"Greetings, sir!"

"Greetings, sir!"

The eighth level of Jiutian Tower.

Under the leadership of Ji Yuan, a group of great emperors came to Lin Wudao and bowed respectfully one by one.

Although they have all become great emperors, they are not enough to see in the first heaven of this city of heavens.

The emperor is just the weakest here!

As the Supreme's descendant, although Ren Woxing's cultivation strength is not as strong as theirs, his background is incomparable.

It is no exaggeration to say that one word from Ren Woxing can determine their life, death and destiny.


Every emperor who arrived seemed extremely respectful and cautious.

They may reach the sky in one step, or they may fall from the mortal world and fall into the abyss.

"Shopkeeper Ji, are they all the emperors in the first heaven who know about the gods of incense and fire?"

There are many emperors coming this time.

There are about three hundred people!

Their respective cultivation levels are either strong or weak.

The powerful ones have reached the ninth level of the Great Emperor, and even begun to attack the realm of the Heavenly Emperor.

The weak ones have just become great emperors!

Since he had always played the role of Supreme before, Lin Wudao was naturally comfortable playing Ren Wo Xing.

His eyes were constantly looking back and forth at the great emperors.

"Sir, this is just a part of the Great Emperor!"

"Due to limited time, the villain just summoned the nearest emperor from Jiutian Tower."

"Other emperors will have to wait a moment..."

Ji Yuan answered carefully.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao nodded slightly.

"Everyone, the main reason I have called you here this time is to ask some questions about the incense gods."

"Does anyone know how to gather the will of all living beings to forge magical weapons to kill the incense gods?"

The will of all living beings?

The emperors present secretly searched their minds for memories of the will of all living beings.

"Young Master, the will of all living beings is a way for human beings to kill the gods of incense and fire."

"If you want to unite the will of all living beings, you need to meet several conditions."

"First, we need to find a person with a lofty identity and strong prestige to dominate the will of all living beings."

"Before, in the world I was in, when the war between humans and gods began, the emperor was the master of the will of all living beings."

"After all, the emperor has sufficient identity, status, strength, and prestige in the world."

"In addition to the great emperor, the emperor of the human world is also possible."

"Even the incense god itself can unite the will of all living beings and thus cast the treasure of all living beings."

"Secondly, to gather the will of all living beings, we also need the cooperation of all living beings to place their faith in the emperor or the magic weapon."

"Third, the ruler must be strong enough, otherwise he will be counterattacked by the will of all living beings."

There was silence for a while!

In the crowd, a great emperor in blue suddenly spoke.

Hear this.

Lin Wudao focused his attention on that person.

The speaker’s name is Yan Ruoshui!

She is a beautiful woman who has just become a great emperor...

Through observation, Lin Wudao discovered that there was still a trace of incense on her body.


There is also an extremely strong will.

That will is extremely firm!

It seems to be able to give people infinite courage, endless strength, and a shocking fighting spirit that is not afraid of death.

Yan Ruoshui, who originally seemed as weak as water, turned out to be like an unparalleled war god with the blessing of this will.

From her body, Lin Wudao seemed to see the invincible spirit that could dominate the world and overwhelm all enemies.


Yan Ruoshui must have just had a fight or a big battle with the god of incense and fire.

Her appearance made Lin Wudao very interested...

"The Great Emperor Ruoshui just fought with the God of Incense and Fire?"


"In the world where I live, a war between humans and gods is breaking out. I am responsible for guarding a large area of ​​the human world."

"Before entering the City of All Heavens, I just had a battle with an ancient god."

Yan Ruoshui replied respectfully.

"The emperor guards a large area?"

"It seems that the big world where Yan Ruoshui is located is much more powerful than the big world of Shenhuang."

Lin Wudao thought secretly.

"What was the final result?"

"Well, I held the imperial weapon forged by the will of all living beings in the great domain, and fought with that ancient lord for a whole day."

"Finally, a narrow victory!"

"If the ancient Lord God hadn't just been born and was in a weak state, with my Great Emperor's first-level cultivation strength, he would not be his opponent at all."

"Even with the blessing of the will of all sentient beings from the imperial soldiers, he still escaped..."

The main god corresponds to the human emperor!

Yan Ruoshui held the imperial weapon blessed by the will of all living beings, and fought with the ancient Lord God for a whole day before narrowly winning.

Moreover, he is still the newly born main god.

It can be seen from this!

The gods who have become the main god of incense are far more powerful than the great emperors in the human world.

"How can the will of all living beings be blessed on the divine weapon?"

Lin Wudao asked again.

"Reporting to you, Master, there are many ways to bless the will of sentient beings, and they are divided into many situations."

"If you are the ruler of a region, you can collect the souls and blood of all living beings, knead them together, and refine the divine weapons."

"This method consumes the shortest time, but the will of all living beings is mixed and very weak."

"Therefore, the power of the forged divine weapons is limited."

"The second method is to build a palace in the human world and enshrine the divine weapons that need blessing."

"Then, let all living beings in the world come to worship!"

"Over the years, it will definitely give the divine weapon a strong and solid will to all living beings."

"The magic weapon cast in this way is the most powerful!"

"The third method is for a highly respected ruler in the human world to guide hundreds of millions of creatures to hold sacrifices to heaven."

"Use the divine weapon as a sacrifice to heaven!"

"In this way, the will of all living beings can be temporarily blessed. Although it is very powerful, it will not last long."

"Under normal circumstances, after one use, the will of all living beings blessed by the divine weapon will completely dissipate."

"The fourth method..."

Yan Ruoshui talked about many ways to bless the will of living beings in one breath.


The most common of them are the first three.


Each of these three methods has its own advantages and disadvantages.

If you are not in a hurry, of course it is the best choice to pray to all living beings for blessing.

But now that Lin Wudao has said harsh words, he doesn't have that much time to slowly bless the will of all living beings.

"Can anyone use the divine weapon that empowers the will of all living beings?"


"Only those who can convince all living beings can use it, otherwise, it will be counterattacked by the will of all living beings."


It seems that we have to invite a great emperor to come down to the next world!

Lin Wudao sighed secretly in his heart.


To invite a god king to the lower realm, one breath would require one billion high-grade divine crystals. To invite a great emperor, it would definitely be an astronomical figure.

[System, can I directly recruit Yan Ruoshui to go to the great world of Shenhuang? 】

【Can! 】

[Yan Ruoshui is the first level of cultivation of the Great Emperor, and the world level she is in is higher than that of the Divine Desolate World. 】

[If you ask her to go down to the next world, she will receive one hundred billion top-grade divine crystals in one breath! 】


One breath, one hundred billion top-grade divine crystals?

Even though he was mentally prepared, Lin Wudao couldn't help but take a deep breath when he heard the price.

too expensive!

One breath is equivalent to a Ji Dao Imperial Weapon!

Still the best quality...

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