Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 791 The forbidden area of ​​​​Shentian, the big five-element flag!

"Crazy Taoist, how much do you know about the Shentian restricted area?"

Aboard the Shenzhou!

The three of them sat opposite each other.

After taking a sip of tea, Lin Wudao couldn't help but ask Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu about the situation in the Shentian restricted area.

after all.

Before that, the two of them had been hanging out in the divine world all year round, and they knew each place very well.

In fact, it is indeed the case!

"Hehe, Brother Ren, you are asking the right person. I am an old man digging graves everywhere, so I have a good understanding of the situation in the Shenhuang World."

"The Shentian Forbidden Zone is the most terrifying place in Shenzhou. Even if it is placed in the entire Shenhuang World, it is a first-class taboo place."

"Actually, although the Shentian Forbidden Zone is located on the Shenzhou land, it is completely independent of the Shenzhou land."

"A world of its own!"

"The Shentian Forbidden Zone is extremely vast. It is said to be larger than the land of Shenzhou. It contains countless opportunities and great horrors."

"Even if the emperor goes in, he will die!"

"Since ancient times, it is said that no one has ever been able to enter the core area of ​​the Shentian Forbidden Zone."

"Legend has it that a Heavenly Emperor fell outside the restricted area..."

The mad Taoist held a teacup and said quietly.

The mysterious look seemed like he had been there before, or had witnessed the fall of the Emperor of Heaven.

Even the Emperor of Heaven can't get close to the depths?

Lin Wudao's heart moved slightly.

Doesn't this mean that deep in the forbidden area of ​​​​Shentian, there exists a great terror that even the Emperor of Heaven cannot contend with?

"Is it possible that there are still immortals?"

"This is impossible. According to the status of the Divine Desolate World, the Emperor of Heaven at the extreme realm of Heaven is already at his limit."

"There is no way a creature in the fairyland can be born!"

Lin Wudao denied this speculation.

"Crazy Taoist, you said that the forbidden area of ​​Shentian is bigger than the land of Shenzhou. Is there an emperor in there too?"

he continued to ask.

"Of course!"

"The land of Shenzhou and the restricted area of ​​Shentian are two different places, so the emperor is also different."

"In the restricted area of ​​​​the gods and heavens, there is no way of heaven and no rules, so there is only the emperor of the world."

"But there are a lot of them!"

"On the land of Shenzhou, there is only one great emperor recognized by the rules of heaven and earth, and he comes from the Shenwu Tianzong."

"The current Shenwu Emperor has inherited the title of 'Shenwu' for the twelfth generation, and his cultivation level is in the tenth level of the Great Emperor."

"In addition, there are three human emperors in Shenwu Tianzong."

"The current Emperor Shenwu has been in power for 98,000 years and has entered his twilight years."

"According to the rules of the Divine World, the Emperor of Heaven cannot reign for more than one hundred thousand years."

"Therefore, Emperor Shenwu has at most two thousand years to live."

"As for the Shentian Forbidden Zone, there are many emperors there, and they are all human emperors."

"There are more than ten people in the tenth level of the Great Emperor alone, and these are only on the periphery of the Shentian restricted area."

"In addition, the Shentian Forbidden Zone and the Shenzhou Land have always been sworn enemies."

"The great emperor outside wants to level the Shentian Forbidden Zone; the great emperor in the Shentian Forbidden Zone also wants to deprive the outside emperor of his origin."

"Since ancient times, the war between the Divine Continent and the Divine Restricted Area has never stopped..."

The crazy Taoist introduced it eloquently.

He spoke carefully, and Lin Wudao also listened carefully.

Through his narration, Lin Wudao had a general understanding of the situation in the Divine Continent and the Divine Restricted Area.


The crazy Taoist continued to tell various little-known ancient secrets, which opened Lin Wudao's eyes.

He felt that there had been some changes since the Crazy Taoist came down from the Burying God Mountain.

It has become deeper and more mysterious.

Even he can't see through it...

To this.

Although Lin Wudao felt a little curious, he did not inquire further.

Everyone has their own secrets, and the more you know, the worse it will be.

that's all!

The three of them sipped tea and drank wine leisurely while telling various anecdotes.

Time passed by unconsciously.

Three days later!

Lin Wudao drove the Shenzhou, carrying Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu, into the Shentian restricted area.

Immediately afterwards.

They came to the capital of the Zhurong Dynasty again, and stopped at the Shinhwa Tower through the connection between the Book of All Living Beings and Yu Wuji.

Baihua Villa!

When Lin Wudao walked into the room, he saw a young man in brocade clothes already inside, waiting for a long time.

Behind him stood an old man in red with the power of a pseudo-emperor.

Apparently, he is his protector!

"Your a messenger from God?"

Seeing the arrival of the three people, Yu Wuji was a little surprised at first, but then he bowed and asked.

at this time!

He was also not sure which one of the three was the messenger of God.

See this.

Lin Wudao took a step forward and admitted his identity.

"I just want to do whatever I want!"

"These two are friends of this envoy, Qi Yinyang and Zhao Mang."

"They heard that the battle at Ancient Emperor Mountain was about to begin, so they came here to join in the fun."

"Third Prince, you can rest assured. Since I have accepted your commission, I will definitely meet your needs and wishes."

"There must be a place for the third prince in the ancient emperor's dojo."

Lin Wudao said quietly.

This time.

He pretended to be a handsome young man from aristocratic family, the mad Taoist pretended to be a weak scholar, and Qin Daofu pretended to be an eight-foot tall man with a scar face.

After being disguised, their body shape, appearance, voice, and temperament are all qualitatively different.

Even the most familiar people cannot identify their identities.

"Oh, it turns out that he is a friend of the envoy. I'm glad to meet you."

"With Sir Envoy and two friends, this battle on Ancient Emperor Mountain will be sure to happen."

"Here, I would like to thank you all in advance..."

Yu Wuji bowed politely.


He turned over his hand and took out a set of ancient five-color flags, and respectfully handed them to Lin Wudao.

"Lord Messenger, this is your reward."

"Big Five Elements Flag?"

A look of surprise flashed across Lin Wudao's eyes.

Each piece of this set of Great Five Elements Flags is a low-grade imperial weapon. When the five flags are organized together, they can become a set of Great Five Elements Flags.

Its power is comparable to that of a top-grade imperial weapon!


"The third prince is interested~"

Lin Wudao was still very satisfied with this set of five-element flags.

The value of a low-grade imperial weapon is about 20,000 flowers of luck; if this set of five-element flags were split and sacrificed, it would be worth 100,000 flowers of luck.

This is equivalent to the value of a top-grade imperial weapon...

It can be seen from this.

Jade Wuji is still very generous.

"Lord Messenger, there are still seven days left before the battle at Ancient Emperor Mountain."

"Why don't you guys take a rest at the Shinhwa Tower before setting off?"


"The ancient emperor's dojo is a grand event that happens once in a thousand years. At that time, the geniuses and quasi-emperors from the entire divine world will flock to it."

"Now, I'm afraid a lot of people have gathered there."

"Without further ado, let's go over and see the excitement and broaden our horizons..."

The crazy Taoist said with a smile.

Seeing what he said, after obtaining Lin Wudao's consent, the group boarded an ancient divine boat prepared by Yu Wuji.


Driving the divine boat, it flew through the sky.

The Shenzhou prepared by Yu Wuji is very fast.

It only took one day to reach Guhuang Mountain...

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