"Why did this Underworld Codex take the initiative to find me?"

"Is it possible that I have any involvement with it? Or is it because of Qin Daofu's relationship?"

Lin Wudao was surprised and doubtful.

After looking at it intently, he held the Underworld Codex in front of him in his hand.


He wanted to open it.

However, what disappointed Lin Wudao was that no matter how hard he tried, the Underworld Codex would not move at all.

This scene.

Reminds him of the previous Natural Code!

Can't open it either...

"I knew it would be like this."

He sighed secretly.

"Immortal Lord, I will choose this book."

"It took the initiative to come to me. I think it was destined to come to me."

After being silent for a while, Lin Wudao said softly.

Hear the words!

Beixuan Immortal Lord nodded.


"This book has been placed in this space-time fault for quite some time."

"It is said that it has gone through many eras."

"During this period, the immortals in charge of the destiny of the past generations have studied it, but they don't have any clues."

"It turns out that Mr. Ren, you are its true destiny."

"Perhaps this is God's will..."

Beixuan Immortal Lord smiled.

at this time.

The way he looked at Lin Wudao also changed a lot. There was a strong sense of surprise and surprise in his eyes.

As for Beixuan Immortal Lord's reaction, Lin Wudao didn't pay too much attention.

After staying for a while, he put the Underworld Codex into the system space, and then left the Taicang Treasure House.


With Lin Wudao leaving, Taicang Treasure House seemed to have fulfilled its responsibilities and mission, and escaped into the endless void of the universe under the guidance of Beixuan Immortal Lord.


Tianyuan Immortal City!

Mu Jiutian and Jiang Tianyin have been waiting quietly for Lin Wudao.

When they saw him coming out, the two of them immediately arrived in front of him as quickly as possible.

"By the way, Mr. Jiang, how many of the corpses of the God King were collected from the God King battlefield?"

"As long as they are intact, I have basically collected all the corpses of alien god-kings."

"During this period, some of the God-Kings of our universe are also included."

"About seven thousand or so..."

While talking.

Jiang Tianyin respectfully handed a storage bag to Lin Wudao.

Seven Thousand God Kings?

Lin Wudao smiled.

In this god-king battlefield, the lowest ones are all world god-kings. They have great luck and great opportunities.

Even the corpse cannot be wasted.


They also obtained two corpses of the God King of the Universe, which was even more unexpected.

"If the corpses of these god kings are buried, something will definitely happen."

"However, I have cultivated to the seventh level of God King. If I want to bury the corpses of these God Kings, I have to cut off part of my cultivation level."

Lin Wudao thought secretly.

Each of the corpses of these world god kings was blessed with great luck and great opportunities during their lifetime.

After the burial, good things will definitely come out.


Lin Wudao considered cultivating himself and becoming a tenth-level god to collect the corpses of these god kings.

By then, there should be no loss.

after all.

If you miss this village, you won’t have this shop.

If one's cultivation level is cut off, it can be restored again; if these corpses are wasted, I'm afraid there will never be such a good thing again.

"After finishing the things at hand, let's work with Mad Taoist, Qin Daofu and others to dispose of the corpses of these God Kings."

Say it.

Lin Wudao said hello to Mu Jiutian and Jiang Tianyin, and then left the Xuanhuang World through the Supreme Taoist Talisman.

"Ancestor Jiutian, I hope you will take more care of me in the future. I and the entire Huangji Immortal Sect are willing to serve you wholeheartedly."

"Even if it's in front of or behind the horse, I'll do whatever it takes."

"I would also like to ask Old Ancestor Jiutian to provide some convenience in the future..."

After Lin Wudao left.

Before Jiang Tianyin was about to leave, he took out all the treasures of the quasi-immortal emperor that Lin Wudao had given him, and asked in an extremely respectful manner.


"You kid, you really know how to get things done."

Seeing Jiang Tianyin's actions, Mu Jiutian couldn't help but laugh.


He still didn't understand what Jiang Tianyin was thinking. He just wanted to reveal Lin Wudao's whereabouts to him.


He wanted to curry favor with Lin Wudao!

"Jiang Tianyin, the young master's impression of you is quite good."

"Through the God Burial Ground and this God King's battlefield, you should also understand what the young master needs."

"If the young master comes to the Xuanhuang World again, I will inform you."

"Thank you, Ancestor Jiutian!"

Jiang Tianyin was overjoyed.

"But don't get too happy yet."

"Young Master is currently a seventh-level God King. The next time we meet, he will definitely be at the Holy Realm level."

"The universe is so big, the young master may not come to the Xuanhuang world."

Mu Jiutian poured cold water on him.


Upon hearing this, Jiang Tianyin was immediately dumbfounded.

"Ancestor Jiutian, then...then I...ask the ancestor for some advice."

He bowed and paid homage.

His eyes were full of expectation and longing.

See it!

Mu Jiutian pondered for a while before speaking again.

"I heard that Immortal Lord Qinglan of the Penglai Immortal Clan established a mythical alliance to serve the Young Master specifically."

"In the Mythical League, all of them are quasi-immortal emperors."

"But there is no one under the Quasi-Immortal Emperor."

"Young master's scope of activities cannot be limited to one big world or one universe."

"I heard that space bandit gangs like the Phantom Thieves often travel through various big worlds and universes."

"I don't know if it's true or not..."

Mu Jiutian frowned and said.


Before Jiang Tianyin could come to his senses, he harnessed the fairy light and disappeared in an instant.

Looking at the departing figure, Jiang Tianyin was thoughtful.

"Mythical Alliance?"

"Space bandit?"

He frowned and fell into deep thought.

After a long time.

Jiang Tianyin seemed to understand something, and a bright light suddenly bloomed in his eyes.

"Thanks for the advice, ancestor!"

He bowed again in the direction where Mu Jiutian left.

Do it all.

Jiang Tianyin took out a jade talisman and injected a spiritual thought into it.

call out!

Not long after.

The figure of Quasi-Immortal Emperor Moyan appeared in front of him.

"Sir, why are you calling me so urgently?"

"Uncle Moyan, go and do two things for me immediately."

"First, from now on, collect many resources from the Xuanhuang World and its affiliated worlds to provide to the Mu Clan."

"Second, you secretly contact a powerful cosmic gang, preferably one that can span the universe."

"This young master plans to get a new identity for fun..."

Jiang Tianyin narrowed his eyes and ordered.


Are you going to be a space bandit?

Upon hearing this suddenly, Mo Yan's eyes widened and he looked at Jiang Tianyin in disbelief.

"Sir, space bandits are notorious. Wouldn't it be bad to do this...?"

"Furthermore, if others find out, what will happen to our Emperor Immortal Sect..."

"Uncle Moyan, can't you keep it secret? Do you have to let everyone in the world know?"

Jiang Tianyin curled his lips.

"Oh well."

Seeing that Jiang Tianyin seemed serious, Mo Yan had no choice but to agree.

"Uncle Moyan, just go ahead and do it."

"As long as we get this done, our good days will come."

"It may not be impossible to become a quasi-immortal emperor within a thousand years, hehe..."

A bright smile spread across his lips.

Say it.

The two of them drove the immortal boat and headed straight towards the Huangji Immortal Sect.

the other side!

On the eighth level of the Jiutian Tower, Lin Wudao began to take stock of what he had gained in the God King's battlefield.

Origin Talisman, Origin Stone, Origin Taoist Seed, Seven Thousand Divine King Corpses, Ninety-Trillion Best Divine Crystals, Many Treasures of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor...

Various harvests flashed through his mind.

"This time, we really made a big profit!"

The words fell.

He took out the jade box containing the origin Tao seed.

[System, does this Origin Tao Seed also come from the Eternal Tao Realm? 】

【Yes! 】

[Then can I take it out? 】

【no! 】

[But everything obtained through the City of All Heavens must be paid for before it can be taken away. 】


Hearing this answer, Lin Wudao sighed helplessly.

His eyes swept across the system space, and he saw that there were about 70 billion of the best divine crystals missing from it.

This is the price he paid for purchasing the corpses of seven thousand God Kings!

[System, what is this Origin Tao Seed used for? 】

【Create the eternal foundation! 】

Eternal foundation?

Hearing this, Lin Wudao couldn't help but widen his eyes...

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