Sure enough, with his eager expectation, the arriving official gave him a task.

Among all the new recruits in Yanwu County, you have the best performance and are the most brave and courageous. And I have read your combat records. You are not only brave, but also thoughtful. Now you have an important mission. I leave it to you, what do you think?

When the official asked questions, the president also received Fang Yi's mission reminder.

Of course he wouldn't refuse.

I am willing to obey my orders!

There is going to be a war on the border recently. There is a Qingwu Villa in Changping County of the Zhou Kingdom. It has built a lot of city defense equipment for the Zhou Kingdom's border troops. Although according to the spies, the equipment has been tampered with, but to be on the safe side you take people there. , destroy this batch of materials, and when you return safely, you will naturally have a great achievement in the military merit book!

This official is so messed up that he will not give up even if he is killed.

After taking over the task, the official also gave the president the relevant authority to choose people to go on his own.

On that day, the president selected some military masters and a group of advance team combatants. At the same time, the returning No. 6 also went with him.

The last time you went to assassinate Manshu's people, I remember you mentioned the name of Qingwu Villa. This time you have recovered from your injuries, and we can kill two birds with one stone. First complete the task, and then kill Manshu's people! Get two payments at once Points save a lot of effort!

But be careful about the swordsman in the villa. I have inquired about him. He is the great disciple of Lotus Pier and is very powerful. A man with a shadow all over his body stood in front of the president.

It doesn't matter, the Qing Kingdom also has spies there. Those people are not weak. I heard the commander say that they can kill old and young village owners, and their overall strength is stronger than us. When the time comes, let the natives deal with the natives, and we will deal with the Manchurians. People who grow trees can kill two birds with one stone!”

In the hall, the president was very proud, and the fortune teller also broke in.

We figured it out. The person who killed Vice President No. 5 is here. The fortune teller took the broken tortoise shell and placed it with the map. The location of the broken tortoise shell was printed next to Yunwu Villa.

This is...Xuangui City in Changping County on the map? It's so close! Then this trip won't kill two birds with one stone, it will kill three birds with one stone! Send the notice and set off overnight!


Two days later, Li Shou was reading the Illustrated Records of Orders in the Xuangui City Bookstore, and Wang Yanna walked in after a while.

Brother Li, news came back from Ma Nanzheng. The restaurant owner received information that Qingguo will send people over in the near future. Calculating the time, it just matches the time of Fang Yi's mission you mentioned. , as expected, they should be the ones here this time.”

There's going to be a fight. Li Shou nodded, You hide here and I'll pass the news to others.

Okay, when the time comes, I will try my best to ask the people here in the bookstore to help.


Li Shou did not dare to delay and left the bookstore directly.

But as soon as he walked out, he met a middle-aged man holding a paper fan. Li Shou knew this man and he was the manager of the bookstore.

But Li Shou didn't recognize the two people behind him.

Brother Li Xian, these two people behind you are from Xianshi Pavilion. Brother Xian's reputation in the Cao Mansion has spread, and Xianshi Pavilion has sent people to recruit talents. Let me introduce you first. The person behind me is Fang Hengze from Xianshi Pavilion, and then The person next to him is...ahem.

Big Fat Cat, my name is Big Fat Cat, what are you embarrassed to say? A girl behind her who seemed to have rickets took a step forward.

Big fat cat? Li Shou looked at the girl.

The other person looked young, around 17 or 18, with big eyes but heavy dark circles, and a weird posture, as if he couldn't stand straight.

His hair was messy, and his whole body seemed to be crawling with ants as he stood there scratching his head and scratching his head. He looked a little abnormal.

If it were just these, Li Shou still couldn't make a judgment.

The key is, this man is not only called Big Fat Cat, he is also wearing a tattered T-shirt with Garfield printed on it.

She didn't even bring any clothes with her in Zhiye World, so even a fool could guess her identity.

‘Traverser! Still from Black Mist! ’ Li Shou’s heart was filled with shock, but his face did not dare to change at all.

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