"It's terrible!"

"It really costs money to even breathe..."

Lin Wudao sighed helplessly.

When Yan Ruoshui went to the world of Shenhuang, he would burn a mouthful of the best quality Ji Dao Imperial Weapons with just one breath.

Even the Great Emperor cannot bear it!


Fortunately, he had made a lot of money through Jiang Tianyin in Xuanhuang World, otherwise, he really couldn't afford it.

Think of this!

Lin Wudao took a look at the top-grade divine crystals on his account, and saw that there were about 80 billion left.


Hundreds of billions of top-quality divine crystals were left for the Tushan clan and the Divine Realm, and the rest were all bulk.

According to the huge financial resources he currently has, it is more than enough to go to the divine world to kill the Dragon God Ao Zhen.

"By the way, Emperor Ruoshui, you said before that the gods of incense and fire can also bless the will of all living beings?"


Lin Wudao seemed to have thought of something and asked slightly curiously.

Hear the words.

Yan Ruoshui nodded slightly.


"The gods of incense and fire have a huge number of people and beliefs innately, and they are the easiest to bless the will of all living beings."

"It's just that, under normal circumstances, the incense gods have already forged their own artifacts."

"Therefore, there is no need to bless the will of all living beings."

"The great power of the incense gods is reflected in the divine power they possess, and the divine power comes from their own divine status."

"The throne of God comes from incense; the incense comes from the believers and people in the Kingdom of God."

"So, in the final analysis, the power of the incense god comes from the power of its people and believers."

"Incense gods without their people and faith will inevitably lead to destruction."

"Since ancient times, killing its people and destroying its beliefs has also been the most effective and thorough way to kill the incense god."

Yan Ruoshui said eloquently.

To this!

Lin Wudao nodded slightly.

He knows all this!

"The gods of incense and fire are different from the creatures in the world."

"To give birth to an incense god, it takes a long time to accumulate incense."

"And it's not easy growing up."

"It is even more difficult to reach the level and level above a great god..."

He sighed again.

He has experienced all these personally!


Regarding Lin Wudao's words, Yan Ruoshui shook her head slightly, as if she didn't quite agree.

"Sir, in fact, the most difficult time for the incense god is the first time he is born."

"And the journey before the Great God!"

"Once they reach the level of a great god, or even a main god, it will be very terrifying for them to grow up."

"Because, the incense god has an independent god system."

"They call it: God System!"

God system?

Hearing this word, Lin Wudao's heart moved.

"Tell me in detail!"

He felt that he had touched another blind spot of the incense god.

"The so-called divine system, as the name suggests, is a system composed of incense and fire gods."

"In most cases, a powerful god or main god can control multiple incense gods."

"They formed a god system together!"

"High-level gods have absolute dominion over low-level gods."

"That is, affiliation!"

"Through the method of the divine system, the god master of a certain divine system does not have to spend a long time and energy to maintain his people and incense."

"The god master can incorporate a certain incense god into his own god system and become his own god."

"In this way, the god master can enjoy the incense and faith of the incense gods under his jurisdiction without any effort."

"Creatures can believe in incense gods, and incense gods can also believe in more powerful gods."

"Once the god system is formed, the strength, power, people, etc. of the incense gods will rapidly increase."

"Furthermore, the power and unity displayed by the gods is truly terrifying."

"Since the pantheon has many incense gods, for the benefit of the entire system, it must expand wildly."

"In this way, the gods of incense and fire have come into opposition and conflict with the forces in the world."

"Over time, the war between humans and gods will begin..."

I see!

Listening to Yan Ruoshui's introduction to the divine system, Lin Wudao finally had a general understanding.

The war between humans and gods is, in the final analysis, a war of interests.

As long as there is a world where gods of incense and fire exist, war between humans and gods is inevitable.

This is true whether it is the world where Yan Ruoshui lives or the world of Shenhuang.


Ao Zhen, the God of Azure Dragon, is the loser in the battle between humans and gods...

If you win, you can grow into a more powerful god, but if you lose, you will be wiped out.

Not only itself, but also the entire Kingdom of God was destroyed.

"So, I will inevitably face a battle between humans and gods in the future?"

"Threats come not only from the incense gods, but also from human forces."

"Especially, those great emperors!"

"They will never allow a powerful incense god to exist."

Lin Wudao narrowed his eyes and pondered secretly.


He felt that he had to prepare early.

"If I also establish a divine system myself, will the growth rate be faster?"


Lin Wudao had a bold idea in his heart.

Although his current Qingshan Great Demon God is only the fifth-level god king, if he turns Ao Zhen into his own god.

By then!

With the help of the huge people and incense of the ancient Qinglong Kingdom, he will definitely be able to reach the sky in one step and become the great incense god.

Think of this!

Lin Wudao couldn't help but ponder carefully.

"Great Emperor Ruoshui, do you know how to establish a divine system?"

He looked at Yan Ruoshui again.

Hear this!

Yan Ruoshui shook her head.

"Sir, although I often come into contact with the gods of incense and fire, I don't know how to establish a divine system."

"This involves the core secret of the incense god, which will basically not be disclosed to the outside world."

"However, judging from the way the gods are formed, if you want to establish a god, you must first have your own god."

Is it of God?

Lin Wudao was thoughtful.

at the moment!

There seems to be a ready-made one...

"Emperor Ruoshui, I have met a powerful demon god now. He is a third-level god."

"But, He holds a tenth-level artifact in his hands!"

"Therefore, I would like to ask you to take a trip to my world and help me suppress that demon god."

"I wonder if you would like to go?"


"It is Ruoshui's greatest honor to serve the young master!"


Yan Ruoshui fell to the ground and said respectfully.

There was strong excitement and excitement in his eyes.

This is great luck!

It's not just her!

When they heard that Lin Wudao was going to recruit Yan Ruoshui and go to the other big world, the other great emperors present showed extremely envious expressions.

If you board Lin Wudao's boat, you will definitely have a bright future in the future...


"Everyone else should disperse. Emperor Ruoshui will stay."


Everyone did not dare to hesitate. After bowing and bowing, they immediately exited the Jiutian Tower.

"Great Emperor Ruoshui, please wait a moment. I will ask the Supreme Being for a decree. At that time, you will come with me to the world where I am."


Say it.

Lin Wudao went straight to the ninth floor of the Jiutian Tower, and after carving a decree with the Supreme Dao Talisman, he returned to the eighth floor.

"By the way, in your world, without the imperial soldiers, will there be any huge impact?"

"After all, there is a war between humans and gods going on over there."

Lin Wudao asked.


"As long as we don't leave for a long time, there won't be any big surprises."

Yan Ruoshui bowed.

This is a great opportunity, and she will not let it go easily.


"As long as it doesn't have a big impact."

"This time, it won't take long. It will only take a few dozen breaths at most."

Lin Wudao smiled bitterly.

Yan Ruoshui has been staying for a long time, and he doesn't have that much money at all.

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