"The cosmic war has begun, and the Xuanhuang World is recruiting god kings to rush to the battlefield."

"I wonder if Mr. Jiang is interested in going to the God King's battlefield to gain knowledge and contribute to the universe?"

After taking a sip of tea, Mu Jiutian said softly with a mysterious smile.

Upon hearing this.

Jiang Tianyin suddenly became energetic.

He immediately put away the smile on his face and became serious.

"It is our unshirkable responsibility to contribute to the universe."

"To be honest, Ancestor Jiutian, I do have plans to go to the battlefield of the God King. I came here with the intention of meeting Qing Yi."

"Then, go to the God King's battlefield and do your part."

"Who knew that Qing Yi was in retreat..."

Jiang Tianyin said with a sigh.

Mu Jiutian didn't completely believe what he said.

Meeting Mu Qingyi was just one of his thoughts. The most important thing was that he didn't say it out loud.


Mu Jiutian could also guess it.

"How do you feel about Mr. Jiang's harvest in the God Burial Land?"

"Of course it is an unprecedented and supreme creation!"

When Jiang Tianyin mentioned the place where the gods were buried, his eyes suddenly brightened and his whole body became full of energy.

"Ancestor Jiutian, I would like to take the liberty to ask, that Mr. Ren... could he go to the battlefield of the God King?"

He rubbed his hands and asked anxiously.

My heart was both nervous and full of expectations.

In fact!

That's what he came for.

The previous encounter allowed him to see Lin Wudao's terrifying identity and background.

If you can have a good relationship with him, it will be an immeasurable blessing for yourself and the entire Huangji Immortal Sect.


During this period, he went to Mu's house every day just to get news about Guan Lin Wudao.

He is gambling!

Bet that Lin Wudao might participate in the battlefield of the God King.

If that's the case, then he has a lot of room to maneuver.

Of course, you have to start a relationship as early as possible!

Moreover, you have to look for the right moment, seize the opportunity, and you must have the brains and vision...

Fortunately, Jiang Tianyin is not bad in these aspects.

If Lin Wudao doesn't go to the God King's battlefield, he won't have any losses. At worst, it will just be a waste of time and energy.

However, if Lin Wudao really has an idea or is determined to participate in the God King Battlefield, then his opportunity will come.

If you want to get first-hand information about Lin Wudao, you have to go through Mu Jiutian.

after all!

He is the person next to Lin Wudao...

If Lin Wudao was coming to the Xuanhuang World, Mu Jiutian would definitely know about it.


During this period, he went to and from Mu's house more diligently than his own family.

"Master Ren, at this time tomorrow, you will come to the Xuanhuang World and go to the battlefield of the God King."

"According to the young master, he plans to go to the God King's battlefield to experience the war in the Panshen Universe."

"By the way, earn some divine stone flowers..."

Mu Jiutian said unhurriedly.


Really coming?

Hearing these words suddenly, Jiang Tianyin's heart suddenly rose, filled with uncontrollable surprise and excitement.

He felt like he was going to get lucky again this time.

"Thank you, Ancestor Jiutian, for your advice!"


He bowed to Mu Jiutian with an extremely respectful attitude.

Just this sentence is of immeasurable value, and for him, it is a great blessing.


Jiang Tianyin handed a jade box that had been prepared to Mu Jiutian.

"Ancestor gave me some advice, I'm very grateful."

"This is a little bit of my thoughts. I ask the ancestor of Jiutian to accept it..."

Time and space crystal?

Looking at the contents of the jade box, Mu Jiutian was also startled.

What Jiang Tianyin took out was a high-quality space-time crystal, with an ancient dojo sealed inside.

Not weaker than the True Dragon Dojo that Xiao Qinglan gave to the Ji family before.

The speed of time in the dojo is a thousand times that of the outside world.

This thing is of unparalleled help to the Mu family.

"Master Jiang is interested."

"Everyone can only bring three items into the God King's battlefield. You still have one day to prepare."

"Besides, the God King's battlefield is extremely dangerous. I suggest you find someone trustworthy to protect you."

"In this case, you can escape unscathed..."

Mu Jiutian smiled lightly.

Hearing this, Jiang Tianyin bowed respectfully again.

"Thanks for the advice, ancestor!"


He already understood the meaning of Mu Jiutian's words.

"There is not much time now. If there is nothing else, Mr. Jiang should go back and prepare quickly."

"So as not to delay important events."

"Yes, kid, please leave~"

This time.

Jiang Tianyin did not hesitate. After walking out of the Chaotian Hall, he immediately rushed towards the Huangji Immortal Sect as quickly as possible.

"This kid is quite smart and knows how to seize opportunities."

"Sometimes, a simple sentence can change the fate of a person or even a force."

"Jiang Tianyin and the Huangji Immortal Sect are lucky..."

Chaotian Hall.

Mu Jiutian looked at Jiang Tianyin's leaving figure and sighed softly.

Say it.

He held the space-time crystal in his hand.

After some inspection, Mu Jiutian took it to the ancestral land of the Mu family and began to practice it with secret techniques.

One day flies by in a blink of an eye!

The big world of Xuanhuang.

This time, the location for recruiting the God King is Tianyuan Immortal City in the east of the world.

call out!

After a day of recuperating and recuperating, Lin Wudao came to the Xuanhuang World through the Supreme Taoist Talisman.

Immediately afterwards.

Under the leadership of Mu Jiutian, he arrived at Tianyuan Immortal City.

Looking up, the entire Tianyuan Immortal City lies prone under the vast sky, with immeasurable immortal light washing over it, and immortal energy rising into the sky.

There are so many fairy boats coming and going...

Since it is the place where god kings are recruited, many god kings from the lower and middle worlds gather in Tianyuan Immortal City today.

During the period of cosmic war, the world gates of each big world will be opened.

Monks from the lower world can also come to the higher world.

For many people, this is a great opportunity.

"Can any god-king go to the battlefield?"

After wandering around Tianyuan Immortal City, Lin Wudao asked curiously.

"Not really!"

"According to the rules of the God King's battlefield, only five kinds of people can go to the battlefield."

"They are: Invincible God King, World God King, Era God King, Era God King, and Universe God King."

"The weakest one must have the strength to fight the saint."

Mu Jiutian replied.

Fighting the saint?

Hearing this, Lin Wudao couldn't help but be surprised.

"In that case, it was very easy for me to find the Invincible God King before."

"This...god kings like Zhao Wushen and others are relatively rare."

"In a big world, it's very rare to have one."

"However, the Panshen Universe is very large, encompassing tens of thousands of high-level worlds."

"It is relatively easy to find the Invincible God King and the World God King."

"As for the God-King of the Era, the God-King of the Era, and the God-King of the Universe, these are rare."

"Each one of these people is a genius that has never been seen before. When they go to the battlefield of the God King, they will have peak combat power."

While talking.

Mu Jiutian took Lin Wudao to a huge square in the center of Tianyuan Immortal City.

In the vast void, there are ancient fairy islands, and many god kings are constantly ascending and descending.

"Master Ren?"


Just as Lin Wudao was curiously looking at the surrounding scene, a surprised voice sounded from behind.

Turn around and take a look!

I saw a handsome young man in brocade clothes came into view...

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