Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 10: Expelled from the clan and expelled from the house!

Directly east of Qingyuan Ancient City, there is a large family.

Named: Lin Clan!

It has a heritage of nearly five hundred years. It is quite strong in terms of heritage and strength, and it firmly controls most of the resources of Qingyuan Ancient City.

True to his name, Overlord!

Zichen Palace.

It is the most majestic place for the Lin family, and it is also a symbol of power and status.


The magnificent hall was filled with figures of clan elders. Their faces were solemn. Some had strong anger in their eyes, while others were frightened.

Among them, the leader is a dignified-looking middle-aged man in mysterious clothes.

His name is Lin Tiannan, and he is currently the leader of the Lin clan!

at the same time.

His cultivation has also reached the middle stage of Luntai Realm, and he is a well-deserved strong man in this Qingyuan Ancient City.


Now, like the other clan elders in the hall, he is frowning, with uncontrollable anger and worry in his eyes...

Because they all learned what happened to the Jiang family!

"Everyone, let's talk about it, how should Lin Wudao handle this matter?"

There was silence for a long time.

Lin Tiannan finally couldn't help but break the silence and said.

Hear this!

The brows of those present frowned even more tightly!

"Clan leader, I think Lin Wudao should be expelled from the Lin clan immediately. From now on, we should completely draw a clear line with him and no longer be a descendant of the Lin family."

"This boy is extremely arrogant and daring!"

"I don't know what kind of bullshit luck I got. By chance, I had the strength of the Luntai realm. I thought I was doing something wrong and went to kill the Jiang family in a menacing manner. It's simply lawless."

"Now, Jiang Qingxue has become the ninth true disciple of Taixuan Sect. If such a big change happens to the Jiang family, Taixuan Sect will definitely not sit idly by."

"Once Taixuanmen is blamed, our Lin family simply cannot afford it!"

"Therefore, before the people from Taixuan Sect come, quickly draw a clear line with him and sever the relationship, so as not to be implicated by him in the future..."

At this time.

A clan elder with a hot temper stood up and yelled.

The words are full of hostility!

To this.

Lin Tiannan did not speak, but looked at the others present...

"Clan leader, I agree with the proposal of the elders of the three clans to expel Lin Wudao from the Lin clan!"

"I agree!"

"Lin Wudao is a scourge. If he is left unchecked, sooner or later he will bring disaster to the Lin family. We must get rid of him as soon as possible."

"Yes, our Lin family doesn't want people like this!"

One after another, the clan elders agreed.

Looking at this scene, Lin Tiannan frowned slightly.

"Old man from a wealthy family, what do you think?"

He looked at the energetic old man in red at the lower left.

"Clan leader, in a few days, our Lin clan will have completed five hundred years. At that time, God will bring disasters to test the family's strength."

"If we can survive the catastrophe of God, the Lin family will receive gifts and rewards from God. By then, our Lin family will be like dragons, and our strength and foundation will skyrocket."

"But if we can't get through it, the Lin family will definitely suffer a catastrophe!"

"Given the current situation, it would be good to have an extra helper after all..."

The rich man said slowly.

God's catastrophe?

Upon hearing these words, the expressions of everyone present, including the clan leader Lin Tiannan, changed.

This is a test from God!

However, all the forces in the Shenhuang World cannot escape.

For forces like the Lin family, God will send down a test every five hundred years. If they successfully pass it, their strength will skyrocket; but if they fail, they must accept God's punishment.

This is equivalent to promotion!

No matter who they are, no matter how huge and ancient their power is, they must be cautious and walk on thin ice when facing the catastrophe of heaven.

I am afraid that if I am not careful, I will die without a burial place!


The Lin clan is also full of fear!


This is not a reason for Lin Wudao to stay...

"Clan leader, Lin Wudao must not keep this son!"

"Now, the Jiang family's affairs have been posted on the Tongtian Baojian by the human poster, and have already spread throughout the entire Dali Dynasty and even the realm of Jiuzhou."

"It can be expected that within three days, someone will come from Taixuan Sect!"

"When the time comes, our Lin family will definitely be blamed, but we can't afford it..."

The elders of the three tribes from before roared again.

The voice was extremely urgent!

His words were echoed by many people.

"Clan leader, what the elders of the three clans said is true. Lin Wudao must be expelled from the Lin clan."

"Don't worry about the catastrophe. Let's deal with the Taixuan Sect first. If this matter is not handled well, our Lin family will be destroyed before the catastrophe comes."

"Clan leader, don't hesitate, expel Lin Wudao from the clan!"

"Lin Wudao can't stay..."

Everyone agrees!

See it.

Lin Tiannan was silent for a long time and finally nodded.

"Since all the clan elders have unanimously agreed, let's expel Lin Wudao from the Lin family clan. From now on, he will have no relationship with our Lin clan."

"Elders of the three clans, go to the Human World Building immediately and publish this news on the Tongtian Treasure Mirror. At least Taixuan Sect will see our attitude..."

"Besides, send someone to tell Lin Wudao!"


The elders of the three clans left happily.

Seeing this scene, the rich man sighed slightly, and everyone agreed that even if he wanted to temporarily retain Lin Wudao, it would be impossible.

after all.

Although the Lin family is strong, they cannot afford to offend Taixuanmen!

For the life and death of the family leader, Lin Wudao can only be sacrificed...

Lin Wudao, who was in Wuyou Villa, didn't know what happened to the Lin family.


The Lin family's work efficiency is very fast!

After going to Renjian Building to announce the expulsion of Lin Wudao from his clan, Lin Tianhe, an old man from the three tribes, immediately came to Wuyou Villa without stopping.

Han Qingshan was very surprised by his arrival.

Because, since the death of Lin Daoshan, the Lin family has never set foot in Wuyou Villa...

"I wonder why the elders of the three tribes came here?"

Han Qingshan didn't look good on him.

To this.

Lin Tianhe snorted coldly.

"Today, I am here to inform you that in view of Lin Wudao's bold and reckless behavior, after unanimous discussion among the Lin family, it has been decided to expel Lin Wudao from the clan."

"From today on, there is no longer any relationship between the Lin family and Lin Wudao!"


Expelled from the clan?

When he suddenly heard this, Han Qingshan became angry.

"What a wonderful Lin family. Thanks to my master's help and protection many times during his lifetime, I didn't expect that what happened in the end was that the heirs were expelled from the clan."

"Your conscience has really been eaten by dogs!"

"If the master were still alive, how could you dare to be so presumptuous..."

The more he spoke, the angrier he became!


Lin Tianhe ignored Han Qingshan's intense humiliation and resentment, let alone took it to heart.

In his opinion, the Lin family does not lack a Lin Wudao!

Without him, the Lin family can still survive well; keeping him will bring huge disaster to the Lin family.

If so.

It is better to evict him from the house as soon as possible to avoid future troubles!

"Today, I am just here to inform you. I am not here to listen to your nonsense. This is the result. You have to admit it or not."

"Also, from now on, you are not allowed to pretend to be members of the Lin family. You are no longer members of the Lin family..."


Lin Tianhe threw down a piece of resolution and walked away.

See this scene!

Although Han Qingshan felt extremely humiliated and angry, he had no choice but to pick up the resolution book on the ground and went to Lin Wudao's room.

"Master, the Lin family is here, they..."

"I already know the matter!"

"It's just a mere identity of the Lin family, it's okay if you don't want it!"

A dull voice came from the room.

In fact.

He has never taken the Lin family seriously!

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