Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 792 The Ancient Emperor of Qiongtian, the Heavenly Emperor’s Dojo!

The restricted area of ​​Shentian is extremely vast!

Ancient Emperor Mountain is located due east of the Shentian Restricted Area, and its territory covers a radius of hundreds of millions of miles.

Viewed from a distance, the entire Ancient Imperial Mountain is like an ancient sky pillar, supporting the entire world.

It gives people a kind of eternal and supreme power...

Looking at Guhuang Mountain in the distance, Lin Wudao could clearly feel the aura of vicissitudes of time that filled the world.


Compared to the ancient and vast grandeur of the Ancient Emperor Mountain, Lin Wudao paid more attention to it itself.


Through the insight of the Eye of the Avenue, he saw some hidden things in the Ancient Emperor Mountain.

[Name: Guhuang Mountain]

[Introduction: In the ancient era, the Heavenly Emperor's Dojo was opened by the Ancient Emperor Qiongtian. After endless years, it passed through various eras and has been passed down to this day. 】


The ancient emperor’s dojo?

Emperor of Heaven?

Lin Wudao was greatly surprised when he saw the feedback.

He did not expect that the Ancient Emperor Mountain had such a great background. During the ancient era, it was actually the Heavenly Emperor's dojo.

"So, the Jade Sky God King Huang Tianji is just a later successor?"

"Is there still a trace of the ancient emperor of Qiongtian?"

"Since God King Yuxiao inherited the Ancient Emperor's dojo, will he also receive the Heavenly Emperor's inheritance from the Ancient Emperor Qiongtian?"

"If this is the case, then Huang Tianji's tomb will be in trouble..."

Lin Wudao narrowed his eyes.

at this time!

He was full of strong expectations for Huang Tianji's tomb.

at the same time.

Crazy Taoist and Qin Daofu on the side were also staring at the Ancient Emperor Mountain in the distance, thoughtfully.


They all also saw some clues.

"Brother Ren, this Ancient Emperor Mountain is extremely extraordinary. During the ancient era, this place was actually a Heavenly Emperor's dojo."

"According to my guess, the Jade Sky Divine King, Huang Tianji, is most likely to have received the inheritance from the Ancient Emperor of Qiongtian."

"There must be something good in his grave!"

The crazy Taoist said excitedly.

After him, Qin Daofu's voice also sounded.

"The old madman is right, we will definitely make a fortune this time."

"According to my observation, there is an extremely powerful death energy lingering on the Jade Emperor Mountain that will last forever."

"That is definitely not owned by the emperor!"

"I guess there is a high possibility that a former Heavenly Emperor is buried on this Ancient Emperor Mountain."

"There may be more than one grave here..."

Qin Daofu said solemnly.


Is there an Emperor of Heaven buried here?

Hearing this, Lin Wudao and Mad Taoist suddenly became energetic. Their eyes were fixed on the Ancient Emperor Mountain under the sky in the distance.

After careful observation, Lin Wudao also discovered a strange black air hovering over the Ancient Emperor Mountain.


To his disappointment, he could not find the exact location and source through the black gas.

"Qin Daofu, can you pinpoint the specific location of that death energy?"

"This... is a bit difficult."

"The death energy seems to be coming from a certain space, and it should be in an independent space."

"For a while, I couldn't find it."

Qin Daofu shook his head.

"Yeah, I'm the same as you!"

"Don't alert the snake yet, wait until we get inside the Ancient Emperor's Dojo, and then search carefully to see if we can find any clues."

"Brother Ren is right. As long as there is the tomb of the Emperor of Heaven on the Ancient Emperor Mountain, we must find it even if we dig up the entire Ancient Emperor Mountain."

"Maybe there will be clues in Huang Tianji's tomb..."

The mad Taoist answered.

Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu both agreed with his words.


They drove the Shenzhou and arrived at the top of the Ancient Emperor Mountain.

The Ancient Emperor's Dojo is a grand ceremony that takes place once in a thousand years in the divine world.

Every time it is opened, it will attract a large number of cultivators, either competing for treasures or competing for a place to enter the dojo.


Every time the ancient emperor's dojo was opened, earth-shattering fighting would break out, resulting in the death of many quasi-emperors.


When Lin Wudao and his party arrived at the top of the ancient emperor's mountain, they looked up and saw that there were already huge crowds of people in the ten directions.


Among the monks gathered here, the ones with the lowest strength have reached the level of saints.

"It's so lively!"

Lin Wudao glanced at it and found that there were no less than 300,000 monks on the Ancient Emperor Mountain.


As time went by, a large number of cultivators came to Ancient Emperor Mountain one after another.

Among these many monks, Lin Wudao also saw major forces from the Divine Continent, the Divine Restricted Area, and other regions.

For example: Shenwu Tianzong, which has the Great Emperor's orthodoxy, Qingxiao Divine Dynasty, Chitian Divine Sect, and Wuji Holy Land in the Shentian restricted area...

These are all the traditions of the Great Emperor!

The representative figures among them are all outstanding talents from various emperors' traditions, and their cultivation levels have all reached the quasi-emperor level.


Everyone has a strong guardian.

The divine palaces, treasure halls, divine ships, etc. where they were located stood in the void, exuding great power.

Everything demonstrates the majesty and powerful heritage of the emperor's orthodoxy.

To this.

Lin Wudao was quite envious.

Just from these sacred palaces and treasures, if you sacrifice them, you can get a lot of luck.

not to mention!

These geniuses of the great emperor's lineage also have many treasures, the worst of which are the treasures of the ultimate quasi-emperor.

Even the imperial soldiers have...

"Tsk tsk~"

"These people are all big fat sheep."

"Brother Ren, we are destined to make a fortune this time. When we get to the Ancient Emperor's Dojo, we must rob them all."

The crazy Taoist licked his mouth and said with a sinister smile.


Qin Daofu on the side was also rubbing his palms secretly, with waves of fierce light deep in his eyes.

This time they encountered their wicked trio, which was bad luck for these people.

"Third Prince, in the past, when the Ancient Emperor's Dojo opened, how many quasi-emperors would participate in the fight and compete for places?"

At this time.

Lin Wudao seemed to have thought of something important, and asked Yu Wuji with a hint of curiosity.

"Well, a lot!"

"The Ancient Emperor's Dojo is a grand ceremony that takes place once in a thousand years in the divine world. At that time, most of the geniuses and quasi-emperors will come here."

"The only ones competing for spots in the dojo are those talented quasi-emperors of the Great Emperor's lineage, while the others go to the first floor of the ancient emperor's dojo to hunt for treasures."

"The quasi-emperors participating in each event are no less than eight thousand, and sometimes even more than ten thousand."

"It's just that although there are many people who go in, less than 10% can come out alive in the end."

Yu Wuji replied respectfully.

Are there so many quasi-emperors?

Lin Wudao's spirit perked up slightly.

Although he wanted the emperor's body more, mosquitoes were still meat no matter how small they were. As long as there were enough quasi-emperors, he could still make a small fortune.

"There are still about three days until the opening of the Ancient Emperor's Dojo. I don't know how many Great Emperors' orthodoxy will eventually be attracted."

Think of this.

They found a relatively remote corner on Guhuang Mountain and waited quietly.

One day later!


I saw, accompanied by a huge momentum, an ancient divine boat broke through the sky and landed on the Ancient Emperor Mountain.

on it.

There are many figures standing.

"Hey, why did they come to Guhuang Mountain to join in the fun?"

Looking at the figures on the Shenzhou, Lin Wudao couldn't help but show an extremely surprised expression.


The crazy Taoist and Qin Daofu on the side were also extremely surprised after seeing the visitor.

"Ye Hongyu from the Taichu Imperial Clan and Jiang Mubai from the Ancient Imperial Clan, it looks like they are coming here to broadcast live again."

"Hey, those are...the three goddesses from Qingshan Divine Kingdom? They are actually here too?"

"Still getting involved with Ye Hongyu and the others?"

The crazy Taoist's eyes were full of surprise.

at this time!

On that divine boat, there were the figures of Ye Hongyu and Jiang Mubai.


There are also three goddesses from Qingshan Kingdom, Tushan Ruoruo, Xiao Ziyi, and Yu Linger.

"Hey, I guess they must have sneaked out. The high priest must not know."

The mad Taoist laughed strangely.

"Do you even need to say this?"

"The high priest is in retreat. It is said that he is preparing to attack the emperor. How can he have time to care about them at this critical moment?"

"However, this is the Ancient Emperor Mountain. It is a very dangerous place. With their little strength, can they protect themselves?"

"If something unexpected happens, the high priest will probably turn the entire world of Shenhuang upside down."

Qin Daofu frowned and said.

In his opinion, Tushan Ruoruo and the others were still too weak.

Compared to Qin Daofu's teasing, Lin Wudao didn't have this worry.


Behind Tushan Ruoruo and the others, there were eleven mourners including Li Zangtian.

As long as you don't encounter the emperor, there is basically no danger.

not to mention.

He, the great god of Qingshan, is still here...

"I knew they couldn't stay in the Mountain Realm."

"However, it's good to come out and gain experience."

After a brief glance, Lin Wudao withdrew his gaze.

the other side!

After arriving at Guhuang Mountain, Tushan Ruoruo and several others were also very excited.

One by one, they kept looking around...

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