Regarding the Kunlun Immortal Emperor, Xiao Qinglan had heard Lin Wudao talk about it before. He was a supreme being with a great title.

Her treasure of enlightenment is definitely a great opportunity that countless practitioners dream of.

In the future, if he can collect all nine Kunlun Emperor Steles, he may be able to obtain the blessings from the Kunlun Immortal Emperor.

As for the relationship between the Kunlun Emperor Monument and the Penglai Immortal Clan, he had no idea.

"Maybe the Kunlun Immortal Emperor had a relationship with my ancestor of the Penglai Immortal Clan."

He thought secretly in his heart.


After thinking for a while, Xiao Qinglan turned over and took out a chaotic ancient palace and handed it to Ji Wuya.

"Fellow Daoist Ji, the Kunlun Emperor Monument is so valuable. If you give it to me, I won't let you suffer."

"This is a true dragon dojo!"

"It was originally a chaotic space-time realm. Later, I encountered it by chance and smelted it into a dojo."

"The speed of time inside is a thousand times that of the outside world!"

"This thing can be regarded as a little compensation from me..."

True Dragon Dojo?

Time flows a thousand times faster?

Hear this!

Ji Wuya was shocked.

This True Dragon Dojo can definitely be regarded as a top-notch quasi-immortal emperor treasure.

"Xianjun, you are too polite..."

"Take it!"

"This thing is also of great use to your Ji family. It can shorten the training time and quickly accumulate knowledge."

"In that case, thank you Immortal Lord!"

Having said that, Ji Wuya did not refuse anymore and immediately accepted the True Dragon Dojo.


A few of them started chatting outside...

the other side!

While Xiao Qinglan, Ji Wuya and the others were chatting, Lin Wudao also entered the God Burial Ground.

After a while!

At the end of the corridor of the God's Tomb, he met Jiang Tianyin who was looking for him.

"Master Ren!"

The moment he saw Lin Wudao, Jiang Tianyin ran over with a smile on his face.


He handed a storage ring to Lin Wudao.

"Master Ren, I have already completed the matters you asked me to do."

"Inside this Xuantian Divine Ring are the top-grade divine stones, various divine objects, and divine treasures that I have collected."

"See if you are satisfied..."

Jiang Tianyin looked forward to it.

at the same time!

There was a strong awe in Lin Wudao's eyes.

He also heard about the fairy clan on the other side.

When they came to the God Burial Place, the other side of the immortal clan in the Xuanhuang World had already been expelled.

It is said that because he provoked the wrong people, all the powerful people in the fairyland were cut off and exiled to a lower world.

In an era, one cannot become an immortal!

He knew that this matter must be related to Lin Wudao.


He did not dare to speculate or imagine Lin Wudao's identity and origin. That was not someone he could provoke.

If Lin Wudao could be satisfied and make this friend, his life and destiny would inevitably undergo a shocking change.


Jiang Tianyin was very attentive to what Lin Wudao told him.

Half a day!

He almost turned the entire Xuanhuang world upside down.

The purpose is to raise sacred stones and treasures for Lin Wudao...

at this time!

This Xuantian Divine Ring is filled with a large number of top-grade divine stones and countless divine objects.

There are also thirty-three innate divine treasures!

If time hadn't been too tight, he could have collected more sacred stones and treasures.


Even so, Lin Wudao was very satisfied.


"You did a great job~"

Jiang Tianyin's identity is easy to use.

Lin Wudao's spiritual thoughts swept over the Xuantian Divine Ring in his hand and found that there were a huge number of top-quality sacred stones inside.

If exchanged for top-grade divine crystals, it would be around 880 billion.

There are also those thirty-three innate divine treasures, which are also an extremely huge wealth.


There are three high-grade innate divine treasures, twelve medium-grade innate divine treasures, and eighteen low-grade innate divine treasures.

If converted into luck value, it would be about 510 billion...


There are also a large number of god-level treasures, which is also a wealth that cannot be underestimated.


Jiang Tianyin can definitely be called the biggest fat sheep he has ever come into contact with.

In front of so many treasures, Lin Wudao became more and more fond of Jiang Tianyin.

"By the way, Mr. Ren, I went out to collect divine stones and treasures this time, and I found two good things."

"Maybe you'll like it!"


Jiang Tianyin seemed to remember something, and with a wave of his hand, a jade box and an ancient chaotic cauldron appeared in front of him out of thin air.

In the jade box, there is a purple prismatic crystal stone.

"Master Ren, this is a space-time crystal!"

"Integrating it into a small world can change the time and space inside and create a world of its own."

"The speed of time increases tenfold!"

"And this big cauldron is called the Cauldron of Origin!"

"Although it is just a low-grade innate divine treasure, it can continue to grow."

"As long as it is integrated with various innate materials, its level and quality will continue to become stronger."

"Not to mention the best innate divine treasure, or even an immortal treasure, it's possible..."

Jiang Tianyin introduced eloquently.

Listening to his words, Lin Wudao also cast his Eyes of Great Dao on the Space-Time Crystal and the Cauldron of Origin.

Name: Space-time Crystal

Level: Innate Divine Item

Quality: the best

Introduction: After the destruction of time and space, the innate divine object that evolved into it is integrated into a small god-level world, and the flow of time will increase tenfold.

Name: Cauldron of Origin

Level: Innate Divine Treasure

Quality: inferior

Introduction: 1. An innate divine treasure born in the place of origin. It is smelted with innate materials and can continue to grow.

2. There is no upper limit to growth!

Function: 1. It contains the energy of innate origin, which can return to innate energy the day after tomorrow!

2. Born with the power of origin, it can destroy everything in the world!

3. Suppress a region and return it to its original state of chaos!

4. Smelt all god-level materials in the world!

5. Hang it above your head to block the attacks of saints!

"nice one!"

Looking at the information presented by the Space-Time Crystal and the Cauldron of Origin, Lin Wudao couldn't help but praise it.

These two things are of great use to him!

"very good!"

"I like both the Space-Time Crystal and the Cauldron of Origin very much."

"Mr. Jiang, you are indeed my lucky star, haha..."

Lin Wudao patted his shoulder.


He turned over his hand and took out a wisp of original purple energy and handed it to Jiang Tianyin.

"As far as I know, Mu Qingyi has extremely high vision!"

"Ordinary people can't get into her eyes."

"Mr. Jiang, I can only help you so far. Whether you can achieve results in the future depends on your own efforts."

"However, if I have time, I will put in a good word for you..."

Lin Wudao said with a smile.

Hear the words!

Jiang Tianyin was immediately overjoyed!

"Thank you, Mr. Ren!"

"Don't worry, I won't let Qing Yi down..."

He patted his chest and assured loudly.

The expression is extremely determined!

To this.

Lin Wudao smiled and said nothing more.

After completing the transaction with Jiang Tianyin, he immediately began to go to the corridor of the tomb of the gods to excavate the tomb of the gods.

Although he is now extremely powerful in battle, the speed of digging the god's tomb is not that fast.


He doesn't have much time left.


At the end of the God Burial Ground, Lin Wudao, Zhao Wushen, Mu Qingyi, and Ji Haotian dug a total of eighty-eight god tombs.

"I declare that the deadline for the burial place of the gods has expired!"

"The next opening day will be the next era!"

Taoist Qingtian’s voice resounded in all directions.


The words fell.

His big hand swept through the void, and the passage to the God Burial Ground instantly collapsed, falling into endless time and space.

"Oh, what a pity~"

Seeing the place where the gods were buried disappear, Lin Wudao was filled with regret.

This place is simply a treasure trove!


He only dug up eighty-eight corpses of the titled God King from inside.

If they were all mined, their value would be absolutely immeasurable...

"Sir, shall we go back now?"

Xiao Qinglan came to the front and asked.


"The Land of God Burial is over, it's time to go back."

While talking.

Lin Wudao took out all the original purple energy he had obtained in the God Burial Land.

He handed it to Mu Qingyi and the others...

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