[System, is the so-called eternal Tao foundation related to the eternity of the enlightenment? 】

【Yes! 】

I see!

After hearing the system's answer, Lin Wudao looked at the Origin Tao Seed in his hand, and a huge change suddenly occurred in his eyes.

The enlightenment is eternal, that is the Supreme!

So, this origin Tao seed is used to build the supreme foundation?

Think of this.

Lin Wudao's eyes flashed with enthusiasm.

[As long as the eternal Tao foundation is built, can the Tao be eternal and become the Supreme? 】

【No! 】

[Eternal Dao Foundation is just a prerequisite for becoming the Supreme, or even a cornerstone. 】

[It is not that easy to realize the eternity of the Tao and become the supreme master. 】

[There are countless strong people in the world, but there are only a few supreme beings. Please don’t aim too high, host, and be down-to-earth is the right way. 】

In his mind, the cold voice of the system came out.

To this!

Lin Wudao nodded noncommittally.

Existences like the Supreme are indeed extremely far away from him.

Now, I can only imagine it...

[By the way, system, what level do I need to reach before I can use this origin seed? 】

【Too far! 】

[Let’s wait until host you break the shackles of the Ancient Immortal Emperor and transcend the universe. 】


Ancient Immortal Emperor or above?

Lin Wudao took a deep breath.

"It seems that this origin of Taoism is indeed not something that I can touch at the moment."


He pondered for a while, then changed into the Supreme attire and went to the fourth heaven.

Ten Thousand Realms Tower, Mythical Alliance!

After leaving the border of the universe, Xiongdao Yi came here temporarily with the help of the Supreme Law.

at this time!

He didn't want to leave, and he didn't want to leave either. He felt uneasy in his heart.

"Daoyi Immortal Lord, you don't have to worry. Since the Supreme Lord didn't ask you to return to the Xuanhuang Universe immediately, there must be some instructions or arrangements."

"Let's just wait patiently."

In an ancient fairy palace, looking at Xiong Daoyi's anxious and restless look, Hua Baiyue smiled and said.

Hear the words!

Xiong Daoyi perked up.

"Haha, to be honest with you fellow Taoist, although I have become the Ancient Immortal Emperor, this is my first time in the City of All Heavens."

"I really envy you all to be able to follow the Supreme Being..."

"Immortal Lord doesn't have to be like this!"

"Actually, we are just doing things for the Supreme Being. As for other things, we don't dare to think too much, and we don't dare to hope too much."

Hua Baiyue took a sip of tea and replied.

Although she spoke plainly and looked calm, her words revealed a sense of excitement and pride.

Not everyone can do things for the Supreme.

This requires opportunity!

It just so happened that they, the Mythical Alliance, just got this opportunity.

To this.

Whether it was Hua Baiyue or the other nine mythical immortal emperors, they all felt extremely excited and lucky.

This is a good thing that countless people cannot ask for...

"Fellow Moon Worshiper..."


Just when Xiong Daoyi wanted to ask something, suddenly, a tall figure appeared in the Immortal Palace.

"Meet the Supreme One!"

"Meet the Supreme One!"

"Meet the Supreme One!"

Upon seeing the visitor, Hua Baiyue and others immediately knelt down on the ground with extremely respectful gestures.



Xiongdao was shocked and turned pale.


Without any hesitation, he prostrated himself on the ground as quickly as possible.

Both the immortal body and the immortal spirit were trembling violently.

An unprecedented panic and fear rose involuntarily from the bottom of my heart and swept through my body.

"Xiong Daoyi, greetings... greetings to the Supreme Being."

he said shakily.

After all, this was the first time I saw him. Even though he had cultivated into the Ancient Immortal Emperor of Heaven, he still felt boundless awe and fear.

This is the supreme existence that can determine his fate and that of the entire Taihao Immortal Clan.

"Get up~"

A dull voice sounded slowly.

That voice seemed to have a magical power, which made Xiong Daoyi's inner fear suddenly dissipate a lot.


After a while, he stood up uneasily, waiting for Lin Wudao's instructions.

"I already know what happened with the Origin God Clan."

"well done."

"The Taihao Immortal Clan is in its destiny now, and will still have a bright future in the future."


Lin Wudao thought, and a white jade Taoist talisman appeared in front of Xiong Daoyi.

"I never treat anyone unfavorably."

"Consider this piece of white jade Taoist Talisman as your reward. From now on, you can use it to enter and exit the fourth heaven of the City of All Heavens."

"Thank you for the supreme gift!"

Dong Dong Dong~

Listening to Lin Wudao's words, and seeing the white jade Taoist Talisman in front of him, Xiong Daoyi felt infinite surprise and excitement in his heart.

For him, this was an unprecedented blessing.


Received initial approval from the Supreme...

"The fourth level of the City of All Heavens is dangerous and unpredictable, where crisis and fortune coexist."

"With your strength as the Ancient Immortal Emperor of Heavenly Dao, you can barely be considered a powerful person."

"However, there are few who are stronger than you."

"From now on, when you come to this city of the heavens, life, death, misfortune, and blessings will all depend on your fate."


When the words fell, Lin Wudao waved his hand, and Xiong Daoyi immediately disappeared in front of him.

That piece of white jade Taoist Talisman was something he had confiscated from the Quasi-Immortal Emperor Milo of the Da Luo Immortal Clan.

at the moment.

Just in time to reward Yuichi!

After he left, Lin Wudao looked at Hua Baiyue and others.

"Yes, I haven't seen you for a while, and your cultivation and strength have increased a lot."

"We are only one step away from the Ancient Immortal Emperor."

"The Supreme Being is ridiculous!"

"What we have today is all the result of the Supreme Being's creation..."

Hua Baiyue replied fearfully.


"You all have pretty good qualifications and potential. Please stay with me from now on."


The surprise came too suddenly!

Upon hearing this, both Hua Baiyue and the other nine mythical immortal emperors present showed expressions of great surprise.

"Thank you, Supreme!"

Everyone kowtowed heavily.

Although it was just a simple sentence, it gave them a different identity.

Before that.

They were only the Immortal Emperors of the Mythical Alliance in the fourth heaven of the City of All Heavens, but now they were followers of the Supreme.

The gap between the two is unimaginable!

"By the way, Ren Woxing's current cultivation is still weak. If anything happens in the future, you can help me a little."


Everyone bowed in response.

Even if Lin Wudao didn't say anything, they would do it.

"Well, you go and do your work~"

After solving everything, Lin Wudao returned to Jiutian Tower with a thought.

Jiutian Tower!

After examining the origin Tao Seed, Lin Wudao placed it on the eighth level.

This is his exclusive place, and no one dares to come in casually.

Do it all.

He summoned Ji Yuan...

"I've met the young master~"

"Shopkeeper Ji, I told you before that you need a top-notch imperial weapon. Is there anything suitable?"

"Back to the young master, we have found it!"


While speaking, Ji Yuan waved his hand, and more than ten powerful Ji Dao Emperor weapons immediately appeared in front of him.

Every imperial weapon exudes the immense power of the extreme.

See it!

Lin Wudao immediately looked at it carefully with the eye of the great road.

After a while.

His eyes fell on an ancient sword...

The sword of sacrifice?

A flash of divine light passed through his eyes.

Name: Sword of Sacrifice

Level: Innate Divine Treasure (Great Emperor)

Quality: top quality

Introduction: 1. The innate divine object born in the Zhenwu universe, the ultimate place, can kill the emperor-level world will, the origin of the world, and the origin of heaven.

2. Under the Emperor of Heaven, everything can be killed!

Note: Using innate materials and smelting them with your own energy and spirit, you can continue to grow.


Lin Wudao was filled with surprise when he saw the introduction of the sacrificial sword in front of him.

After sizing it up for a while, he grabbed the sword of sacrifice in his hand.

"Shopkeeper Ji, there doesn't seem to be much difference between this Dao-sacrifice sword and the Dao-killing sword."

He looked at Ji Yuan with doubtful eyes.

To this.

Ji Yuan nodded lightly.

"Sir, there is not much difference in function and power between this Dao-sacrifice sword and the Dao-slaying sword."

"The names are only different by one word."

"However, they are two different concepts!"

"The Tao-slaying sword is made by humans and cannot grow; the Tao-sacrifice sword is innate and can continue to grow."

"Compared to the Dao-killing Sword, the Dao-Sacrifice Sword is easier to control and more suitable for oneself."

"If you plan to use it for a long time in the future, you can consider the sword of sacrifice."

Ji Yuan explained.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao nodded thoughtfully.

There is indeed a fundamental difference between nature and nurture.

"Then let's take this sacrificial sword!"

"How many top-grade divine crystals are needed to charge the account to the Supreme Lord and give a discount?"

"Sir, this sacrificial sword comes from the Zhenwu Universe. It is of a very high level. To get it at a discount, it requires one hundred billion top-grade divine crystals."

Zhenwu universe?

One hundred billion?

Lin Wudao was a little surprised.

"What level of universe is the Zhenwu Universe?"

"not sure."

"It is said that it is a mysterious place that transcends the higher universe..."

Ji Yuan replied.

Existences beyond the higher universe?

Lin Wudao looked surprised.

"You don't even know the Zhenwu Universe, so how did you get this sword of sacrifice?"

"This... was found through Haotian Mansion."

"It seems that the Zhenwu Universe is very complicated. If you have time, you should go and take a look."

Say it.

Lin Wudao put away the sword of sacrifice and then left the city of the heavens.

at the same time!

A grand sacrificial event is also beginning to be held within the divine domain.


Three mysterious people came to the mountain world...

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