Listening to the sound of the golden strike in the field, everyone watched this scene.

The fifth son of the attacking Cao family frowned and looked at his axe. Cao Mu subconsciously showed a look that he couldn't bear to look at. The private soldiers and retainers were also staring at this.

Then everyone realized something was wrong.

The first person to notice something was wrong was naturally the fifth child of the Cao family.

When the long-handled ax struck the opponent, he felt a pain in the tiger's mouth. The feedback from the ax handle made him feel as if he had hit an iron block.

Is he okay? Even if he cuts on the iron, he still has to leave a mark, right?

From disbelief to fear.

If he met a monster like Li Shou outside, he would immediately turn around and run away.

But this is Cao Mansion.

The most important thing is that there are thousands of private soldiers of his Cao family here, with all kinds of weapons and equipment. Among the retainers, there are even senior officers who defected from the Qing Army.

Among them, the most powerful chief instructor in this martial arts arena was a former eighth-level public servant of the Qing Army. He was also a man of great strength in the past. This is his home field.

He will not be afraid, let alone be afraid!

Anyway, he won't be killed on the spot. If he retreats at this time, he won't have to hang out in Cao's house in the future.

Thinking of this, the fifth child of the Cao family ducked back and distanced himself. This time he gathered all his strength and prepared himself. At the same time, he rounded the long-handled ax and struck the opponent's head from top to bottom.

Because of the long charging time, this attack was twice as powerful as the previous one, and it was a critical blow to the head. He didn't believe that the opponent would not dodge.

As long as the other party hides, he can get back a little face today.


The ax came through the air.

Li Shou raised his head and faced the big axe. Under everyone's surprised eyes, he resisted the attack with his forehead.


The ax made close contact with his forehead, and the ground on the martial arts ground beneath Li Shou shook. However, his scalp was only cut with a red mark, and the mark disappeared so quickly that no one noticed it.

This... At this time, the fifth child of the Cao family had his mouth cracked. He took a few steps back and looked at the person in front of him in disbelief.

In that moment just now, even the eighth-level public transport of the Qing Army did not dare to resist with their flesh and blood.

Even if this person was watered with pig iron, he shouldn't be completely fine.

This is too amazing...

Huang Lang, this friend of yours... Cao Muzhi turned around and saw that the emperor's eyes were different.

She was previously fascinated by Jue Huang, but like Ming Jing in her heart, she knew that just because she liked him, the two of them would have a difficult road ahead and would most likely separate in the end.

In troubled times, no one can do what they like according to their temper.

But now, after seeing this scene, Cao Muzhi felt a little different.

This visitor's body is stronger than the eighth-level public transport in Qingguo. What is the concept?

Her Cao family was powerful, and it was only in Changping County. Among the thirty-four counties in the Zhou Kingdom, his Cao family was only a small part of it.

Qingguo's eighth-level official can command the troops and horses of a county, and can also serve as a thousand men in the frontier army.

Even if the public servant who defected had lost his gift, he was treated as a guest by her father. She was always on an equal footing with her father.

And the person in front of me seems to be even more powerful!

At this time, not only Cao Muzhi came up with this idea, but everyone in the venue also had this idea - including the fifth child of the Cao family!

He is not a fool. He was just trying to disturb Huang Qimei's affairs on his father's orders when he threatened the visitors.

After the thought flashed through his mind, he immediately threw away the long-handled axe.

A strong man has great skills. I, Cao Yi, am willing to be defeated! If there was any rudeness in the past, I will come to you to apologize someday!

Hey, it's easy to say. It's normal for everyone to be young and energetic. I took the initiative to ask for a fight before, but there were a lot of things wrong with me. Anyway, I was trying to save face for Emperor Jue. Now that the face has been given to others, Li Shou didn't want to offend him. Cao Mansion.

After all, in theory, everyone is in the same camp.

In the future, when people from the rear ants and the Qing army attack, they will have to fight in the same trench. Naturally, Li Shou will not completely tear his skin.

But his words We are all young people awakened everyone present.

Yes, this person with the power of public transportation looks very young, and he even looks less than twenty years old.

You know, even if they are public servants from Qingguo, most of them are around forty years old.

These teenagers have the power to take public transportation, so it is not just as simple as public transportation.

It is even possible to go to Huiling Lord and face the Grand Duke directly.

Thinking of this, Cao Yi became even more polite.

Immediately, he invited Li Shou to a dinner to introduce him to his father.

In the evening, our Cao Mansion will host a banquet to entertain distinguished guests! Brother, please don't shirk it.

Okay. Brother Huang and I will be on time for the appointment. After Li Shou chatted with Cao Yi for a while, the latter went to prepare for the family banquet, and he also returned to Jue Huang.

You've only been here for a while, everything will be different. Seeing Li Shou return, Juehuang patted him heavily on the shoulder several times, as if all the grievances he had suffered these days were revealed.

After all, he is a modern man with a happy family.

I know how to do things like flattering and being wronged, but I have never done it before.

In the past month, although he had relied on his charm skills to get close to a rich woman, the bitterness and grievances involved were unbearable for ordinary people.

There were even times when he was almost assassinated.

After all, serving people with sex is not a long-term solution.

Today Li Shou arrived, finally clearing the clouds and seeing the sun.

no need to thank me!

Thank you so much. I'm just doing things for everyone. Juehuang glanced at Cao Muzhi next to him and didn't say much.

After the interlude, Cao Muzhi took them through the martial arts field and went to a tea pavilion, giving them a quiet place. Then this young lady left on her own with great foresight - along the way, she also felt that the relationship between the two was unusual and they must have a lot to say.

After Cao Muzhi left, the two sides began to exchange information.

There's nothing new here, it's just that my strength has improved a lot. What about you over there? What are the students doing?

Wang Yanna went to the Book Pavilion. The cultural characteristics of this world are somewhat similar to those of the Spring and Autumn Period. Hundreds of schools of thought have opened schools, and they are basically concentrated in the Book Pavilion. The hundreds of schools of thought here are very powerful and have special skills. His command is considered to be the strongest force among the people.

How strong?

Those leaders of the doctrine, such as Mozi Han Feizi on Earth, are basically great masters. If calculated, the weak ones are as strong as the third and fourth-level knights of the Qing Army, and the powerful ones are as powerful as the first-level sergeants. The strongest Even the legend is similar to Shangjun.

But the two most powerful 'Taozi' and 'Son of Man', one lives in seclusion all year round and the other travels around the country all year round, basically do not take action. Moreover, there are dozens of counties in a country, and there is no such powerful person who lives in Changping County for a long time. But even so, there are quite good masters in Shuge.

Understood. Li Shou nodded.

Then Chen Zihan used her 'truce' skill to help the Sun family, a large herbal medicine dealer, by chance. Now she lives at the medicine dealer's house. If any of her classmates are injured in the future, she can supply high-end medicines and the best doctors. After all, unlike you, everyone still needs to be treated when they are injured...

Zhao Yiyi and Zhao Qiqi are in a local beggar gang. That organization is very convenient for smuggling and hiding people. I've gone to see it. It's really a cunning rabbit's cave! If we can't defeat it, we can go there. It's convenient to hide and transport things. Many of the messages sent to the villa before were sent by Zhao Yiyi one by one.

Awesome. Li Shou continued to nod.

Lao Ma is even more awesome. He has penetrated directly into the enemy's army. He is lurking in a restaurant, which is a big contact point for the Qing Kingdom. From now on, whenever there is trouble in the Qing Kingdom, he will report to us. Then I can be here With help, as long as I report to the Cao family and can definitely prove that it is someone from the Qing Kingdom, the Cao Mansion will definitely take action. It would not be too much to say that the Cao Mansion is sworn in to the Qing Kingdom. Although I am a soft-spoken person, I can still use it. To the private soldiers!”

Awesome, everyone is awesome. Now I'm starting to look forward to Fang Yi's people coming over. But in order to avoid being assassinated, you should hide your identity as much as possible.

That's natural. We're not stupid. It's just that sometimes we need to act in a high-profile manner. Our identity may not be completely concealed. But it doesn't matter. As long as we can kill them, everything will be easy!

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