"Mu Qingyi and Ji Haotian should divide these wisps of original purple energy. Things that enhance qualifications and potential are still very rare."

"Goddess Ji, do you want it?"

Lin Wudao glanced at Ji Ruyue beside him and asked.

Hear the words!

She took a deep breath and nodded.


"You are truly an immortal. Even if you cut off your current cultivation level and practice again, it won't take long to become an immortal."


Lin Wudao gave the last ray of original purple energy to Ji Ruyue.

"Immortal Lord, the ancestor of your Penglai Immortal Clan left you a great creation in the God Burial Ground."

"Now, the thing is in Zhao Wushen's hands!"

"When you return to the great world of Tiancang, the entire Penglai Immortal Clan will undergo unprecedented changes."

"By then, the strength of the ethnic group will be enhanced."

"It's not even difficult for you to become an Immortal Emperor in one fell swoop..."


The creation of the ancestor?

Hearing this, Xiao Qinglan was shocked!

His eyes looked at Zhao Wushen involuntarily.

See this scene!

Zhao Wushen immediately handed the jade bottle containing the original blood to Xiao Qinglan respectfully.

"What's inside is a drop of the original blood of the ancestor of your Penglai Immortal Clan."

"Give it to the Immortal Emperor in your clan for use, and then the bloodline of the entire Penglai Immortal Clan will be sublimated."

"At that time, whether it is the Immortal Emperor Xiao Shoutian or you quasi-immortal emperors, their cultivation strength will greatly increase."

"However, I suggest you not to rush to break through the Immortal Emperor this time."

"Because that's not a good thing for you!"

"At the level of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, you are invincible as Immortal Lord, but if you become an Immortal Emperor, you will be nothing more than an ant."

"At that time, you will not be able to go to the first heaven of the City of All Heavens, you can only go to the fourth heaven."

"And in the fourth heaven, it is the cemetery of the Immortal Emperor..."

Lin Wudao said meaningfully.

Hearing his reminder, Xiao Qinglan nodded seriously.

"I listen to the young master!"


"The Immortal Emperor, although he can be called the pinnacle of power in the Panshen Universe, is still at the bottom in the City of All Heavens."

“If you endure it for a while, you can build a brilliant future!”

The words fell.

Lin Wudao used the power of the Supreme Tao Talisman to break through the void and left the Xuanhuang World.

Mountain world!

After returning from the City of All Heavens, Lin Wudao began to count the harvest of the God Burial Land in the statue space.


His cultivation level has been upgraded to the tenth level of God, and he has also obtained two invincible methods.

This increased his combat power by several levels!


With his cultivation as a tenth-level god and the powerful method in his hands, he can kill any god king in the world.

Even a saint is not afraid at all!

In addition to the improvement in cultivation and strength, the biggest gain is naturally the sacred stones and treasures.


There are also eighty-eight corpses of the titled God King...

Think of this!

Lin Wudao waved his hand and took out all the sacred stones and treasures in the Xuantian Divine Ring.

some of!

What he values ​​most is naturally the Space-Time Crystal and the Cauldron of Origin.

"The time and space crystal can transform and upgrade the Shanling Realm, turning it into my divine kingdom."

"And the Cauldron of Origin can also be used as my future weapon."

"The Great Wild Cauldron can no longer keep up with my pace..."

Lin Wudao was thinking in his mind.

After a while!

After carefully counting the huge harvest, Lin Wudao held the space-time crystal in his hand.


He tried to activate the original power of the mountain world and began to perform sacrifices.


The time and space crystal is not an ordinary divine object, it is the evolution and formation of a space and time after the destruction.

It is not easy to completely refine it and integrate it into the mountain world.

Even though Lin Wudao controlled the entire Shanling Realm, it took him two months to complete the sacrifice with the help of the original power.


Successfully integrated the space-time crystal with the mountain realm.


With the integration of the space-time Yuanjing, the hundreds of millions of people living in it have clearly noticed the changes.


Everyone in the temple has a personal experience.

They were surprised to find that they had spent ten days in the mountain world, but only one day had passed in the divine world outside.

"High Priest, has there been any change in the Shanling Realm?"

"Why do I feel that the flow of time here is different from the outside world?"

"One day in the divine world, ten days in the mountain world!"

Qingshan Temple!

Yu Zhentian, who had just returned from the outside world, asked Tushan Cangyue curiously.

Others also looked confused.

To this!

Tushan Cangyue nodded.

"Shanling Realm has indeed changed!"

"Before, the Great God personally took action to reshape the entire Shanling Realm and change the rules of the world."

"Under the new world rules, the speed of time in the Shanling Realm is ten times that of the outside world."

"From now on, practicing here will save a lot of time..."


Sure enough, the flow rate is ten times faster!

After receiving Tushan Cangyue's confirmation, everyone present showed extremely shocked expressions.

How powerful it is to change time.

They can't imagine it!


Compared to the shock in their hearts, they were more excited and excited.

The benefits brought to them by ten times the time flow rate are really great.

With the same qualifications and potential, it would take a thousand years to become a god in the world of gods, but in the world of mountains and mausoleums, it would only take a hundred years.

"Very good!"

"From now on, this place will be the supreme holy land of my Tushan clan, and everyone in our clan will be like a dragon."

“All of this is the grace of God!”

"Thank you, God!"

Everyone was so excited that they immediately knelt down on the ground and worshiped devoutly before the statue.


Just as everyone was prostrating, the originally silent statue also began to shine with bright divine light.


A majestic shadow appeared...

"Greetings to the great god!"

"Greetings to the great god!"

"Greetings to the great god!"

Everyone, in an extremely pious attitude, knelt on the ground.

"This time, I have made new adjustments to the world rules of the Shanling Realm."

"One day outside, ten days here!"

"From now on, Shanling Realm will be the kingdom of this god."

"Except for the original people of Shanling Realm, outsiders are not allowed to enter Shanling Realm without permission."

"In addition, I have recently acquired some divine objects and treasures, as well as many divine stones, divine materials, etc."

"This god will store it in a temple. Each of you can go to the temple and pick up a treasure."


As the sound sounded, Lin Wudao was seen tapping the floating island in the distance.

In an instant!

Under the creation of divine power, an ancient and magnificent temple appeared under the gaze of everyone.

Standing deep in the temple!

The divine light it bloomed illuminated the entire temple...

Seeing this, Yu Zhentian and others were greatly refreshed!

One by one, their eyes are full of yearning...

"Great God, can I choose any of the treasures in the temple?"

At this time!

Tu Shannuo couldn't help the excitement in his heart and asked.

"You can choose whatever you want!"

"However, although the treasures in the palace are powerful, they cannot be obtained casually."

"This god has placed restrictions on every treasure."

"The more precious and powerful the treasure is, the more terrifying the restrictions above it are."

"If you want to get the treasures in the palace, you have to rely on your own strength to break the restrictions."

"In the temple, there are treasures of true gods, treasures of gods, treasures of god kings, and even innate treasures."

"As for what you can get from it, it all depends on your own strength..."

Lin Wudao's majestic voice sounded in the temple.


Are there any innate divine treasures?

Everyone was excited when they heard it!


After getting Lin Wudao's permission, they immediately rushed into the temple as quickly as possible.

See it!

A mysterious smile appeared on Lin Wudao's lips.

In the palace, he did store eighteen low-grade innate divine treasures, but he also imposed powerful restrictions.

It cannot be broken without a tenth-level god king!


All they can do now is take a look...


After Yu Zhentian and the others left, Lin Wudao waved his hand, and three top-grade innate divine treasures appeared in front of Tushan Cangyue and Yin Siming.


And the World Bronze Palace...

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