"Uncle Han, what's the matter?"

Seeing Han Qingshan holding an old bronze box, Lin Wudao was a little curious.

"Master, this is what I left for you..."


Lin Wudao was surprised.

Not long after he was reborn in the great world of Shenhuang, according to his memory, his father Lin Daoshan was extremely powerful and was a big shot in the Yuanzhou Demon Suppression Division.


Ten years ago, he died unexpectedly due to a turmoil!

What will he leave behind?

In doubt.

Lin Wudao opened the bronze box that had been sealed in dust for ten years...

I saw that there were three things in it!

A simple-looking, dark bronze medal, a sharp sword, and a bone fragment about the size of a palm that exuded a mysterious aura.

"When I was alive, I was the Yuanzhou Demon Suppressing Division and the master of the Demon Hunting Palace. I had a high and powerful position. At the same time, my own strength was also extremely strong. I had already cultivated to the sixth level of the Dao Palace."

"If there hadn't been an accident for some reason, with my strength and prestige, I would have been able to ascend to the position of Grand Governor of the Demon-Suppressing Division..."

Han Qingshan sighed.

Looking at the thing in front of him, his eyes were full of sadness!

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao examined it for a moment, and the first thing he picked up was the sharp and simple sword.


When the sword was drawn out, a strong murderous aura came towards the face...

"Young Master, this is the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword that the Master used during his lifetime. It is an extremely rare eighth-level spiritual weapon."

Han Qingshan introduced it in due course.

He followed Lin Daoshan throughout his life and was very clear about some of his belongings during his lifetime.

An eighth-level spiritual soldier?

Lin Wudao nodded, without any fluctuation in his eyes.


He picked up the mysterious black bronze medal again, and saw the word 'Demon Suppression' outlined on one side, and the word 'Demon Hunting' outlined on the other side.

This should be Lin Daoshan’s identity token!

"Master, you must keep this token of the Demon Hunting Hall. It represents the glory and glory of my life, and it is also a symbol of status."

"Zhao Xuanxiao, the Grand Governor of the Yuanzhou Demon Suppression Division, has made an agreement with the master. As long as he goes to the Demon Suppression Division with this token from the Demon Hunting Palace, the young master will be protected."

"Besides, if you, young master, can pass the examination of the Demon Suppressing Division, or your cultivation reaches the realm of Taoist Palace, you can even directly inherit my position as the master of the Demon Hunting Palace."

"Over the years, the position of the master of the Demon Hunting Hall has been vacant, just because of this promise..."

Han Qingshan said with great solemnity.

Yuanzhou Town Demon Division?

The position of the Lord of the Demon Hunting Hall?

Hearing this, Lin Wudao's eyes flashed with light.

He thinks it’s okay for a son to inherit his father’s legacy!

Besides, he also has this strength.

If he could reach the top and become the master of a palace in the Demon Suppressing Division, he would definitely be able to gain a lot of luck points based on his identity and status as the master of the palace.

Thinking of this, Lin Wudao suddenly had a plan in his heart...


He put down the token and held the last palm-sized mysterious bone fragment in his hand.

"Young Master, this was an unexpected acquisition during my lifetime. It is said to be a piece of wild dragon bone from ancient times. It also contains a powerful attack method."

"It's called: Savage Dragon Hand Seal!"

"Ten years ago, the master relied on this powerful method to become invincible and invincible."

"According to the master, as long as you practice the Wild Dragon Mahamudra to the state of Dzogchen, you can strike out with the power of thirty ancient wild dragons with one palm, which has the power to split mountains and break mountains."

"It's just that it's too difficult to practice!"

"Even with my peerless talent and more than ten years of practice, I can only cultivate the Wild Dragon Mahamudra to a small level."

"However, even so, one palm can still exert the power of three ancient wild dragons..."

Speaking of which.

Strong excitement appeared in Han Qingshan's eyes.

He highly respected the Barbarian Dragon Mahamudra!


Listening to his introduction, Lin Wudao looked at it first, and then tentatively poured a ray of spiritual power into it. In an instant, a golden divine light burst out and reflected in the mid-air.

Astonishingly, the method of practicing the Wild Dragon Mahamudra...

【Ding dong~】

[The ancient method of Barbarian Dragon Mahamudra has been detected. Will it cost a thousand luck points to practice it to the 'entry level'? 】


A cold notification sounded suddenly from his mind.


Luck value can still be used like this?

Lin Wudao was very surprised!

He looked at the luck value he had left, and it was exactly one thousand!

If all of it is used to practice the Wild Dragon Mahamudra, his luck value will return to zero by then, and I don't know if it will have a bad impact on himself.

Just in case, Lin Wudao did not choose to practice immediately.

He still has to prepare well...

"Uncle Han, I'm going to learn about this wild dragon mudra. If nothing happens, don't disturb me."


Han Qingshan nodded in agreement.

Immediately, he turned around and exited the room.

After he left, Lin Wudao pondered for a while, then took out the sixth-level spiritual weapon Qingming Ancient Sword that he had obtained from collecting the corpse before, and placed it together with the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword.

Suddenly, the sharpness is overwhelming!

"System, sacrifice the Qingming Ancient Sword and the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword!"

"Ding, the sacrifice was successful!"

"You sacrificed the sixth-level spiritual weapon Qingming Ancient Sword and gained 600 luck points!"

"You sacrificed the eighth-level spiritual weapon Seven-Star Longyuan Sword and gained 800 points of luck!"

The beep sounded again!

[Should I spend a thousand points of luck to practice the Wild Dragon Mahamudra to the entry level? 】

【yes! 】

[Ding, practice is successful! 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have cultivated the Savage Dragon Hand Seal to the entry level, and can exert the power of an ancient Savage Dragon with one palm! 】


Along with the system's beep, Lin Wudao suddenly felt that many insights about the Savage Dragon's Grand Hand Seal appeared in his mind out of thin air.

at the same time!

He tried to press lightly into the void, and in an instant, an unparalleled force surged out like a wild river, causing a series of explosions in the air.

"As expected of an ancient method, it is indeed powerful!"

Lin Wudao praised.


He set his sights on the wild dragon bone.

"System, how much luck value can this thing be exchanged for?"

"four thousand!"

"Okay, redeemed!"

"Ding, congratulations on sacrificing an ancient wild dragon's spine and gaining 4,000 luck points!"

"Continue to improve the Savage Dragon Hand Seal for me."

[Ding, you spent 5,000 luck points and successfully cultivated the Savage Dragon Hand Seal to the 'small success' level. You can exert the power of three ancient wild dragons with one palm! 】

[The power of his palm penetrates one hundred feet through the body! 】

Name: Lin Wudao

Cultivation: Early stage of becoming a god

Kung Fu: "The Classic of Ancient Emperors"

Skills: Basic Boxing (Introductory), Kaishan Mudra, Wild Dragon Mudra (Xiao Cheng)

Items: Heavenly Burial Copper Coffin, Hidden Corpse Map, Stone of Origin, Demon Hunting Hall Token

Lifespan: 12,736 years

Note: You are cursed and will be forcibly deprived of one year of life every day!

New information is presented in front of you.

After reading.

Lin Wudao had no expression on his face and remained as calm as ever.

"Next, let's wait for Jiang Qingxue to return!"

Say it.

He immediately sat cross-legged on the ground and started practicing hard.

Lin Wudao didn't know that because of what he did, at this moment, the huge Qingyuan Ancient City, and even the entire Jiuzhou realm, had caused an uproar.

The family of Jiang Qingxue, the ninth true disciple of Taixuan Sect, was wiped out in one day!

This news shocked Kyushu!


Countless people are also full of curiosity about Lin Wudao's identity and origin...

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