Name: Ji Wudi

Identity: Emperor Dahuang's son

Cultivation: Tenth level Saint King

Talent: Infinite Comprehension

Bloodline: Tushan clan

Vision: Sword of All Beings

Kung Fu: "Great Wilderness Sutra", "Supreme Dharma for All Living Beings"

Skills: Twelve Styles of the Great Desolation, Great Emperor's Ascension Technique, Great Nine Heavenly Hands, Great Sun God Spell, Secret Technique: Forbidden Break, Great Life Forbidden Technique, Fist of the North Star, Thunder Strike

Item: Great Wilderness Cauldron

Lifespan: 3864

Notes: 1. Those who are born with great luck

2. Infinite understanding: Possessing unparalleled understanding, one can deduce any method to the ultimate state.

3. Vision: The sword of all living beings can condense the will of all living beings and evolve a magical realm of living beings. However, any living being who steps into the realm will be knocked down to a small level in cultivation.

4. The Supreme Dharma for all living beings: Ji is invincible in the realm of the God-King, observes the Dharma of the ancient sages of the Great Wilderness, and creates the supreme Dharma on his own.

Name: The Supreme Dharma for All Living Beings

Level: Cosmic Law

Introduction: 1. Ji Wudi Guan's supreme method created by the ancient sages can gather the power of all living beings and bless oneself.

2. The more food there is, the more creatures there are in the fief, and the stronger the power.

Notes: 1. There are 8,000 saint kings and 120,000 saints among the living beings in the territory of the city of 120 million li.

2. The unparalleled heroes in the world rely on the power of all living beings and are invincible in the great realm.

The Eye of the Avenue swept over, and a lot of information about Ji Wudi immediately appeared in front of him.

After reading this!

Even Lin Wudao couldn't help but admire him.

"Tsk tsk~"

"This Ji Wudi is truly a talent."

"In the realm of the God King, a supreme method has been created, and it has even been deduced to the level of the universe."

"The supreme law of all living beings, gathering the power of all living beings in the world to achieve its own great power, is indeed terrifying."

"Ji Wudi's talent and talents are quite extraordinary."

Lin Wudao praised from the bottom of his heart.

Looking at the entire Panshen Universe, among the geniuses and monsters he has come into contact with so far, Ji Wudi can definitely be ranked high.

Although he cannot compare with Xiao Lanyue and Qi Qingsi, he is not far behind Zhao Wushen and the others.


When it comes to his own talent, Ji Wudi is even better than Zhao Wushen and the others.

As for combat power, Ji Wudi is still weaker for the time being.


The supreme Dharma for all living beings he created is extremely magical and mysterious, and its potential is endless.

If Ji Wudi had enough food, his combat power would increase crazily.

By the time!

Zhao Wushen and Mu Qingyi, if they want to defeat Ji Wudi, it's probably not that easy.

According to Ji Wudi's current strength, he can easily defeat ordinary ancient saints.

His potential is limitless!

"Now, the only combat power I have available is Tushan Cangyue and Yin Siming."

"In addition, there are all the great gods in the Kingdom of God."

"My background is still too shallow. This Ji Wudi is impeccable in terms of qualifications, potential, and combat power."

"If you train him, you will definitely be able to expand your territory for me in the future and become a general under my command."

"It just so happens that the Great Wilderness Ancient Clan is also a member of the Tushan clan. In this way, they are also my people."

"Next, if we plan carefully, we should be able to bring the Great Wilderness Ancient Clan under the rule of Qingshan Divine Kingdom."

Lin Wudao thought secretly.

The talent and potential Ji Wudi showed made him think of recruiting.

It would be a shame to die like this.

Think of this!

He set his sights on the Taixu Heaven-Mending Technique.

Today's Taixu Heaven-Mending Technique is only at the God King level. If you want to repair Ji Wudi's injuries, you have to upgrade it to the Holy King Technique.

[System, how much luck is needed to upgrade the Taixu Heaven-Mending Technique to the Holy King Technique? 】


[The art of repairing the sky with Taixu is deduced into a saint's method, 500 flowers of luck. 】

[The art of repairing the sky with Taixu, deducing the method of becoming a saint king, 3000 flowers of luck. 】

[The art of repairing the sky with Taixu has been deduced into the ancient holy method, 8000 flowers of luck. 】

“It’s so expensive~”

Looking at the prices listed in the system, Lin Wudao couldn't help but sigh.


He still chose to improve.


After consuming 3,500 flowers of luck, he successfully deduced the Taixu Heaven-Mending Technique to the level of the Holy King's method.

Name: Lin Wudao

Cultivation: Seventh-level God King

Luck value: 28573 flowers of luck

"Right now, many methods can no longer keep up with my strength and pace, so I have to find ways to make money."

"Otherwise, we can't afford to feed so many gold-swallowing beasts."

Lin Wudao sighed in his heart.


He, Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu came to Ji Wudi.

"Taixu Heaven Mending Technique!"


As a burst of bright divine light descended, Ji Wudi's injuries began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Just a moment.

He changed his previous weak appearance, and his whole person regained his strong vitality.

" injury..."

Feeling the sudden and shocking changes in himself, Ji Wudi, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground waiting for death, couldn't help but show a shocked expression.

He looked up.

A pair of deep eyes fell firmly on Lin Wudao.

"Thank you!"

"But...why did you save me?"

A slightly hoarse voice sounded slowly.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao smiled lightly.

"Because you are a member of the Tushan clan."

"It just so happens that we have some affection and relationship with the high priest of Shanling Realm. Since we met here, it is fate."

"In the future, after we go out, let the high priest pay the accounts for us."

"We saved her Tushan clan, and she is an unparalleled talent that will never be seen again. She must thank us."

Tu Shan?

Mountain world, high priest?

Hearing this, Ji Wudi's eyes narrowed slightly, and when he looked at Lin Wudao and others, some subtle changes suddenly occurred in their eyes.

According to the ancient records of the Great Wilderness Ancient Clan, their ancestral land was in the Shanling Realm long ago.


Ji Wudi thought this was an ancient legend, but he didn't know that the Mountain Realm really existed in the world.

Moreover, he also met people from his ancestral land...

"You...are from the Mountain Realm?"

After taking a deep breath and suppressing the shock in his heart, Ji Wudi asked in disbelief.


"Boy, if I hadn't seen that you are a member of the Tushan clan, I would have buried you long ago. Why would I have waited until now?"

"Don't worry, we still have some friendship with the high priest, and we won't harm your life."

"In the future, maybe you can walk out of the Burial Land with us and go to the Mountain Realm."

"I think the high priest would be very happy if he saw that he still has people from the same clan in the world."

"When the time comes, I will kill you hard, hehe..."

The mad Taoist laughed and said.

Hearing his words, a bright light flashed across Ji Wudi's eyes.

The ancient tribe of the Great Wilderness has been trying to get out of this land of burial for generations, but has never been able to do so.


Is there finally hope?

For a moment.

Strong expectations and desires arose in his heart.

"Your Excellency, can you tell me about the situation of the Tushan clan in Shanling Realm?"

"Yes, yes, but we don't have time now. Let's talk about it when we have time."

"By the way, how could you, the majestic emperor of the Great Wilderness Ancient Clan, be reduced to this state?"

"He was imprisoned in the Ninth Demon Mountain?"

Qin Daofu asked.

"for this I……"

"I was greedy for success and underestimated the enemy on the battlefield. Unfortunately, I was besieged by people from the City of Demons."


Ji Wudi replied awkwardly.

"Tsk, tsk, you are really a damn talent. You are really desperate for meritorious service."

Madao curled his lips.

He didn't have much interest in Ji Wudi.

"Brother Ren, this prison in the Ninth Demon Mountain is a good place."

"How about we go to other floors and harvest all the prisoners?"

"It's a waste to keep it anyway, why not let us brothers use it..."

He rubbed his hands together and smiled.

Hearing this, Qin Daofu on the side was also extremely moved.

"Wait first before taking action!"

"Right now, in my hands, there are still seven thousand corpses of the God King of the World, which I haven't had time to deal with yet."

"It won't be too late to harvest the prisoners after all the corpses on hand are processed."


As he spoke, Lin Wudao waved his hand and took out all the seven thousand corpses of the God King obtained from the God King's battlefield.

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