"Sir, this is..."

"Great Killing Technique!"

"This method is so powerful~"

After receiving the jade slip handed by Lin Wudao, the three fairy spirits scanned it and instantly understood the information recorded in it.

That is, an invincible method of the era, the great killing technique.

After Wei Wei browsed, whether it was Mu Jiutian, Ji Wuya, or Xiao Qinglan, they all showed shocked expressions.

From their perspective, they can naturally see the horror of this great killing technique.

"This is the great killing technique given to me by the Supreme Being. It is an invincible method."

"After using this method, you can ignore all defenses and cause thousands of times damage to the enemy's qualifications, bones, blood, etc."

"Immortal Lord, you have helped me a lot before. This method has no limit on realm. Maybe it can save my life at critical moments."

"It's just that although this great killing technique is extremely powerful, it requires the loss of one's own lifespan when used."

"Therefore, you have to use it with caution..."

Lin Wudao warned in a condensed voice.

Xiao Qinglan, Ji Wuya, Mu Jiutian and others have been following him for some time.

During this period, I also helped him a lot.


It must be expressed!

This great killing technique has no restrictions on level or realm. It is something that he can currently use and is useful to Xiao Qinglan and others.

To this!

Xiao Qinglan and the other three were naturally full of surprises.

"Sir, this great life-killing technique is too precious, and it is a supreme technique given to you by the Supreme Being. If you give it to us..."

"It's just a method. Compared to the three of you, Immortal Lord, it's not worth mentioning at all."

"This time, I wish the Immortal Lord, the Immortal King, and the Nine Heavenly Immortals that you three will be victorious and suppress all enemies."

"In the future, I will still need your help in many places."

Lin Wudao laughed and said.

Hear this!

Xiao Qinglan and the others no longer refused, and immediately put the jade slips away with great care.

"Young Master's great kindness will be remembered forever by Xiao Qinglan!"

"Young Master's great kindness will be remembered by Ji Wuya forever!"

"Young Master's great kindness will be remembered by Mu Jiutian forever!"

The three of them stood up at the same time and said gratefully.

To this.

Lin Wudao smiled and nodded.

"The cosmic battlefield has begun. Without further ado, Immortal Lord, you are ready to go."

"Let's get together again after the war is over."


The three of them nodded heavily.

Say it.

They did not hesitate too much. After walking out of the Jiutian Tower, they immediately controlled the fairy light and left the City of All Heavens.

After they left, Lin Wudao also came to the eighth attic of Jiutian Tower.

[System, can I go to the God King Battlefield? 】

【Can! 】

[According to the host's current cultivation level, going to the God King's battlefield requires paying ten trillion top-grade divine crystals every day. 】

Price increase again?

Listening to the system's answer, Lin Wudao sighed secretly.

The price of the system is an eternal pain in his heart!

[Are the rules of the God King’s Battlefield this time the same as the previous rules of the God Burial Ground? 】

[They can only be traded in designated places? 】

【Yes! 】

[Then everything I obtained in the God King’s battlefield belongs to me, right? 】

【yes! 】

[If I want to bring back the body, what is the price? 】

[A corpse of a god king, one trillion top-grade god crystals! 】

Same as before.

Lin Wudao nodded.

This price is still within the range he can afford.

[By the way, it is said that each person can only bring three items into the battlefield of the God King. 】

[Then these things on my body...]

【You can bring everything in! 】

[In fact, host, you don’t have anything else of value except the copper coffin for burial in the sky. 】


Hearing this, Lin Wudao was immediately filled with embarrassment.

Even the system thinks he is poor!

However, he couldn't refute...


That's just the way it is.

All he had in his body was the sky-burial copper coffin, which could hold the treasure in his hands.

Everything else, in the eyes of the system, is garbage.

To this!

Although Lin Wudao was depressed, he was not too entangled.

At the moment, after understanding the various rules and many precautions about the God King's battlefield, he sank into practice.

The big world of Xuanhuang!


A ray of fairy light tore through the void, turned into an ancient fairy boat, and descended on the Mu Clan.

On it, two figures stood.

"Look, Mr. Jiang from the Huangji Immortal Sect is here again."

"Tsk tsk, he is really tenacious. I have seen people who are persistent, but I have never seen anyone so persistent."

"What exactly is Jiang Tianyin going to do? During this period, he has been coming to my Mu house almost every day."

"For what else? Who in the Xuanhuang world doesn't know that he is pursuing our Mu family fairy?"

"Oh, this is the rhythm of stalking..."

Seeing the descending immortal boat, there was an overwhelming amount of discussion among the Mu clan's immortal clan.

The ones who came were Jiang Tianyin and Mo Yan.

Since the end of God Burial Land, he has come to Mu's house once a day.

Everyone is surprised!


Even the clan leader Mu Tianque was very annoyed and troubled by him.

"Why is this kid still lingering?"

Chaotian Hall.

Mu Tianque sighed secretly in his heart.

During this time, he was also upset by Jiang Tianyin.

"Uncle, I'm here again."

Accompanied by the melodious voice, Jiang Tianyin walked into the Chaotian Hall like a member of his own family.

To this.

Although Mu Tianque felt a little unhappy, he still had a peaceful smile on his face.

"Mr. Jiang, Qing Yi is in seclusion for at least a few years, ten years, decades, or even hundreds of years."

"You don't have to come here every day..."

Mu Tianque reminded.

"Uncle misunderstood, I'm not here for Qing Yi."

"What's that for?"

"Well, I want to ask uncle, is the Jiutian Ancestor here?"

Mu Jiutian?

Hearing this, Mu Tianque couldn't help but show surprise.

"Master Jiang, why are you asking about my ancestors?"

"Well, I need to ask something... Ancestor Jiutian, isn't he in the Immortal Clan?"


"The ancestor's whereabouts are uncertain and he is not currently in the Immortal Clan. Mr. Jiang, you should come back after some time."

Mu Tianque persuaded.

Upon hearing this, Jiang Tianyin suddenly showed a disappointed look on his face.

"It will be too late after a while..."

He whispered softly.

"Since the ancestor of Jiutian is not here, I will come back another day."

"By the way, uncle, if Ancestor Jiutian comes back, please inform me. I have something very important."


Mu Tianque nodded lightly.

After getting his response, Jiang Tianyin immediately stood up and strode out of Chaotian Hall.

"I can finally have some peace and quiet for a few days."

Looking at Jiang Tianyin's leaving figure, a relieved smile appeared on Mu Tianque's lips.

During this time, he was really annoyed by Jiang Tianyin.


Although his idea was good, it didn't work out as expected.

Just when Jiang Tianyin had just stepped onto the fairy boat and was about to leave, a majestic fairy sound suddenly sounded.

"Since Mr. Jiang is here, why don't you stay and have a cup of tea before leaving?"

Mu Jiutian?

As soon as he heard this voice, Jiang Tianyin, who was about to leave, suddenly became energetic.


Taking one step forward, he instantly returned to Chaotian Hall.

He saw Mu Jiutian sitting at the head of the hall, looking at him meaningfully.

"Jiang Tianyin, I have met the ancestor of Jiutian!"

He bowed respectfully to see you.

Ever since the incident with the Immortal Clan on the Other Side happened, no one in the entire Xuanhuang World dared to look down upon the Mu family.

Everyone knows that this seemingly weak and ordinary immortal clan has an extremely terrifying background and relationship behind it.

Even the immortal clan on the other side was suppressed. This kind of energy is simply unimaginable.


Even though he was born in the Emperor's Immortal Sect and was the son of the headmaster, he would not dare to act recklessly in the Mu family.

Facing Mu Jiutian, he behaved even more respectfully...


After meeting Jiang Tianyin, Mu Jiutian had some guesses about his purpose.

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