"Who are you?"

"Obviously he is just a Saint King, but he is also suppressed by the will of heaven and earth, and his cultivation strength has been suppressed to a great level."

"How could you have such terrifying power..."

In prison.

Bai Shura was pushed down and knelt on the ground, his face full of shock and fear.

at this time!

The methods and power displayed by Lin Wudao and others simply overturned his cognition.

In this Hundred Thousand Demon Mountain, suppressed by the will of heaven and earth, except for the original creatures here and the managers of the Demon Prison, all the other prisoners will be suppressed to a great level.


Even if the great emperor comes, he will be forcibly suppressed to the quasi-emperor state.

It is precisely with such innate conditions and advantages that the City of Demons can dominate the Burial Land.

Even the ancient imperial clan from the outside world can be ignored.


According to Bai Shura's idea, he wanted to detain Lin Wudao and others to increase troops for the upcoming war.

Who knew that it would lead to a huge disaster...

What was happening now made him feel unprecedented panic and fear.

"Hmph, who told you that the Saint King can't kill the Quasi-Emperor?"

"Bai Shura, fortunately you are still the Ninth Master of the Ninth Demon Mountain, your knowledge is shallow."

"You deserve to die~"

The crazy Taoist said coldly.

Talking time!

He didn't continue talking nonsense to Bai Shura, and immediately the devil's hand fell on his head.

Then, he used the Supreme Technique of the Great Tomb and began to frantically absorb Bai Shura's cultivation and lifespan.

"Stop, stop it."

"This is the Hundred Thousand Demonic Mountain. In addition to me, there are also the prison master and the emperor sitting here."

"If you dare to attack me, you are simply asking for death."

"When the prison lord and the emperor come, they will definitely let you... ah..."


Before Bai Shura finished speaking, the crazy Taoist forcibly absorbed all his cultivation and lifespan.

In just a blink of an eye, the notorious Nine Masters of the Demon Mountain were reduced to a cold corpse.

at the same time!

The three thousand prisoners in the fifth floor of the prison were all buried by the mad Taoist.


The crazy Taoist's lifespan has skyrocketed to 2.86 million years, and his own cultivation has also reached the level of a fifth-level saint king.


"Sure enough, cutting leeks is faster, hahaha..."

Unbridled laughter echoed in the prison.

at this time.

Lin Wudao has also been paying attention to the situation of the crazy Taoist. Through the Eye of the Avenue, he discovered that the crazy Taoist himself has undergone some changes after breaking through the saint.

Name: Crazy Taoist (Qi Shuming)

Identity 1: Member of the Terminator Organization—Tomb Robbing Terminator!

Identity 2: Founder of the Immortal Imperial Clan

Cultivation: Fifth-level Saint King

Talent: Eye of Truth

Physique: Burial body

Vision: Burial Heaven Realm (Holy Realm)

Kung Fu: "Grand Tomb Scripture"

Skills: Supreme Tomb Technique, Great Burial Technique, Sky Burial Technique, Great Exile Technique, Great Movement Technique, Great Invisibility Technique, Forbidden Technique: Twelve Styles of God Burial

Items: "Burial Book·Nine Volumes of Humanity", God Burial Spear (Sacred Treasure), God of Destruction Hoe, Golden God Tomb (Sacred Treasure)

Lifespan: 4125362

Notes: 1. He acts boldly and likes to dig graves most in his life. The more graves he digs, the faster his cultivation will increase.

2. Digging too many graves is detrimental to moral integrity and can easily lead to death!

3. There is no grave in the world that you dare not dig!

4. Burial Heaven Realm: A mysterious forbidden realm that evolves. Any saint king who is in the realm will have his life halved, his combat power halved, his luck halved, and his soul halved.

5. Consume one-tenth of one's lifespan to evolve into a mysterious forbidden realm. Any ancient saint who is in the realm will have his life halved, his combat power halved, his luck halved, and his soul halved.

6. Consume one-fifth of one's lifespan to evolve into a mysterious forbidden realm. Any great saint who is in the realm will have his life halved, his combat power halved, his luck halved, and his soul halved.

7. Consume half of one's lifespan to evolve into a mysterious forbidden realm. Any quasi-emperor who is in the realm will have his life halved, his combat power halved, his luck halved, and his soul halved.

8. When using the Sky Burial Domain, your lifespan must not fall below five hundred thousand years!

In addition to the huge increase in his cultivation and lifespan, the changes of the mad Taoist are mainly about his identity and the realm of burial.

"The founder of the Immortal Imperial Clan?"

"It seems that the origin of the crazy Taoist is extremely complicated. Qi Qingyu's perception is not wrong."

"The crazy Taoist is indeed her ancestor!"

"Moreover, his seniority and origin are even older than the first generation ancestors of the Changsheng Imperial Clan."

"According to what Qi Qingyu said, the Changsheng Imperial Clan used to be a race of Heavenly Emperors, and their previous ancestors must have all been Heavenly Emperors."

"And as the founder of the Immortal Imperial Clan, Mad Taoist has definitely become an immortal long ago."

"Besides, even my Dao Eye can't see through his true identity and origin. So, he must have surpassed the Immortal Emperor."

"Before, Xiao Lanyue single-handedly created the Penglai Immortal Clan, and Mad Taoist single-handedly created the Changsheng Imperial Clan."

"The bloodline of the Immortal Imperial Clan does not seem to be any weaker than that of the Penglai Immortal Clan. There may be other Immortal Imperial Clan in other higher worlds."

"In this way, the crazy Taoist is almost a powerful being on the same level as Xiao Lanyue."

The more I think about it!

Lin Wudao was even more shocked.

According to his analysis, the background of the crazy Taoist is probably very scary.

Through the insight of the Eye of the Great Dao, he discovered that the power of the fairy spirit was contained in the bloodline of the Immortal Imperial Clan.

This means that long ago, the Immortal Emperor Clan had ancient bloodlines from the Immortal Clan.

As for being able to create an ancient clan of immortals, the Mad Taoist definitely surpassed the Immortal Emperor.

So, what kind of existence is he now?


A boss who cut off his own cultivation?

Lin Wudao couldn't see through...

For the first time, he felt that the crazy Taoist was so mysterious. Like Qin Daofu, he couldn't even spy on his feet.

"What kind of friends have I made? There are more and more big guys around me."

"It seems that I have to work harder."

"Otherwise, I really can't keep up with the rhythm..."

Lin Wudao sighed secretly in his heart.


In addition to the identity of the mad Taoist, he also noticed that the "Burial Book" had also changed.

Originally, the information he saw had always been "The Burial Book·Volume 1", but now it has become the "Burial Book·Nine Volumes of Humanity".

"What does this mean?"

"Is it possible that the scroll in the hands of the crazy Taoist is not complete?"

Lin Wudao made a bold guess in his heart.

"Brother Ren, look, there's actually another person here."

"Moreover, he is a member of the Tushan clan..."

Just as Lin Wudao was frowning and thinking, suddenly, the surprised voice of the mad Taoist came to his ears.


People from the Tushan clan?

Upon hearing this, Lin Wudao immediately looked in the direction pointed by the crazy Taoist.

I saw.

In the deepest corner of the prison, there sat a young man with disheveled hair and blood all over his body.

At this time, his clothes were soaked in blood, and his whole body was as angry as silk.

That way!

It seems like he may die at any time...

At the moment, he is just relying on his strong will to continue to support himself.

"The Great Wilderness Ancient Clan, Ji Wudi?"

Scanning his eyes, Lin Wudao gained insight into the man's identity and origin.


He also discovered that Ji Wudi in front of him was also practicing the ancient "Great Wilderness Sutra".

The Great Wilderness Ancient Clan he belongs to is a branch of the Tushan Clan in the Shanling Realm a long time ago.

"Ji Wudi, are they from the same ethnic group as Tu Shan Cang Yue?"

A flash of surprise flashed across Lin Wudao's eyes.

So, the people in front of me are also his people?

Think of this!

He stared at Ji Wudi in the distance and looked at it seriously.

At this glance, he discovered that Ji Wudi was actually a rare talent.

Worthy of his name.


Ji Wudi also has a supreme method in his hands, which he created himself.

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